Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:11 pm Post subject:
Red Alert 20XX
Hi everyone! What started as a personnal modding project became much bigger than I first anticipated, and it got me thinking that maybe someone would be interested in what I was creating. I never really had in mind to release a mod for YR, but if there is enough interest for it, might as well make it public. So here is the conceptual approch of the mod, what I have planned and what is done so far.
I always had a love-hate relationship with YR for so many reasons, so this mod is an attempt to fix what I feel makes RA2 a bit rubbish.
-Less cartoonish palette by changing most of the animation and having darker voxel;
-More visual effects like debris, lightning on explosion, new weapon animation and color coded elite weapon (similar to the mechanic introduced in Generals);
-More useful infantry by lowering vehicle speed and lowering the damage they take from tank, bombs, etc;
-Removing technology, units or mechanic that I find a bit stupid (Giant Squid, Dolphin, Mirage technology, Crazy Ivan, Wheather Storm, etc) or redundent (having prism tech just to mirror tesla tech, for exemple);
-Removing Yuri faction. I appreciate the new mechanics it brings, but everything about Yuri as a third side seems unfinished, unbalanced or underused. Plus, I hate Yuri's aesthetic. But who knows, maybe I'll think of something else for a third side;
-More coherent sides and subfactions. This implies that sides are also a bit more asymmetric (no airfield, planes or anti-aa specialized unit for the Soviet, but no helicopters or mobile bases for the Allied).
==========The Allied==========
The Allied forces value tactical approch and flexibility, leaving brute force to the Soviet. They tend to use basic ballistic weaponry in early game, and deploy high technology later on. They rely more on infantry usage than the Soviet, have more speed, more range and their cannon are more precise than their adversary. Overall, they have much more mobility and can easly strike behind ennemy lines in many ways. For exemple, they are the only side to have airfields or spies. Their defense are also not reliant on power, an advantage even if they don't have the highest firepower. As their techtree expands, they'll use EMP weapon to incapacitate vehicle and long range sonic armament.
However, the Allied are no match against Soviet forces on a 1v1 situation, because of their ligther armor and lower DPS, so you'll have to be creative managing their armies. Fortunaly, the Allied has all the tool it needs for this task. The Allied has three subfactions :
The USA : The isolationist and corporate heaven America, specialize in superweapon usage and spec ops tactics.
The European Union : The Allied world-police supernation, specialize in high technology and armor.
The Pacific Shogunate : The protectorate of the Pacific, under the absolute autority of imperial Japan, specialize in air superiority.
==========The Soviet==========
Leave subtlety to the Allied; the Soviet engage head-on into battle whatever the cost. Not only do they have impressive firepower and armor, but their usage of flamethrower and tesla technology gives them an edge in early game. They also make more usage of imprecise weapon with large AoE, effective against infantry army. They rely mostly on vehicle, and have a few tools to assure their survival on the field. With the Battle Lab build, it's more of the same, but better : better firepower and armor, mixed with radiation armament. The Soviet also uses propaganda on the field, giving a buff to affected units.
The Soviet do not have much in term of protection against airpower, leaving them vulnerable to the Allied's fighter jet and bomber. Their reliance on power to defend themselfs can also be seen as a weakness. But in direct confrontation, the Soviet have no equal. There are three communist subfaction :
The USSR : The old guard of the communist world, trying to maintain its power but still seen as the leader, specialize in pure brute force.
China : The new challenger to the communist hegemony, open on the world and neocolonialist, specialize in infantry usage and propaganda.
The Eastern Republic : Designed to be the first responder in the case of an aggression with the west, specialize in radioactive armament.
As of now, the Allied faction is about 70% done and the Soviet around 90% done.
I'll leave some screenshots here and I'll be back shortly with a brief description of the core soviet infantry and vehicle.
A successful american battle against a Soviet base.
1.06 MB
14031 Time(s)
Russians destroying japanese forces.
965.16 KB
14031 Time(s)
The Eastern Republic against European forces.
1.07 MB
14031 Time(s)
The Eastern Republic attacking a american base.
1008.45 KB
14031 Time(s)
Last edited by mtkii on Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Here's to this mod not becoming a clone of Red Resurrection
Altho the VXLs certainly look they came either from there and/or MO.
What's wrong with the vanilla VXLs? Just give them a slight color change at most... _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
are you talking about the theater template? Because I did not make it, it's public asset. But if you were talking about the animation, I mainly use those of RA1 and TS. Thank you none the less.
