Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 4:14 am Post subject:
[Solved, Cause Undetermined][RA2] Late Skirmish Game AI Internal Error 004C600F Troubleshooting
Subject description: Asking for Some Hints & Ideas; IE description posted in the Message Body
I've been modding RA2 and YR off and on for 4 years, having no issues checking and debugging rules.ini errors and I know the basics of various tools to add and change units animations buildings UI buttons etc.
Currently modding vanilla RA2; encountering consistent (and possibly the only) IE during usually late skirmish game against multiple AIs.
When did this start to happen?
1) I modded my own copy of vanilla RA2 almost 4 years ago, and it seemed to me that the AI-related IEs are always there, but back then I didn't read the except so I couldn't remember.
2) Recently I resumed modding and started testing AI scripts by
-Playing a random skirmish map and let the AIs continue attacking for many hours and see if any IEs pop out
3) I tested on two of my machines, one running Windows 10 and another Windows 11. It seems that the one with Windows 10 gets less frequent AI IEs with this EIP number.
And here's what I did step by step to try solve it:
1) First, checked the except.txt and found out that this has been happening repetitively for a month. Strangely enough almost no other unpredictable IEs happened whatsoever during this time (only one time with another EIP but never mind).
2) Played on other skirmish maps and assured that this is not an issue with skirmish maps but rather general AI scripts.
3) Tried searching for this EIP number on the Internet and found almost no results.
The only seemingly relatable post, suggesting that this might have something to do with AI triggers (and I agree)
4) Used AICHECK for trouble shooting, and here's the output:
(Rules, Art and Sound outputs ignored but NO errors with registered items, only a bunch of unused art items left uncleared. No sound.ini error).
---- AI.INI ----
checking [TaskForces]...
checking [ScriptTypes]...
checking [TeamTypes]...
checking [AITriggerTypes]...
AI Totals:
5) Tried restoring the conditions for this IE and changing variants:
-Blowing up AI Conyards and let the AI keep attacking, eventually ensured that this is not related to AI build building issues
-Then blowing up AI War Factories and let the AI only send infantries, NO IE at all
-I'm inclined to believe that this has something to do with AI vehicle teams (naval teams not tested, only played at all-land maps)
6) Checking AI settings from rules.ini...
Here are some AI-related flags I changed:
Stray=12.0 (Changed stray value so AI can produce huge infantry teams without blockage at its own base)
That's so far what has happened and what I did to find out the issue. Unfortunately, I'm still not able to locate where the problem is, and I don't want to take empty guesses.
The AI.ini is attached to this post. It will be greatly appreciated if someone who has encountered this issue before can give me a hint or share what you did to address this issue. Even if there's no solution to it I'd still be happy to hear it.
My AI.ini (Pretty dumb AI for testing and fun, running fine with all infantry team triggers, AI checked and no errors. IE pops out when AI can build vehicle teams, I presume)
Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:13 am Post subject:
Additional Information & Update on Testing
Thanks for the reply. Here's the status update:
1) Checked the rules.ini and all the items you mentioned do exist.
---- RULES.INI ----
processing declarations...
[General] -> OKBuildingSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: SmokeStackSys
[General] -> DebrisSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: VSSmokeSys
[General] -> DamagedBuildingSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: SmallSmokeSys
[General] -> DamagedUnitSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: VSSmokeSys
checking [Animations]...
checking [SmudgeTypes]...
checking [OverlayTypes]...
[V16] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[V17] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[V18] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[FENC] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY2] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY3] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY4] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY5] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY6] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY7] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY8] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY9] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[CRAT01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0A] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0B] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0C] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CYCL] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BARB] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[RAILBRDG1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[RAILBRDG2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DRUM01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DRUM02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[WOOD] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGEB1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[BRIDGEB2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY10] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGE1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY11] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGE2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY12] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY13] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY14] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY15] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[PALET01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
checking [TerrainTypes]...
[VEINTREE] -> TERRAIN missing ART data
checking [VoxelAnims]...
