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Campaign Feedback
Moderators: Aro, Crimsonum, ErastusMercy, Lin Kuei Ominae, ^Rampastein
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Joined: 17 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:33 am    Post subject:  Campaign Feedback Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

General Ideas
-As a reverse from Tiberium Dawn Campaigns’ Difficulties the TI NOD Campaign should be easier while the GDI one is MUCH HARDER
-4 years is too long. The UN would have decided GDI’s fate in just days and disbanded most of them in a few weeks
-No matter which side you are playing both sides feel that NOD is still winning/dominating Earth. More and more of UN and various nations’ forces are integrated into the Brotherhood.
-UN and Forsaken forces should be seen fighting alongside NOD in both campaigns. UN forces should be using Dawn GDI and later Globaltech equipment
-Falcon Division should only have around 12k soldiers. Phoenix Regiment number around 900. Genesis have 1 Million Cyborgs and twice that number in Drones. Sons of Kane have 500k troops
-75% of NOD, including the Elite Black Hand, don’t bother with the GDI Rebels or get involve in the civil war between Genesis and the Sons of Kane
-Most of NOD cares more about their space colony and the teleporter in Temple Prime, located in South Africa

GDI Campaign
-Start each mission with more forces but expect most of the initial force to die very quickly early on
-Some of the starting NOD forces are veterans and already have crate upgrades (improved firepower most of the time)
-Mission 1: Takes place a few weeks after the end if the Tiberium War. UN forces are hostile once player has taken the base. They join their Nod masters in attacking GDI.
-Mission 4: The NOD base should be described as a backwards outpost. Which is why GDI can take it.

NOD Campaign
-Start each mission with veteran troops and much more funds. As the story progresses the player starts with more and more Cyborgs and Drones with each Mission
-Sons of Kane should have Infectors and Drones in the Campaign since they are NOT cyborgs! They should have more Mutant troops.
-During the civil war, UN forces stop fighting GDI and Globaltech. Insurrectionist commands UN to transport more people to the Moon or Space Colony. In the Civil War Missions, UN forces are not available to both NOD subfactions

-Mission 1 gives the player Forsaken troops alongside Nod volunteers eager to prove their worth to Kane
-Mission 3 The air base is considered backwards
-Mission 5 should state that GDI and Globaltech are committing the majority of their troops

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