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[Allied] Air Force Commander
Moderators: - geno -
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- geno -
Energy Commando

Joined: 29 May 2003
Location: Manila

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 9:13 am    Post subject:  [Allied] Air Force Commander Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Branch: Allied Air Force
Tactical Overview: Air Supremacy Tactics and Improved Air Force Technology

This Commander is a master of air strategy and specializes in this area. The even-tempered, yet uncompromising, This Commander gets the bonuses of more powerful air units as well as more powerful air based Commander's powers. Now specializes in advancing the role of Allied military aircraft division and has more aircraft in its disposal than any other Commanders and all of the aircraft are advanced in comparison to their standard Allied aircraft versions. Now witness the true air supremacy, though this ground forces are weaker they are not to be left dormant that easy.

Modified Buildings:

Aircraft Pad
Cost: $500
Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Air Force Command HQ, Allied Battle Lab
- Provides additional Aircraft space
- Low Cost
- No radar ability, cannot be spied

Modified Defenses:

[ No Image ]
Cost: $600
Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Barracks
- replaces Pillbox
- cannot be mind controlled and does not gain veterancy
- stealth detection

[ No Image ]
Advanced Patriot Missile
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied Construction Yard, Allied Barracks
- missiles do more damage, faster rate of fire, longer range

Modified Infantry:

Vanguard G.I.
Cost: $200
Prerequisite: Allied Barracks
- Cannot be crushed when deployed
Strong Against: Infantry, Light Vehicles
Weak Against: Anti-Infantry Vehicles, Helicopters, Aircraft

Cost: $200
Prerequisite: Allied Barracks, Radar
- Starts as Veterans
Strong Against: Infantry, Light Vehicles, Light Aircraft
Weak Against: Anti-Air weapons

Modified War Factory Vehicles:

[ No Image ]
Kodiak Light Tank
Cost: $700
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory
- Lighter armor, more faster
- replaces Grizzly Battle Tank
Strong Against: Light Vehicles
Weak Against: Anti-Tank Infantry, Helicopters, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Humvee I.F.V
Cost: $500
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory
- Replaces standard Rocket IFV
Strong Against: Light Infantry
Weak Against: Anti-Tank Infantry, Tanks, Helicopters, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
LOSAT Humvee
Cost: $700
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Radar
- Replaces the German Tank Destroyer
- Fires a LOSAT missile, cannot target aircraft
- LOSAT can be blocked by terrain
Strong Against: Tanks
Weak Against: Anti-Tank Infantry, Helicopters, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Battle Lab
- Fires 4 Heatseeking Missiles against everything
- Can float on water
- carries a first generation ECM that can intercept enemy rockets or missile projectile on flight within range.
Strong Against: Tanks, Missiles, Helicopters, Aircraft
Weak Against: Anti-Tank Infantry

[ No Image ]
Robot Copter
Cost: $600
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Robot Control Center
Powered By: Allied Robot Control Center
- Lighter armor, more faster
- will crash if unpowered or if  robot control center is destroyed
- cannot be mind controlled

Strong Against: Light Vehicles
Weak Against: Anti-Air

[ No Image ]
Robot Tank
Cost: $700
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Robot Control Center
Powered By: Allied Robot Control Center
- Equipped with Chain Guns and Missiles
- cannot be mind controlled
Strong Against: Tanks
Weak Against: Anti-Tank Infantry

[ No Image ]
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Airforce Command HQ
- Replaces Apache Longbows
- guns and missiles do more damage
Strong Against: Infantry, Light Vehicles, Aircraft, Tanks
Weak Against: Anti-Air

[ No Image ]
Assault Nighthawk
Cost: $1400
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Air Force Command HQ
- Passengers can fire outside
- now only 5 passengers can be transport
- Nighthawk guns are now upgraded, increase more damage.
Strong Against:  Light Vehicles, Infantry, (Depending on Infantry inside)
Weak Against: (Unmanned) Anti-air, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Cost: $1400
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Air Force Command HQ, Battle Lab
- Carries 3 Medics upon built
- Can Transport 3 Infantry
- Unarmed

[ No Image ]
Tomahawk Launcher
Cost: $1500
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Battle Lab
- fires guided missiles
- replaces Prism Tank
Strong Against: Light Vehicles, Buildings
Weak Against: Tanks, Helicopters, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Valiant Battle Fortress
Cost: $2000
Prerequisite: Allied War Factory, Allied Battle Lab
- Battle Fortess can now fire TOW missiles
Strong Against: Infantry, light vehicles, Tanks (Depending on Infantry inside)
Weak Against: (Unmanned) Tanks, Helicopters, Aircraft

Modified Naval Units:

[ No Image ]
Missile Destroyer
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied Shipyard
- Destroyer canons are now replaced with missile tubes
Strong Against: Vehicles, Ships, Naval Artillery
Weak Against: Helicopters, Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Advanced Aircraft Carrier
Cost: $2000
Prerequisite: Allied Shipyard, Allied Battle Lab
- Aircraft Carrier's hornets can now fire in the air
- Hornets now have 2 ammo and fires missiles instead of the old Hornet bombs
- Now carries 4 Hornets
Strong Against: Aircraft, Buildings, Tanks, Infantry, Ships
Weak Against: Submarines

Modified Aircraft:

Harrier 2
Cost: $1200
Prerequisite: Allied Airforce Command HQ
- radar Invisible among players.
- Do more payload damage.
- now carries 2 ammo
- Can now do hover maneuvering
Strong Against: Aircraft, Tanks, Light Vehicles, Ships
Weak Against: Anti-Air, Fighter Aircraft

[ No Image ]
King Eagle
Cost: $1400
Prerequisite: Allied Airforce Command HQ
- upgraded with laser guided targeting, now have Improved weapon damage
- can penetrate garrisoned infantry
- now carries 2 ammo
Strong Against: Base Defenses, Infantry
Weak Against: Anti-Air, Fighter Aircraft

[ No Image ]
Hypersonic Fortress
Cost: $1700
Prerequisite: Allied Airforce Command HQ, Allied Battle Lab
- fires a single powerful bomb
- faster than ordinary Fortress Bomber
- ordnance cannot be effectively aimed at targets
Strong Against: Buildings, Infantry

[ No Image ]
Sky Crane
Cost: $1000
Prerequisite: Allied Airforce Command HQ, Service Depot, Battle Lab
- Unarmed Helicopter that can carry 1 vehicle across the Battlefield
Weak Against: Anti-Air

***Note: All Subject to change for Balancing ***


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