[TIRE] -> VOXELANIM missing Warhead value
[TIRE] -> VOXELANIM missing Damage value
[METEOR01] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Meteorite
[METEOR02] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Meteorite
[SONICTURRET] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
[CRYSTAL01] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
[CRYSTAL01] -> VOXELANIM missing ART data: CRYSTAL01
[4TNKTURRET] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
re-classifying undeclared objects...
checking [InfantryTypes]...
[ENGINEER] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[DOG] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[SENGINEER] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[ADOG] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
checking [VehicleTypes]...
[HIND] -> VEHICLE has Passengers value but is not Transport or OpenTopped
[SHAD] -> VEHICLE has Passengers value but is not Transport or OpenTopped
checking [AircraftTypes]...
checking [BuildingTypes]...
[GAWALL] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[NACNST] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY01] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY02] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY03] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY04] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY05] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY06] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[GACNST] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[NAWALL] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[GTGCAN] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CAKRMW] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[GASAND] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCB] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCP] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCW] -> BUILDING not found or no data
checking [Particles]...
checking [ParticleSys]...
checking [Projectiles]...
checking [Weapons]...
[RPGTower] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[HornetLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[CRMakeupKit] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Bomb] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[ASWLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Heal] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Nukebomb] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LaserFire2] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[SlimeAttack] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[DredLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Proton] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[EMPulseWeapon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[EMPulseWeapon] -> PROJECTILE not found or no data: PulsPr
[MechRailgun] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Hellfire] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[V3Airburst] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LtRail] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[CyCannon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[V3Launcher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Dragon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LaserFire] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
checking [Warheads]...
analyzing unclassified objects...
[PulsPr] -> unknown object found
[IonCannonSpecial] -> unknown object found
2) Checked again with C&C AI Editor, no error log.
3) Thought this has something to do with AI triggers:
-Tried adding Autocreate=yes to all teams, IE persists; then tried to disable Autocreate=yes to all teams, same. This has nothing to do with this flag.
-Tried to give unique trigger conditions to every AI team, IE persists.
rules ini; I don't think this really needs to be checked as the AI Checker found no issues with the rules.ini, but here it is.
These should not lead to crash but here are few tips:
- If you are deleting or modifying any script/AITrigge etc. in ai.ini, check in SP missions for any impact.
- When your taskforces are large, increase CloseEnough in rules so that those could complete any Move to/Gather scripts.
- Don't use Recruiter=yes in ai.ini, it could mess up single player missions.
- If you remove entries in [BuildingTypes] in rules, it could affect the building index used in ai.ini scripts. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 6:15 pm Post subject:
Second Status Update
Many thanks for your replies!
Here's what I remember the changes done in my rules.ini in the past:
-All units and weapons tested, NO issue at all (as these issues will fire immediate IE)
-removed some empty buildings (like NAWAST and NAHPAD) from the registered list and deleted duplicated entries (NAPSYA= 241, 185). This leads to the AI engineer not capturing tech buildings.
-added some new buildings (GAGUNT, NAFLMT) and restored bugged buildings (CITY01-06, CACITY01-04, CAPOFGL, CAIRFGL)
-deleted some obsolete TS flags
And here's what I'll do next:
-I sincerely appreciate you people's help, and I will take probably half a day to test the new ai.ini in a random Skirmish game with AI;
-The test timespan will last for 4-6 hrs, just to make sure that no IE 004C600F pops out (other IEs are ignored)
-Right now the rules.ini will stay what it is; the test platform will be on a Windows 11 machine.
I will be back soon. Thank you for the help again. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 5:09 am Post subject:
Third Status Update
Third Status Update:
Started another skirmish game 5 hours ago, and encountered IE twice;
1) The first IE fired after 40 minutes of gameplay, its number starts with 0054875(?), since not 004C600F, didn't care and proceeded to load the saved game and continue playing;
2) The second IE fired after roughly 4 hrs of gameplay, 004C600F. It persists with the modified ai.ini I downloaded from user wow4ik81's attachment.
3) Stopped testing, and presumed that this IE might not be relevant to mismatched building indexes.
