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Various Red Alert 1 Vehicles [.obj]
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Pyro Sniper

Joined: 13 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:21 pm    Post subject:  Various Red Alert 1 Vehicles [.obj] Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Various Red Alert 1 vehicles I made for my own sh!ts and giggles. With RA1 taking place sometime in the 1950s/maybe early 1960s I change many of the vehicles to vehicles that would have been in use during that era. I have decided to put them up for others to mess with. Models are Wavefront .obj and .png textures.


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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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Rocket Cyborg

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Very nice models!
Also i like the look of V2 rocket launcher. It will be good idea if someone will make it as a voxel.

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's a 8U218 launcher, I've made a voxel of it for D-day but it isn't public.

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Rocket Cyborg

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It is very nice voxel! I hope someone will remake this thing too.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I absolutely love those, fantastic work
The oldschool style absolutely has its charme.

I got around recently doing the vehicle models for my game, but they will take a long time to be decent.
Can you do me a favor and upload another copy of these with turret and barrels, just one for the dual ones, as seperate models?
Same wih v2 missile, i still need it as a projectile model too and for the phasetank i just need the phase parts and turret, i assume the missle racks arent supposed to pitch.
For the wheels the same deal one for each kind, can be shared between units too if you think it looks good, i can individual wheels for the wheeled vehicles, since t3d doesnt have tracked vehicle support im not sure about tracks, but i think in the future it might be useful.
Im probably not the only who you would save a lot of work, i mean you will need to split them up anyway to be usable.
Hope im not being too demanding but do you think you could throw in a pair of tank mgs, i would love to see those shred things apart as seperate turrets on the turrets.

Im terrible with models, it would save me a days probably and now that i have working turrets i desperately want to try those, even if i dont end up using them finally i really would love to see those ingame usable even if only placeholders.
I could have em working in a day, i hope to do another day to cleanup some files and then release.
Sadly torque3d doesnt have a tracked vehicle class so i will have to make the tanks as wheeled vehicles and i have no real good workaround for now.
Im just putting those into the game, they look really great, its too bad the turrets are just props, but still it gives me a good idea how it should feel like.

Another thing i would like to do later on is port over to see how they look in the godot engine and spring later on too.
I dont know where i can upload about half a gig worh uncompressed, idk how much then, but if you could help me out iwth this too you could drive these yourself even before next year maybe.

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Pyro Sniper

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Its awesome you got this done so quickly, woke up and saw this now im busy rigging, most work will take resetting the offsets and correctin material files, but its not much.

I think i could be done until tomorrow, mostly need to clean up files and stuff.
Not sure what/when/where i can upload this stuff, maybe it makes more sense if i just upload the vehicle data for now instead of the whole package with buildings and stuff.

I hate to bother you since you did so much, but you could send the truck and ranger model with wheel seperated too please, it looks and feels so much better with actual working wheels.
Also im letting you know im going to go crazy on the truck and ranger textures, expect lots of skins and stuff.

The only chat systems i use currently are tox, springlobby and matrix, if you have an "account" there give my our id and il get right back to you.

Seems you decided not to do the support vehicles, not that im dissapointed, but i would be curious how those would look like if you did them in similar style.

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Pyro Sniper

Joined: 13 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


Updated the download link above with the Demo Truck and Jeep.

I have none of those accounts. Sad

I skipped the support vehicles as they have no means of being used as weapons. If I made the missing support vehicles they would likely be quick and dirty.

Minelayer=APC with bulldozer blade and gun removed.
Radar Jammer=APC with gun removed and radar dish put in its place.
Mobile Gap Gen=Demo Truck with recycled parts for the Gap Gen building on the back
MCV=Ore Truck with recycled parts for the ConYard building on the back
Supply Truck=Demo Truck with nuke signs removed


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Happy new years and hi again.
Nice you got them updated so quickly, im still busy finishin the ranger/apc/arty and sorta got the rest halfway well working.
So far i love watching infantry get it from both barrels, i havent even done tusk missiles yet, once those work it will be pure ownage.

I can see why you chose to omit the support vehicles, i was mostly curious if you have had any ideas for those kinda like you did with the tesla tank.
The m48 and t54 open a lot of potential for expanding to other more modern variants like the magach series tanks or the super m48 and whatnot, theres gonna be lots of stuff i will do eventually, perhaps even add some new turrets.
It will take much time until i can find the perfect fine tuned paramters for these rides, but i got some good base values so far.
Maybe once i find time and get more profficient in model editing i change the m48 to a m60 and same for the t54 to t55/t62.