Here's to this mod not becoming a clone of Red Resurrection
I don't know what you mean exactly by this, but it's RA2, so yeah the Allied/Soviet dichotomy is gonna get used in most of the mods RR is a great mod and it deserve respect, but it's not what I am aiming for (it's not really my cup of tea to be honest). The mod I'm presenting here is much more modest in scope than RR or MO for that matter.
Altho the VXLs certainly look they came either from there and/or MO.
Unless I am mistaken, everything I use is public assets, so nothing from RR or MO (I know how rippers are treated, and they are rightly so).
What's wrong with the vanilla VXLs? Just give them a slight color change at most...
I just never really liked how every units in RA2-YR looks like toy, and I think it's in part because of the brightness. Allied scheme is mostly okay, but the Soviet dirty-white scheme always bugged me. So they are more dark, while keeping the overall soviet scheme. Last edited by mtkii on Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Altho the VXLs certainly look they came either from there and/or MO.
Unless I am mistaken, everything I use is public assets, so nothing from RR or MO (I know how rippers are treated, and they are rightly so).
I rest my case
MO and RR use public assets as well, but then probably refined them a bit. But they remain similar to the original public asset, which is what I was referring to.
mtkii wrote:
What's wrong with the vanilla VXLs? Just give them a slight color change at most...
the Soviet dirty-white scheme always bugged me. So they are more dark, while keeping the overall soviet scheme.
My point exactly Change the color and they'll be just dandy QUICK_EDIT
I rest my case Smile
MO and RR use public assets as well, but then probably refined them a bit. But they remain similar to the original public asset, which is what I was referring to.
Oh I see what you mean then. Still, I think my mod is not too much of a copy from RR, in term of visual and unit concept.
Back to the mod. Let's start with the Soviet arsenal, without any country specific units.
==========Soviet Core Armament==========
Role : Basic infantry
Weapon : AK-XX
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Slightly cheaper than its Allied counterpart (90 credit vs 100 credit)
Credit : Merophage
Flak Trooper
Role : Basic infantry, Anti-Air
Weapon : Mobile Flak
Prerequisite : Barrack
Role : Engineer
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Capture building, repair building and bridge
Credit : Merophage
Terror Drone
Role : Anti-Infantry, Anti-Spy
Weapon : Steel Blades
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : The Terror Drone is not a vehicle anymore. It replaces the Attack Dog. Slightly more armor than the Allied Attack Dog. Detect spies and intantly kills infantry by transforming them in a mist of blood
Credit : ZombyDragon (for converting the SHP from vehicle to infantry)
Role : Anti-Infantry, Anti-Building
Weapon : Portable Flamethrower
Prerequisite : Barrack + Radar
Note : Explode on death
Credit : raminator
Tesla Trooper
Role : Heavy infantry, Anti-Vehicle
Weapon : Tesla Gauntlet
Prerequisite : Barrack + Battle Lab
Note : More armor than RA2's Tesla Trooper, can buff Tesla Coil
Credit : ImP_RuLz
Soviet Komissar
Role : Infantry Support, Anti-Building
Weapon : Airstrike Flare
Prerequisite : Barrack + Battle Lab
Note : Will buff infantry surrounding it (+25% armor and +25% damage), can call airstrike on building
Credit : Trans_C, unknown for the aircraft voxel
Heavy Miner
Role : Harvester
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : More armor and more storage than its Allied counterpart, but slower
Credit : B.A.Znd
Flak Track
Role : Recon, APC, Anti-Air
Weapon : Light Flak Cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Hammer Tank
Role : Main Battle Tank
Weapon : 125mm Cannon
Prerequisite : War Facotry
Note : More armor and more firepower than its Allied counterpart, but slower
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Role : Long Range
Weapon : x6 Rocket
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : Fires 6 inaccurate rocket over a large zone
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Tesla Tank
Role : Glass Cannon
Weapon : Tesla Sphere
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : High firepower, low armor
Credit : Azri_Apoc
Role : Light Balloon Hover
Weapon : Dual grenade launcher
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : Good versus infantry and light target
Credit : B.A.Znd
Mine Layer
Role : Defensive Support
Prerequisite : War Factory + Service Depot
Note : Deploys mines on the battlefield, detect cloaked at short range and is immune to mines
Credit : Azri_Apoc (modified)
Mammoth Tank
Role : Heavy Tank
Weapon : Dual 125mm Cannon and Mammoth Tusk missile
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Uses its two weapon at once
Credit : MigEater
Mobile Warfactory
Role : Mobile unit production
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Deploys into a lighter War Factory which repairs nearby vehicle
Credit : Damfoos for the voxel, xuetianyi for the building
Kirov Airship
Role : Heavy Balloon Hover
Weapon : Bombs
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Role : Base expansion
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Credit : Longwall
Most of the building for the Soviet stay the same, so I'll only covert those that are really modified.