Nevertheless, many thanks for fixing the mistakes in my ai.ini, and I recall why I didn't notice the building indexes change:
-I added new buildings to rules.ini whilst deleting some empty entries.
-I didn't use the C&C AI Editor back then, probably another AI Editor that doesn't require the user to provide their rules.ini.
-Wrong building indexes.
Also, to answer G-E's question:
---- RULES.INI ----
processing declarations...
[General] -> OKBuildingSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: SmokeStackSys
[General] -> DebrisSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: VSSmokeSys
[General] -> DamagedBuildingSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: SmallSmokeSys
[General] -> DamagedUnitSmokeSystem PARTICLESYS specified is undeclared: VSSmokeSys
checking [Animations]...
checking [SmudgeTypes]...
checking [OverlayTypes]...
[V16] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[V17] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[V18] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[FENC] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY2] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY3] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY4] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY5] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY6] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY7] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY8] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY9] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[CRAT01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0A] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0B] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CRAT0C] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[TRACKTUNNEL04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[CYCL] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BARB] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[RAILBRDG1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[RAILBRDG2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DRUM01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DRUM02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[WOOD] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGEB1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[BRIDGEB2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY10] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGE1] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY11] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[BRIDGE2] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[DUMMY12] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY13] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY14] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[DUMMY15] -> OVERLAY not found or no data
[PALET01] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET02] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET03] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
[PALET04] -> OVERLAY missing ART data
checking [TerrainTypes]...
[VEINTREE] -> TERRAIN missing ART data
checking [VoxelAnims]...
[TIRE] -> VOXELANIM missing Warhead value
[TIRE] -> VOXELANIM missing Damage value
[METEOR01] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Meteorite
[METEOR02] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Meteorite
[SONICTURRET] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
[CRYSTAL01] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
[CRYSTAL01] -> VOXELANIM missing ART data: CRYSTAL01
[4TNKTURRET] -> VOXELANIM references deprecated ShareSource/ShareTurretData/ShareBarrelData: use Image= instead
re-classifying undeclared objects...
checking [InfantryTypes]...
[ENGINEER] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[DOG] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[SENGINEER] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
[ADOG] -> Prerequisite BUILDING specified is undeclared: Barracks
checking [VehicleTypes]...
[HIND] -> VEHICLE has Passengers value but is not Transport or OpenTopped
[SHAD] -> VEHICLE has Passengers value but is not Transport or OpenTopped
checking [AircraftTypes]...
checking [BuildingTypes]...
[GAWALL] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[NACNST] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY01] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY02] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY03] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY04] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY05] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CITY06] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[GACNST] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[NAWALL] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[GTGCAN] -> BUILDING missing AIBasePlanningSide
[CAKRMW] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[GASAND] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCB] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCP] -> BUILDING not found or no data
[CAFNCW] -> BUILDING not found or no data
checking [Particles]...
checking [ParticleSys]...
checking [Projectiles]...
checking [Weapons]...
[RPGTower] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[HornetLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[CRMakeupKit] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Bomb] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[ASWLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Heal] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Nukebomb] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LaserFire2] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[SlimeAttack] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[DredLauncher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Proton] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[EMPulseWeapon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[EMPulseWeapon] -> PROJECTILE not found or no data: PulsPr
[MechRailgun] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[Hellfire] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[V3Airburst] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LtRail] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[CyCannon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[V3Launcher] -> WARHEAD not found or no data: Special
[Dragon] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
[LaserFire] -> WEAPON exists but is unused
checking [Warheads]...
analyzing unclassified objects...
[PulsPr] -> unknown object found
[IonCannonSpecial] -> unknown object found
checking Animations...
checking orphaned objects...
[SMOKEY] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[PULSEFX1] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-SW] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[YURBLANK] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[PULSEFX2] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-S] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-NE] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[DROPEXP] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-E] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-NW] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[NAPULS] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[VEINATAC] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[MISLMLTI] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-W] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[FPLS] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[STEAMPUF] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[BURN-L] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[FIRE3] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[BURN-M] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[TREESPRD] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[DBRIS1HV] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[DBRIS2HV] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-N] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[DBRIS3HV] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[SAM-SE] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
[BURN-S] -> unused ART object or referencing object undefined
---- AI.INI ----
checking [TaskForces]...
checking [ScriptTypes]...
checking [TeamTypes]...
checking [AITriggerTypes]...