Another thing that came to my mind was the monster tank, i really want to have this one in some day in one form or another, its just too epic not to do, i dont know if you have any concepts of what it might look like or work like.

I feel pretty burned out, i pushed myself for almost the entire month to work on this, i think il work on another game for a bit to take a break once i got the vehicles working mostly.
Really happy however i finally have some good looking semi working vehicles, these make excelent templates.
Once i find a place to upload i hope i can share these, i dont want to needlessly set on those for who knows when.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi again, i hoped someone would post, expected these models to cause more uproar, hoped i could avoid double posting, i dont want to stretch it too far.
Anyway, my project is going decently, but i hit a hard part of the road, theres lots of things that need fixing but theres some very troublesome parts.
Most stuff is somewhat working and satisfactory for their intents and purposes.

After longer looking and contemplating i have reached some conclusions and ideas i like to share.
For one i would like to request some more adjustments and pieces, if you could make me a 90mm m48 barrel with the rounded muzzle break, that way i can make a gun upgrade into a magach 3/m48a1g2.
Another thing that would be really cool is if you can make the m48 into a m103, the shape is almost the same, it just needs scaling and i think some extra wheels.
It also came to me that it would be nice to have a single barrel t54, if you could do me a extra favor id like the ir light of the t55 as a seperate model so i can make it uprgadable(maybe even functional).
After some consideration i came to conclude that it would be useful if the mammoth tusk launchers were seperated from the model, it would enable much more interesting customization options, i just need one model for one launcher btw, i can do the mirroring ingame.
I really like how the truck back has a seperate texture, however if it were a seperate model then i could do many things on it, like a bm13 type mrls or anything else really.
Last but not least i noticed the light tank looks almost like the m18(m32) if you changed the side slope and made a triangle like angle between the hull and tracks and bump out the engine room in the back a bit.
If you could make me a m41 turret for it you would do ma a huge personal favor, i love both and miss driving those around, i can make a m41 hull eventually myself, i can sorta do boxish simple suff, it also almost passes as super hellcat.

While i was browsing more free models on the net i found a mig 17, i was thinking of using it and some yak model will find itself eventually, instead of using the ah64 the ah1g will fit it, dunno if mi 24a fits the time, but there is nothing else to fit in.

On the side this inspired me to make another alternative timeline cold war gone hot universe with those, plus is4m, zsu23-4. t34, btr152, gaz(forgot which), also some vietnam era stuff like m113, m110 plus some other cool stuff for the americans and as an extra the centurion, lucky for me those are all boxy so do those myself someday.

As for the red alert community, some time ago a friend of a friend met with us and he just happened to go to a lanparty where they were playing ra, i didnt go but this is just amazing coincidence.
If you happen to hang out in any irc channel or any that is bridged to it, i could reach out to you.
Also i dont want to make too many screenshots, but here are a few, but even moreso i can share the whole game, however theres a slight catch, the uploader deletes it in 48h and i need to split it up, i would be glad to share what i have so far, but only on personal request with that in mind.

On the side i also recommend you try the new engine release at
Eventually along the line i will need some help, id if anyone would have the time, i could use a programmer to help me out for sure, also other many secondary stuff that i struggle with.
Last but not least i found this article, guess where that image is from, disturbing stuff tbh, sorry for rambling but i thought i make it count.

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Pyro Sniper

Joined: 13 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Don't see my self coming back and editing these anytime soon since I'm putting all of my free time into TS and some TD models for the Tiberium Harvesting Sim project.

You are free edit the models your self or fine someone to edit them for you.

Best of luck on your project!


C&C in RA-1 Get it here 100+ Single Player Missions! Now playable on CnCNet 5!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nice you got back to me so quick.
Too bad you dont have time for this, maybe later you might find the time and interest, but i understand.
Maybe i can ask for favors from some other people who are profficient at modeling, or once my stuff is in order do it myself, but this will take a long time.

My hope is that by sometime late spring i will be able to release a public beta that is mostly functional.
By that time i will have recovered my account data and post this project publicly.
Right now what is holding me back is mostly gui related, but i got the basics working and also the unspaghettification of different subsystems like building and tech is a real headache literally.
If things go well we might see the most awesomest red alert remake ever functioning well enough to pass as almost done by the end of the year

Also you might be excited i decided i will remake the interrior missions as fps levels with stuff like siren lights and smoke and everything, each level will be extremely unique.
In addition i will remake each map and mission from ra including exapsnsions.