Credit : Radar Dome and Missile Silo by MadHQ, Flak Cannon by Shin.Peter.Pan
Flame Tower
Role : Anti-Infantry Defense
Weapon : Large Flamethrower
Prerequisite : Barrack
Credit : Merophage
Service Depot
Role : Repair
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : Nearby vehicle auto-repair slowly
Credit : kenosis
Went I'll have more time, I'll show the USSR's unique units next.
EDIT. Found the author for the MCV. Last edited by mtkii on Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:59 pm; edited 4 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Soviet Komissar
Credit : unknown for the aircraft voxel
Credit : ????
In the case of the source/creator of an asset being unknown or lost, you shouldn't use their asset. Not without first asking on the site where you got it from whose it is and whether or not the original creator allows you to use it in your mod.
You can probably ask here too, someone's bound to know something.
Regardless, I like what you have going here. QUICK_EDIT
In the case of the source/creator of an asset being unknown or lost, you shouldn't use their asset. Not without first asking on the site where you got it from whose it is and whether or not the original creator allows you to use it in your mod.
You can probably ask here too, someone's bound to know something.
Regardless, I like what you have going here.
For the plane, I've downloaded it on RA2DIY around 2009-2010, I think. I'll replace it without a doubt if I can't find the author, but I was kind of hoping that someone on PPM could help me identify its creator. If it can help, it was in a pack of three planes, and this one in particular had swastika on the wings (it was an WWII alternative history voxel pack, I think).
For the MCV, I have the author's name, but I just realized that PPM can't allow chinese words... So the best I can do is copy it in an image I guess!
Given how long it's been available, I'm surprised that I seem to be the first to use it in a mod.
To expand a bit on the country specific units and buildings, I tries to follow some self-imposed rules to make sure every countries are unique, but still share a common identity and gameplay style :
-One veteran core unit per country;
-Two unique units per countries;
-Four units that replace core units, and core units cannot be replaced by more than one country specific unit.
With that in mind, here is the USSR's unique arsenal, coherent with their pure brute force doctrine.
==========USSR Armament==========
Veteran unit : Tesla Trooper
Volkov Soldier
Replaces the Soviet Komissar
Role : Tactical super infantry
Weapon : Heavy AT Rifle + Airstrike Flare
Prerequisite : Barrack + Battle Lab
Note : Born from the destroyed Volkov Cybernetic Program. In essence, Boris from vanilla YR, without the build limit.
Credit : Medusa
Battlemaster Tank
Replaces the Hammer Tank
Role : Main Battle Tank
Weapon : Dual 120mm Cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : More costly than the classic Hammer Tank
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Replaces the Pirana
Role : Medium Balloon Hover
Weapon : Heavy Chaingun + Inaccurate rocket volley
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : A flying tank, fires its weapon simultaneously. Slower than the Pirana, but more armored.
Credit : RLY_BiG_Tank (modified)
Replaces Mine Layer
Role : Offensive credit generator, Deminer
Weapon : Rotative Steel Grinder
Prerequisite : War Factory + Service Depot
Note : In an attempt to counterbalance the higher cost of USSR's uniques units, vehicle and building destroyed by the Scavanger grant 10% of the destroyed unit's value. Also, detects cloaked at short range and is immune to mines
Credit : MadHQ
Iron Fist
Unique Unit
Role : Defensive support
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Once ready, the Iron Fist will cast a Iron Curtain on nearby vehicles.
Credit : Salted Old
Apocalypse Tank
Unique Unit
Role : Superheavy Tank
Weapon : Dual 128mm Cannon + x6 inaccurate rocket
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : The Apocalypse Tank is the largest tank ever designed by soviet engineer, making it almost a superwespon in itself. For 5000 credit, the tank can obliterate armies and whole bases.
Credit : u.modder Last edited by mtkii on Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
I'm sorry to say I don't like the Apocalypse. It looks far too much like General's Overlord tank.
The issue is just how far the two barrels are from one-another. Compare your Apocalypse with vanilla or MO (or RR) Apocalypse. Or Mammoth Tank from TI.
I like everything else, especially concept wise
High time someone else came and offered something new QUICK_EDIT
I'm sorry to say I don't like the Apocalypse. It looks far too much like General's Overlord tank.
The issue is just how far the two barrels are from one-another. Compare your Apocalypse with vanilla or MO (or RR) Apocalypse. Or Mammoth Tank from TI.