AI Totals:
---- MAPCHECK ----
Total processing time: 491ms
Nothing strange to me. The error.log was generated with original rules.ini and modified ai.ini. Art and sound left untouched. And as I've stated in the first post, I didn't post the entire log since no real issues detected with other stuff besides AI. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 2:24 am Post subject:
Fourth Status Update
Fourth Status update:
To User wow4ik81:
1) Sorry I wasn't available for some hours. Minutes ago I briefly read your second edited ai.ini and the edited rules.ini and I'm ready for another go.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe.
2) I actually left my machine running for the second test during the idle time, and here's what happened:
-I noticed that with your first edited ai.ini, there was a significant decrease in the frequency of 004C600F IE popping out; before it fired around 40 minutes to 2 hours of gameplay, with your ai.ini it fired after 4 hrs of gameplay, as I've stated.
-In my second test, I destroyed AI's other buildings and left SEALs to do barrack camping, and in this case the AI would perpetually try to fulfill a base defense infantry team whilst queuing attacking teams.
*Also, I intentionally left some straying infantries alive outside of SEALs range so the AI would consider the base defense team at an "unfulfilled" status rather than destroyed.
After 16+ hrs of AFK "gameplay" not a single IE fired.
3) I will post another status update after the third test with your newest ai.ini and rules.ini. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 5:57 am Post subject:
Fifth Status Update
Fifth Status Update:
Just finished the third run without any changes, unfortunately. Here's what happened:
-Smooth gameplay for 1hr and 50 minutes then the same IE 004C600F fired.
*I was running the game at maximum speed, and I don't know if game speed could lead to any AI-related issues.
So far I made no significant progress in finding out the cause of this IE, and I'm starting to think of transforming my edited ini sections from vanilla RA2 to Ares since Ares has a much better debugging feature.
Also, I recall the fact that I did the same AI late-game IE test for Mental Omega 3.3 (which is of course based on Ares) about two years ago, and after 12 hrs of AFK on maximum game speed with AI always on the attack no IE fired.
I don't know if this is due to their superior AI.ini or it's that Ares offers a much more stable gameplay with fewer IEs. But this is definitely something I should try to figure out myself.
Regardless, wow4ik81's edited ini is quite resourceful, and I appreciate your help, no matter the result. There are a lot of flags you edited that I can use for reference for future AI editing. Also shoutout to all the users who replied to this post. Thanks for the info. QUICK_EDIT
We could have helped if you were on YR instead of RA2. I asked in discord server also but there was no reply.
Ares doesn't do much for stability with AI but it does offer better debug logging. And community has better knowledge when it comes to IE on YR. QUICK_EDIT
I found other errors in the ai.ini and rules.ini and corrected them
Maps can also be buggy and cause the game to crash. To test it, I've included a map for you, which is cleaned up and only has the most necessary functions. Please only test the new inis with the map to rule out further errors, good luck.
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:09 am Post subject:
Sixth Status Update
Sixth Status Update:
I got some time to run the 4th test in the last 12 hrs; and in fact I had a similar thought that maps may cause the problem.
I ran the first 3 tests on my own custom map (made with Steam released FA 2.0, no map triggers, no ignore general AI settings, 8-player simple all land map with tech buildings and ore, tree and traffic light overlays. The only neutral units are excavators).
The 4th test is run on the official map Heck Freezes Over(2- and the same IE strikes again.
Also to answer other users' questions:
To E1 Elite:
I understand. RA2 is rarely used for modding nowadays, and I recall the reason I chose modding RA2 back then was simply my personal preference for the story, without any consideration of features, mod support, stability and so on. I'm aware of the difficulties and before I made this post I spent a reasonable amount of time searching the IE table and solutions on the Internet.