Perhaps after that you might be encouraged and have more time to reconsider my little requests.
Either way thank you again for those fantastic models, your adjustments have helped me so much, i am amazed at how nice things have turned out.
Im still somewhat suprised nobody else seemingly used any of your models yet.
Your projects sound pretty cool, looking forward to see what you come up with, good luck to you too.

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Pyro Sniper

Joined: 13 Feb 2007
Location: C:\Westwood\ TechLevel=12

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 3:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

asnow is the dev behind Tiberium Harvesting Sim and is building it in Unity. I've been volunteer model maker. I'll post some screen shot of the object and new coding test build.

Good news is that I have had some time and this is what I got done.

*Allied Med Tank/M48 has an optional barrel with a "T" muzzle brake
*Soviet Heavy Tank now has single optional single barrel turret so you can make a T-54 tank.
*Mammoth Tank has a optional Tusk-less (no missile pods) turret.
*Flatbed Supply Truck added. Should work fine to make something BM-13 like.

The link I posted back on Fri Dec 30, 2022 has been updated with all of the changes and more.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Wow nice, you are the radest dude man.
Can you tell me some other stuff you changed in the files?
I dont want to sift trough all the files now that i have almost all of them sort of working ingame.
Thanks man, i will absolutely put these to good use there is much space for funky stuff in the future, i intend to have research like in generals but cooler in tech centeres and also tech techcenters.
The cool thing about the flatbed is i can put just about anything on it pratically(i could do the same everywhere but its weird enough already with chrono stuff).
If one day you could find the time to alter the light tank to be an m18 and medium to m103, that would be just the cherry on top of the cake.

My work is going on well, i managed to unspaghettify lots of important code that was all over the place.
Its mostly cleanup and gruntwork for now, also i might have my first map actually ready.
Until its all properly working it will take some time, but most of the basic required stuff is or can be done quickly.
If all goes smooth theres gonna be something out soon enough i hope.
Heres some extra screens to make it worth while,EZchF6ZH/5mixrDzV.png
In case you are wondering why i havent thrown out the chrismas decoration yet, i still need it to configure some stuff, it will be gone by the time of the release and you can expect very nice lights on all structures.
Thing should go pretty smoothly now, with minor oversights and stuff i need to for a later release, but all in all i think there might be something out there soon.

Your projects look pretty nice, seems like its going places.
Out of curiosity, do you plan on releasing ts assets, or any other assets sometime in the future?
I already have stuff for a ts remake i work on, but on another engine, however if you did release stuff i would also make another remake of it since its along the way so to speak.
Looking very much forward to anything you make in the future, you have some great modeling skills, good luck and keep at it.

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Pyro Sniper

Joined: 13 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Turrets and barrel are now centered in the world origin. This means they should be simpler to animate as the axis point is already set for you.
Units that don't have turrets and barrel like the Tesla Tank and Chrono Tank have been added to the download.
Textures are in the download.

TS/TD models:
The TibSun and TibDawn models are a mess. They are 60+ individual model/textures .zip files. I need to DL them and combine them into .zips by side. This will shrink the overall download size as there are many shared textures that can be removed if the models are pack into 3 of 4 zips (Nod, GDI, TD era and Civ)


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi again yall, i hope you doing well and allens project is met with success.
Its somewhat poor to see that the models havent found more applications yet, considering theyre just obj with all separet parts.

Anyway im posting to say im planning on releasing my red alert remake with those assets sooner rather than later.
The vehicles will be included, but sadly not there yet in terms of getting the proper balancing of stuff needed, which is a total pain in the rear.
Its all free and opensource, so every can use it in which way they want and i will make it more community accessable over time, i might make a nam of with these next too.
I decided for now to rather go in the short term how rebarns did it with their infantry demo.
It will have all classes functional and weapons, but far from perfectly balanced.
Some of the structures are functional too, but still i need of much work, i hopefully will have some of them included in an update, its just much to sort out.
There are also 4 pretty much functional game modes, with (crappy) bot support, so you can play solo or over lan/vpn whatever, i have no master server plan yet so people can figure out on their own, but its not hard to do.

I got a thread here that will function as news source for the game for the time being.

I also tried to make a package module with the units for the spring rts engine, but its not entirely finished yet neither, i which will be public use too once its somewhat working.
Would be nice if that would rouse some more projects to use these and the structures, those are really good models once again.

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