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A potentially silly idea.
Moderators: Dawn of the Tiberium Age Staff
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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 17 Apr 2014

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:46 pm    Post subject:  A potentially silly idea.
Subject description: Open exploration of a gamemode/map concept
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Hello everyone,
I've been toying around with various maps on DTA repeatedly and I got to thinking after playing a few unique skirmish levels.

Before I jump into my concept idea, I want to outline some features that struck me as interesting that was in some existing skirmish maps.

1. Buoyant City: The civopaclipse that is the result of players destroying too many civilian units/structures. The aftermath of which is very deadly.

2. The new oil refineries in some new skirmish maps, that allow passive income.

Now into the meat of it.

Every so often I find myself playing Buoyant City just to trigger the civilian retaliation to eradicate other factions. However whenever I do this, I do so with Nod's stealth generators to ensure that my own forces are not targeted by the new civilian horde. This got me thinking.

What would it be like for a skirmish map that focused on stealth game play to achieve victory? Granted Nod is the only faction that has stealth tech, but I was thinking of a concept specific to a single map that would allow other factions to capture a special structure that provided the same stealth effect (or just a bunch of unpowered stealth generators littering the map). In such a map I propose the following;

1. Constant roaming hordes of "civilian" enemy units traversing the map's roadways. These would respawn, to ensure a constant even pressure on the players. As well multiple hunting units actively seeking out player units and structures.
2. Multiple capture-able special stealth structures across the map to hide player forces from the hordes mentioned above.
3. Multiple oil refineries to provide income, as well multiple tiberium fields for those players that like to live dangerously.
4. Limited build space (which should be obvious given the stealth field limitation and the enemy saturation).

I understand this idea is a major break from standard skirmish game play, pushing it more towards a mission style format. However I find the diversity  in skirmish maps that DTA has provided to broaden the very concept of standard skirmish.

From what I was thinking strategy wise for such a map, I can imagine players using small squads to infiltrate enemy bases, attracting attention of the hostile civilian units to then lure them to enemy positions, or even a survival scenario where players simply need to outlast each other.

What do you think? Would such a skirmish map be interesting, or would it be to odd in a skirmish setting?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

overall just thinking its a great idea, definitely attempt a proof of concept map to see how this can work out. in general it can make a basis for a neat game mode, d as most are adaptations of common games like Capture the Flag, etc. Possibly this can be a bases for a specialty mod that is built for this game play. good luck!


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