Also on the note of Recruiter=yes, I noticed that this flag could lead to a game crash on Singleplayer missions, and the reason I did this is because of this post:
where someone's AI stops attacking in the middle of the game. In my case it's AI's infantry teams suddenly stop executing orders and be idle for the rest of the game. I addressed this issue by setting all infantry teams recruitable.
And I don't have any intention to play Singleplayer missions with my modded files right now.
To G-E:
Thanks for the info. I will use AICLEAN to check for errors on the inis used for 3rd and 4th tests,
whilst running my 5th test with user wow4ik81's inis on my Windows 11 machine.
To wow4ik81:
Again, thank you for the consistency. I will definitely go for another run and see the changes.
This is what I will do next:
-Use your 3rd edited ai.ini and 2nd edited rules.ini
-Use your provided map for testing
-Fastest game speed
-No destroying AI's factories and any other buildings, just let the AI attack
-Wait for 4-6 hrs and ignore IEs other than 004C600F
I will post another status update when this test is done. At the meantime I may go check AICLEAN stuff. QUICK_EDIT
Recruiter=yes won't make any difference in ai.ini for skirmish as all teams are of Group=-1 and using any other Group is not recomended in ai.ini. Single player maps use groups for recruitment which will get affected if you use Recruiter=yes. Can refer -
As your mod in small, if you are not particular about RA2, could port it to YR. Not only you have more support but you get engine extensions like Ares and Phobos. Also there is YR client. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:06 am Post subject:
Seventh Status Update
Seventh Status Update:
Sorry for the delay.
I finished the run with user wow4ik81 ini zip with the map given. Here's what happened:
1) 8 hrs of continuous AI attack on a map with maximum 5 players, NO IE fired (including non-004C600F). Hurray.
2) However, there's a serious blockage in every AI's base since large infantry teams always strive to gather at the rally point. Some poor conscripts will never get to the rally point and keep running around.
In my own rules.ini and ai.ini, the reasons I set AIBaseSpacing = 2 and AIBuildsWalls = 0, 0, 0 (and also turning off every ProtectWithWall boolean) is to at best avoid this pathfinding issue with infantries.
I think, I might need to redo the test with some parameters changed, and I will post the changed version of my rules.ini and ai.ini to this post soon, just to be sure.
3) This is a minor issue; might be relevant to overlay index changes:
Every building with LeaveRubble=yes set will leave Kremlin Walls as rubble for some reason when destroyed. I think I might need to restore GAWALL_A entry in the registered overlays.
This is a verbatim bug from the original rules.ini like the "pparatroopers =E1" and the "maxdebris".
And here's what I'll do next:
First, thanks for the help and support. I can't get this far WITHOUT your contribution to the post. Before I (a. give up and port everything to Ares) or (b. live with this IE and continue modding RA2) I will keep this post alive and update information.
1) Change some parameters back to my own settings, particularly those relevant to pathfinding and AI unit rallying scripts.
2) I will run two tests: one on the user wow4ik81's 5-player map, and one on my own 8-player all-land map—and I will post the map here in case anyone wishes to take a look. I believe this map doesn't cause bugs.
3) The tests shall take longer, but I'll surely be back and show the results.
4) Also, just to be sure, I will post my art.ini and sound.ini here.
And to answer user E1 Elite's reply:
1) You are right. I think what really does the trick is AreTeamMembersRecruitable=yes rather than Recruiter=yes. I probably mistook the description for Recruiter on the Modenc page back then. I will run the test with every Recruiter=yes turned off in general AI settings.
2) I will bear this in mind. So far I haven't added any overlays or tiles, but if I do I will change my version of FA2.
3) Thanks for the info. Will do.
4) Again, thanks for the info.
The attached files (updated rules.ini and ai.ini) will be posted soon once they are finished.
8-player all land map. Some buildings (RA2 traffic light, only has snow appearence) won't appear in original copy of RA2 (I fixed it in my own ra2.mix).
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:05 am Post subject:
Quick Update
Quick Update:
Changed some parameters in rules.ini and ai.ini.
These files are temporary for the tests, if the IE strikes back I will check all the flags I changed one by one and see where the problem is.
I will post the Eighth Status Update when the test is done.
