Well even though Half-Life 2 is a big let down, and is one of the most unstable games i've ever played, it is still better than Halo 2. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Halo 2 had a better storyline than Half Life 2? When did this happen?
And dual weilding isn't exactly something to be all yay over. At least Half Life 2 had... oh, I don't know, weapons that don't suck. _________________ Red Alert mod for C&C3. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:21 pm Post subject:
Halo 2 was a disaster, and should never have been released in the state it was. Half Life 2 was good, but lacked a solid ending. And came with CS: Source, which has kept me away from modding for far too long. _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
Yes, but does H2 have a real sniper rifle, something that goes BANG and fires a big bullet through a bunch of targets with a scope?
No. It has a crossbow (Serously, it's a CROSSBOW, even if it has superheated bolts) and a Magnum, neither of which serve the sniper category well.
I thought the HL2 story was.. kinda.. lame..
Go to Lab A, go to Lab B, go through Zombie-infested Village A, go to combine-infestd Jail A, go to back to Lab A, take over Point C, go into Big Tower A, escape from bad guys in Tower A, escape from bad guys in Tower A again, and kill Person C.
That's pretty much the whole game, without the minor thnigs. _________________ "Banned" RP here QUICK_EDIT
I'm talking about a simple HL2 storyline..
That's just the MAIN (REALLY, the MAIN) things in it.
Here it is, less simplified.
Go to Kleiner's lab, go to Airboat place, go to Black Mesa East, go get grav gun, go through Ravenholm, go to Nova Prospekt, meet up with Alyx, almost free her dad, go Kleiner's lab again, meet up with Barney, go destroy a Command Node, go meet up with Alyx and destroy a power plant thingy, go meet up with Barney & Dog, go into tower, go save Alyx and go kill Dr Breen.
Halo 2 was a disaster, and should never have been released in the state it was. Half Life 2 was good, but lacked a solid ending. And came with CS: Source, which has kept me away from modding for far too long.
Thats because Valve is makin Aftermath and Lost Coast which will be released through steam honestly you need to read magazines or somethin _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:44 pm Post subject:
Halo 2 had a very boring storyline as well.
Defend area A, go via dropship and defend area B.
Skip to Arbiter, kill lots of enemies and kill boss A.
Switch to Master Chief, go via ship to area C and work your way to boss B.
Switch to Arbiter, and disable a shield. Defeat boss C. Go through a random level with lots of enemies to kill.
Swap to Master Chief. Kill some enemies.
Skip to Arbiter, and kill lots more enemies.
Go back to Master Chief again, and kill lots of enemies.
Finally, go back to the Arbiter and kill lots of enemies to reach Halo's weapon, kill boss D and then end on a cliffhanger. _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
That's what I tried to say. Instead, I ended up screaming and eating small children.
Aftermath looks fun, though. Maybe I'm just a sucker for weather, but rain is always fun to battle in. _________________ Red Alert mod for C&C3. QUICK_EDIT
Yes, well.. fine, they both had crappy storylines.. I think Halo 2's was the better, though..
I haven't played Halo 2 much, the most I can remember was a "Tower of Power" round with shotguns/no shields and a two player on Cairo Station. Which, I found out that flashlights shut off in somewhat well lit places. _________________ "Banned" RP here QUICK_EDIT
HL2 forever!!! (well, Quake 4 and Unreal Tournament 2007 will pwn HL2 soon)
Now now, all we've seen are screenshots, which goes back to the age old "You don't play graphics" argument. Although, I will admit that Quake 4 looks for the win. Giant Robots are always fun. _________________ Red Alert mod for C&C3. QUICK_EDIT
UT2007 can't pwn HL2, as one is a multiplayer game and the other a singleplayer game. (MOSTLY)
Ontopic, both HL2 and Halo2's storylines were pretty standard, but ofcourse HL2 way of showing it is near perfection. It's the most cinematic game yet. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:05 am Post subject:
You bitches ever play Conker's Bad Fur Day? Or Live & Reloaded? Well, it owns both of them. As it is the only game you can take a rifle, run of a trench, shooting at plush dolls, screaming 'Come and get this you cocksuckers!'. And features parodies of HALO,TS/TD,Medal of Honor,Wolfenstein. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
half-life 2 pwned all!!! even though both games used havok, half-life2 enabled it to pick objects up and throwing them to spook enemies and such. Half-life2 also had made it so that the physics was needed to proceed on some maps. And on the DM you could barricade yourself by blocking entrences to sniper spots with varius debris and junk.
And the winner is:
HALF-LIFE 2 _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. Last edited by Denmon on Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Why? When you play HL2 at high settings you feel like looking at a movie. Some movies using HL2's engine where made (On FilePlanet I found some stuff)
@Tyler: MOH hard? What do you think the Allies, Soviets and Nazis did in the Second World War? Paintball? QUICK_EDIT
I started playin HL2, but at the high dificulty. It's pure pwnage!!!! F*ck easy and medium. Play at hard! It worths it!
Back on topic: HL2's story may be simple, but the action is intense. Levels like "Water Hazard", "We don't go to Ravenholm" or "Nova Prospekt" are pure pwnage. QUICK_EDIT
HL2 definately.
Incredible graphics, best physics engine out there, good storyline, all the guns are acctually USEFUL and the gameplay is phenomenal.
oh, and CS:S is really quite good _________________ Organised Rules.ini by Judeau QUICK_EDIT
so your saying that hl2 has a better physics engine then halo2? N00b alert! n00b alert! they both use "Havok" dumbass! _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Killzone was more overhyped than Halo, and that's hard.
And Killzone 2 is going the same way. =\
I totaly agree. I had several people talking about it up untill its release, and then when my brother got it a few weeks later, i understood why all those people acted like they had never played it. :p
Besides, its better if FPS games stay off consoles, unless you use a mouse and keyboard with them. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I didn't say it had a BETTER physics engine than HALO2, did i now? But it DOES have the best physics engine out there, and i didn't say nothing else shares it did i?!? _________________ Organised Rules.ini by Judeau QUICK_EDIT
Well u used the "Best" physics engine as an example why half-life 2 should win over halo2... _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I had a looksy in HL2's E3 2003 videos and they where outstanding. I think the beta version was twice better than HL2. As I see, you can`t carry only the pistol, grenades and a weapon (shotgun, machine gun, grenade launcher <- Yes, the bastards cut out the grenade launcher!!!, etc.). The Ravenholm level looks more exciting, you won`t find only zombies but combines too. Plus in the beta version of the level there where plenty more traps for zombies and combine. Alyx had a cooler outfit in the beta screenies, the zombies looked cooler in the beta (wtf, the blood on them was glowing) You can use tables to block doors...well I think it's possible in the released version too. The gravity gun had a cooler sound. I think I'll start getting in HL2 modding... Look here for some beta screenies and compare them with the game: http://www.planethalflife.com/half-life2/screenshots/.
I think HL2 beta would have pwn!
Crap, I tried to upload the trailer, but error! QUICK_EDIT
Corrent me if i am wrong, which is most probably correct in this case but isnt the story behind Half-Life 2 that they were almost finished, Some n00b opened a trojan in an email, the code got stolen, and it was posted on the net, so they decided they would start the coding ove again, and then they were rushed and left alot of the original ideas out, and why they are loads of bugs? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
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