Unfortunaly, its probably one of my favorite unit design in the entire mod Sure, it's the Apocalypse Tank, but in name only. In fact, I can't stand the RA2's vanilla APOC design, and the RA3 one even less.
I like everything else, especially concept wise Smile
High time someone else came and offered something new
Thank, it's very appreciated.
Let's move on with the next country's unique armament. Composed by smaller eastern nation ranging from Yugoslavia to Ukraine, the Eastern Republic were designed to be in the front line in case of an assault against/from the European Union. In this hypothetical situation, the borders would be massively struck by the Soviet Union's tactical nuke, to stop the progression of the enemy or pierce through their defense. In such case, the Eastern Republic's forces would have to move through debris fillied land, destroyed cities and muddy radioactive fields.
The Eastern Republic's destiny was shaped by the event of the Chernobyl meltdown. After the reactor was contained, the USSR "advised" the Eastern Republic's government to use it as a military research center. This became an opportunity to harness the power of radioactivity for war. Hence, the Eastern Republic's trait revolve around radioactive weaponry and, to a lesser degree, mobility.
==========Eastern Republic Armament==========
Veteran unit : Piranha
Replaces the Tesla Trooper
Role : Anti-Infantry, Zone control
Weapon : Radiation Launcher
Prerequisite : Barrack + Battle Lab
Sickle Walker
Replaces the Katyusha
Role : Long range, Defense
Weapon : Grenade Launcher + x6 rocket
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : More mobile than the Katyusha it replaces. Has a grenade launcher at short range to defend itself from infantry or light vehicle, and launches inaccurate rockets with a large AoE at long range. It can fires its weapon simultaneously. It can also deploy by digging into the soil to double its armor, but it can't undeploy after that, making it a permanent defense.
Credit : cxtian39
Replaces the Mammoth Tank
Role : Heavy Tank
Weapon : Radioactive 128mm Cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Its cannon will leave radiation on the ground, damaging units over time. Compared to its Mammoth Tank counterpart, it loses its AA ability. Explodes violently when destroyed.
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan (modified)
V3 Launcher
Unique Unit
Role : Long Range
Weapon : V3 Launcher
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Now it has much more range than the vanilla V3. Explodes when destroyed.
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan
Demo Truck
Unique Unit
Role : Suicide unit
Weapon : Nuclear payload
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : Does a bit more damage than its vanilla counterpart, but cost more.
Credit : Overwatch (modified)
Tank Bunker
Replaces the Battle Bunker
Role : Defense
Prerequisite : War Factory
Credit : MadHQ
So, that's that. As I said, 90% of the Soviet Forces are finished, so expect China's unique units showcase shortly. QUICK_EDIT
China is the last country to be covered. Chinese specialize in infantry usage and propaganda.
==========China Armament==========
Veteran unit : Pyroscript
Tank Hunter
Replaces the Flak Trooper
Role : Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Air
Weapon : Laser guided AT missile launcher
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : The Tank Hunter's weapon works in two phases. In the first one, it uses a laser to geolocalize the position of an enemy vehicle, and send this information to every other unit under the chinese general's command. In simpler terms, the vehicle is affected by a debuff which lower its armor by 25%. In the second phase, the Tank Hunter launches a missile at the target as any normal unit would do. In essence, the Tank Hunter is an debuff unit, affecting only vehicle.
Credit : raminator
Troop Crawler
Replaces the Flak Track
Role : Recon, APC, Anti-Air
Weapon : Auto-Cannon + AA missile
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : The Troop Crawler is more armored than the Flak Track, and as 5 Conscripts in it when build. Even if the weapons are different, its DPS is sensibly the same.
Credit : Shin.Peter.Pan (for the voxel base) + Creator (for the turret)
Komodo Tank
Replaces the Tesla Tank
Role : Anti-Infantry, Anti-Building
Weapon : Dual flamethrower
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : Very effective against infantry group and building. Explodes violently when destroyed.
Credit : Azri_Apoc
Replaces the Kirov Airship
Role : Offensive/Defensive Balloon Hover Support
Prerequisite : War Factory + Battle Lab
Note : The Helix is not armed per se, but it is equiped with propaganda speaker and vehicle detection radar. Being mobile, it can follow armies by giving them an edge in battle by buffing friendly units (+25% firepower/armor) and debuffing enemy vehicle (-25% armor, just like the Tank Hunter). Therefore, the Helix can convert almost any group of unit in a much bigger threat than it really is.
Credit : Zerg Kete
Propaganda Tower
Unique Building
Role : Defensive Support
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : This speaker tower simply buff nearby units, giving them +25% firepower and +25% armor.