Also I increased CloseEnough fourfold (from vanilla 2.25 to 9) to address the infantry pathfinding issue. Personally I think Stray=12 is still needed, and I don't plan to play Singleplayer missions with my rules.ini (changing stray values will affect mission waypoint triggers, as we know).
I have adopted your last changes and changed others.
Your changes are very interesting for multiplayer but there could be problems here and there in the campains.
In the campaign missions I recommend that you use the standard values.
I've played with your ai.ini and rules.ini files for hours and haven't had any crashes or freezes so far.
my last changes:
- AI repairs destroyed bridges
- AI replaces destroyed Construction Yard with MCVs
- HTNK and MTNK lose their turret when destroyed
What I would really like to know is how you made it so that buildings can repair themselves automatically?
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:13 am Post subject:
Quick Update; Still Testing
Quick reply to user wow4ik81:
Appreciate the changes made, and the turret debris is absolutely fun to watch. I copied your code template to LTNK and APOC. Sadly in RA2 and YR the DebrisMaximums flag is broken so it's best to set the turret as the one and only debris for basic tanks(Otherwise we will see more than one turret coming out from one destroyed tank).
I see. I'm thinking of other reasons including my OS or hardware. And as I've said in the first post, it seems that I get less IEs on my Windows 10 machine with a 6-core processor (my Windows 11 machine has a 24-core processor, and I always turn on multi-core optimization for RA2 when gaming).
Currently I'm still testing, and I sense a very likely connection between TeamDelays and this 004C600F IE.
In your 3rd modified ai.ini this value was set to 1500,2000,2500 and there was no IE crash;
When I changed this value to 200,200,200 there were constant 004C600F IEs (range from 40 minutes to 2 hrs);
Then I changed this value to 600,600,600 there were still the same IEs but they fired around every 3-4 hrs.
The average AI infantry teams range from 40-60 units; I gave AI 2 extra cloning vats-functioned barracks to boost up infantry production.
The average AI vehicle teams range from 6-12 units; no extra war factories were given to AI to boost up armor production.
Also I changed
BuildSpeed=.45 ; was .8 in vanilla rules.ini
This is not confirmed; just my guess based on some (and insufficient) evidence.
Also on the note of VHPScan
I added this tag to various units to improve targeting;
in vanilla rules.ini only one VHPScan=Strong is given to NASAM and I felt this is a huge waste of a good feature.
Last, to answer your question about building auto repair:
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:41 am Post subject:
Eighth Status Update
Eighth Status Update:
I heard user wow4ik81's statement that there was no IE when playing on their own machine, and I decided to do a cleaning up for .mix files:
1) Extract everything I modified from those .mix files
2) Clean up the game folder completely and reinstall the game
3) Port everything back to the original ra2.mix, language.mix and THEME.mix
4) Run the game again
And here's the test result:
After 12 hrs of AFK and letting the AI attack no IE fired.
*However, there's a gradually increasing lag in *very* late games, it could be that AI built some units that somehow went out of the map boundary. Nevertheless, no IE fired and this is what I care about the most.
Sadly, I'm unable to determine the exact cause of this IE. Here are my presumptions:
-Relevant to AI triggers, fire constantly when TeamDelay is set to a disproportionately low value in comparison to the average AI team size
-When the AI is free from base unit blockage or any relevant issues (units go out of the map boundary) they will go full-time team building and this IE will potentially trigger
-In my case, after I did a clean reinstall of the game and reinstalled the CnCddraw this issue disappeared. I don't know if this issue will come back.
So by now, this issue is set to [Solved, Cause Undetermined].
Thanks to every user who participated in this conversation. I hope this post can be of some little use for reference if someone in the future runs into a similar issue.
And many thanks to user wow4ik81's work that helped me greatly in developing solutions. I should buy you a coffee for your time and contribution. QUICK_EDIT
Reverse engineering methods get assembly ASM language code and generate a pseudo C language code from the game(md).exe binary. C&C remastered source code is helpful in mapping function calls. Community is at it for over a decade to do that for YR and TS. Nobody is interested in RA2. Disassemblers, debuggers, IDA Pro etc. tools are used. QUICK_EDIT
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