Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:28 am Post subject:
A friendly Hello and Offer
Subject description: Guess who is back
Hello everyone, I dunno who's still around. Anyway I am not gonna hide around the bush with it. Yes its me Nero. Yes I have been banned in the past. I hope we can let bygones be bygones and have a fresh new start with each other. Its been years.
How are you all doing?
Don't worry I am not here looking for trouble. In fact, I have a lucrative offer.
See I always wanted to finish my Orange Alert mod but I never got to do it.
I need help.
And I am willing to hire said help.
What I need is someone who can help me with the following:
Resizing public voxels
Adding remap to public voxels
Making new effects such as explosions and projectiles and debris
Particle effects
"Map making" (no worries, we will make a mod that works with original campaigns and just make them a bit harder.)
SHP related work (not making things from scratch no worries).
All work will be done with TibEd and with the community tools. Don't fret. TibEd works 100% I tested it and its easy. Furthermore it allows others to load the TibEd mod and configure it.
I will not use ARES or any other "patch". Except the graphics patch that boosts performance.
I will not use custom pallettes.
I have no clue how to make the mod work for BOTH RA2 and YR.
Why should you take the hire? Well I am willing to pay up to 200$ a month given that the work provided by you is up to it. Meaning I expect 10 hours of work either with me on discord or alone. That's 20$ for 1 hour.
I will send this money from bankaccount to bankaccount. So you may have to deal with taxes. Upon completion of hte mod there will be a small bonus.
I am an experienced TS modder. Sure my skill is limited and I forgot a lot of things... but I can still make use of finished assets and know how to integrate them. ini editing is no problem for me.
I want this mod to be finished within a half year. This isn't a total conversion or some huge project. No. This is all about making Orange Alert. If you've seen Orange Sun then you know what we're up for.
English or German is required.
So, who0s in? Any recommendations? Spread the word please. You can contact me here or on:
Alright fine that part is debatable. We can do it the old way but I'll still try to load the mod into TibEd in the end. That is possible. I successfully loaded Aro's UMP mod (which he removed sadly) for TS.
I want to bring new people into modding and that software really is a great help. But I see your point. QUICK_EDIT
You can PM me for help, I've been taking commissions lately, but almost nothing you're asking about required TibEd, so I don't know why you even bring it up... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
You can PM me for help, I've been taking commissions lately, but almost nothing you're asking about required TibEd, so I don't know why you even bring it up...
You're right. The one who can use it is me. All you have to do is provide the code and I'll integrate it. You wouldn't have to touch tibed at all. Furthermore I could send you the tibed made RULES.ini file or other ini files for you to look into and add stuff.
Has anyone ported YR into RA2 yet? Stuff like battle fortress and robot tank and guardian gi and so on. Or are the RA2 campaigns playable in YR? QUICK_EDIT
The RA2 campaigns can be modified/updated to make them playable in YR. Several people have already done this, if you search you'll probably find them for download.
If you want both the RA2 and YR missions to be playable you'll need to use Ares tho. _________________
But Battlefortress and Guardian GI should work in RA2 right? They can be ported over right? I can understand that Robot Tanks sadly wont function since they need a new logic...
As there were substantial features lacking in RA2, this is now a YR mod. And I got a cool campaign planned for it too!
As for making the mod. I will be doing all I can and then outsource everything that I can't. The offer still stands. Everyone capable is welcome to help out. QUICK_EDIT
I decided to go with auto building repairs. Its just so convenient.
Tank bunkers for EVERYONE and buildable like 30 to 50 spaces away from main base.
spysatelite for EVERYONE and all buildings are GAP GENERATORS.
Substantial amount of units added to make them feel more like a real military and less goofy. Goofy things go to yuri like Terror Drone.
Income purely oil derrick based (haven't decided on this one yet)
Just a fun to play mod with many slight updates.
No such thing as country specific units or buildings but powers and stats like in RA1. So Germany gets better tanks while france gets better infantry and so on. QUICK_EDIT
The fact is there have been a thousand would-be modders promising great things, writing long screeds about their lore, and explaining how their mod will be different, only to give up and disappear. No one cares, until they see progress, and if they like that progress, they might consider contributing.
No one will help you learn how to mod, no one will hold your hand, they will always work less than you, they will be less motivated than you. You have to be the leader, with vision and enthusiasm, showing that you can overcome barriers and not get lazy. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 Aug 2009 Location: Moscow State University
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 10:41 am Post subject:
Nero7O wrote:
About my mod idea.
I decided to go with auto building repairs. Its just so convenient.
Tank bunkers for EVERYONE and buildable like 30 to 50 spaces away from main base.
spysatelite for EVERYONE and all buildings are GAP GENERATORS.
Substantial amount of units added to make them feel more like a real military and less goofy. Goofy things go to yuri like Terror Drone.
Income purely oil derrick based (haven't decided on this one yet)
Just a fun to play mod with many slight updates.
No such thing as country specific units or buildings but powers and stats like in RA1. So Germany gets better tanks while france gets better infantry and so on.
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