Credit : Zerg Kete
Cluster Mines
Unique Superweapon
Role : Zone Control
Prerequisite : Battle Lab
Note : Allow to deploy around 12 mines anywhere on the battlefield.
Credit : liyignn
So there it is for the Soviet. Next time I'll probably showcase the Allied forces, excluding the navy (since that's the last thing I'll work on). QUICK_EDIT
Here I am with some more mod showcase! This time, I'll present the core Allied assets.
RA2's Allied technology always seemed a bit dumb to me. Coming from RA1, I liked their previous iteration, based on a more realist style. As I wanted the Soviet in my mod to be inspired by their RA1's counterpart, I wanted to drastically change the Allied in the same way, but with a bit more personnality. So, as the Allied techtree expands, I took a lot of inspiration from GDI in TD, TS and CNC3.
==========Allied Core Armament==========
Role : Basic infantry
Weapon : Assault Rifle
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Slightly more expensive than its Soviet counterpart (100 credit vs 90 credit).
Credit : Merophage
Role : Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Air
Weapon : Rocket launcher
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : An undeployable version of RA2's Guardian.
Credit : Merophage
Role : Engineer
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Capture building, repair building and bridge.
Credit : Merophage
Attack Dog
Role : Anti-Infantry, Anti-Spy
Weapon : Sharp teeth
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Less armor than the Soviet Terror Drone.
Role : Infantry support
Weapon : Medkit
Prerequisite : Barrack
Note : Heals friendly infantry nearby.
Credit : Merophage
Role : Anti-Infantry, Recon
Weapon : Assault Rifle
Prerequisite : Barrack + Radar
Note : Pretty much the same as in RA2.
Role : Spy
Weapon : Decoy kit
Prerequisite : Barrack + Tech Lab
Note : Function the same as in RA2.
Role : Anti-Infantry, Anti-Building
Weapon : MP5 + C4
Prerequisite : Barrack + Tech Lab
Note : Replaces Tanya and the Seal, but has the stats of Tanya. No BuildLimit.
Credit : Denmon0728
Hover Harvester
Role : Harvester
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : Hover and faster than the Soviet counterpart, but with less armor and less storage.
Credit : mevitar
Spartan Buggy
Role : Recon, Anti-Cloaked
Weapon : Heavy Machinegun
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : Allow one infantry to fire from inside.
Credit : Mig Eater
Legionnaire Tank
Role : Main Battle Tank
Weapon : 105mm Cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : Faster than the Hammer Tank, with a bit more range.
Credit : Mig Eater
Hydra IFV
Role : Flexible vehicle, Anti-Air
Weapon : x2 Missiles
Prerequisite : War Factory
Note : As in RA2, its weapon changes by loading an infantry in it.
Credit : Azri_Apoc
Automata Tank
Role : Light Hover Tank
Weapon : Auto-Cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory + Robot Center
Note : Identical to its vanilla YR's counterpart.
Credit : Fryone
Role : Anti-Air
Weapon : Dual slingshot cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : Designed to shred aircraft with high effectiveness. Can only shot air target.
Credit : Creator
Ballista Howitzer
Role : Long Range
Weapon : 155mm cannon
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : It has low mobility but its weapon is accurate.
Credit : Azri_Apoc
Role : Troop / Vehicle Transport
Prerequisite : War Factory + Radar
Note : Can now transport up to 6 infantry, or 2 light and medium vehicle.
Credit : Mig Eater
Orca Hunter
Role : Air Fighter
Weapon : x2 AG Missiles
Prerequisite : Radar
Note : Replaces the Harrier.
Credit : die (modified)
Apollo Tank
Role : Tech Tank
Weapon : Weaponized sonic wave
Prerequisite : War Factory + Tech Lab
Note : Uses a long range weapon, similar to TS's Disruptor. Damage is gradual and units caught in the sonic wave also take damage.
Credit : Moder.U
Hypnos Jammer
Role : Offensive Support
Weapon : Jamming equipment
Prerequisite : War Factory + Tech Lab
Note : The Hypnos Jammer can disable enemy radar, power plant and power dependent defense structure (like Tesla Coil or Grand Cannon). Its weapon affects everything in 10 cells around the units, making it a great support unit in any attacking force.
Credit : Mig Eater + SaneDisruption (modified)
Phalanx Fortress
Role : Heavy Infantry Support
Weapon : Heavy machinegun
Prerequisite : War Factory + Tech Lab
Note : The Phalanx Fortress now has a bit more armor and cost more. However, it can now passively heal nearby infantry.
Role : Base expansion
Prerequisite : War Factory + Tech Lab + Service Depot
Credit : SaneDisruption
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