I guess Half Life because I havent played Renegade :p. the 2 mods I like for Half Life are Counter Strike and Day of Defeat _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Without Mods, probably Renegade. Driving vehicles is a fun thing that most games lack. With mods, DEFINATELY halflife. Natural Selection will own the entire world (And the moon, and europa, and saturn, and the sun). QUICK_EDIT
Sounds like this, "Natrual Selection" mod is really good... I will tell my friends to dowload it imediately. Kane if you havent play Day of Defeat I suggest you try it, its aaaaaawwwwesome. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I used to run a tiny mod review site for HL, so I've played bazillions of Mods. You're right, though, DoD owns! Probably one of the best mods for HL I've seen (Aside from Opera and NS, of course) QUICK_EDIT
I played Renegade at my friends house and I fell in love with the game! Its great! Although, I only played the first 3 missions.
My friend was willing to give me Renegade, because he didnt like the game, but I turned it down because my computer cant handle it. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
why didnt you take it and then sell it on ebay and then use the money to upgrade your computer? (eg. ram or whatever) =/ or just keep the game til you had a better comp or upgraded your comp..... QUICK_EDIT
I just like making fun of people who use the word "G ay" as an insult, TS. It really is quite childish... But, I'll take it off if people really want it. Seriously, though, can't you think of a better word for stupid than "G ay"? QUICK_EDIT
erm some people use g a y because thats what they've heard since they were little kids..like meself...so for you to get all high and mighty about one word is childish in my eyes also... QUICK_EDIT
I'm not getting high and mighty about it... Per se... I just like making fun of people who use it as a word, as a joke. I do think that you can think of some better ways of describing something than G ay... It's the same way that some people grew up thinking of the word "Jew" as meaning stupid, and I've heard people like that says something sucks like a Jew or such. That's pretty much the same as saying something's "Ga y." They both describe a group of people who are/were persecuted by a large group of people (Though G ays are generally disliked by a lot of people everywhere, not just in one country or a small amount of people). If someone was playing a computer game and said the server "Lagged like a Jew," wouldn't you be a tad upset? It seems like Racism at first glance, doesn't it?
Also, I know some gays and bisexuals too. The only difference between us and them is that back left (Am I right on that? Is it back left or back right?) lobe of their brain (That lobe is shaped like the member of the opposite sex's, rather than what their sex normally has). I blanket all words like "G ay" and "Jew" and "Nigger" as totally unnecessary and completely foolish.
(Also, note, that I didn't use those words above in a racist way. I know some people will probably jump down my throat for using them at all ) QUICK_EDIT
I can undertand the word Jew, I have nothing against them. Jerry Sienfield is a jew, And I think hes a great comedian. But for Gays/homosexuals, I cant stand them, and I dont want them near me, because they sicken me out. Theres noway I would ever be even friends with a homosexual. Its not that I hate them, or want them to die, I just dont want them around me. Also I never use the word "nigger", But I do use the word Nigga. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
*grins evilly and gets the StatisticReporter 12000*
So, you can't stand gays and lesbians, eh? Well, let's take a look at the facts... Do you know 10 people? If so, you know one person who's gay or lesbian (Statistically). Me, I can name 30 people, which means I know at least 3 people with the genetic defect (And, note, that I don't mean that in an insulting way, but the technical term for something like that IS "defect") that makes them either Gay or Lesbian. So, you do know some Gays, but they probably just don't say anything about it because they don't want to get insulted or persecuted, or because they're ashamed.
Maybe it's just me, but I've never understood Homophobia... QUICK_EDIT
Its strange... More and more people are becoming g ay.
LOL, I bet in a hundred years from now, the whole human population will be g ay, and therefore, the human race will end. That is if there is a Earth in a hudred years...
uummm... what was this topic about again? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:04 am Post subject:
You guys really went far away offtopic. I agree with Kane, we shouldn't have any sort of preconception with ppl's religion and sexual options. Since, it's their option, as long as they (g ays and lesbians) don't try anything with normal ppl. As for skin color, it's just a gen... it doesnt affects ppl in any other way, except the color of the skin. HOWEVER, some cultures of some countries (cough cough USA cough cough) split them in races which is extremely ridiculous! Hey guys, we are all homo sapiens sapiens!!! QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 2:28 am Post subject:
I really don't care if the forum changes or doesn't changes the word g-a-y. I'm not a g-a-y, I don't want to be a g-a-y but people have the rights to decide what they are, so if they want to be a g-a-y, it's their option. Now... using g-a-y as an insult is not a good thing, yet sometimes I do it accidentally (I mean, I sorta got used by hearing people using that as an insult and started using that sometimes as an insult), but g-a-y isn't an insult, g-a-y is an option. (For me, it's quite a bad option, but everyone has their own point of view). QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 3:16 am Post subject:
There may be some people that is genetically g ay, but only fucks women and vice versa... or fucks both sexs... basically, gen is not enough to determine if ppl is g ay or not QUICK_EDIT
I played one game as a Marine and died repeatedly by thousands of huge elephant like aliens who kept disembowling me while I shot my pathetic pea shooter at them which does no damage... I've had more fun stubbing my toe. QUICK_EDIT
That's because you jumped into the game at the end, and you didn't read the tutorial. That pathetic pea shooter DOESN'T do anything to Onos. In fact, Onos armour is more than most Marine buildings. In order to get bigger weapons, you have to ask for them, and the Commander will drop them. Also, Aliens don't get Onos until they have all three hives (And that's nearly impossible, since Marines usually run to a nearby hive and block it off as soon as possible). Next time you play, if it's pretty far in, ask the commander for an HMG or Grenade Launcher and heavy armour (Unless you are the commander). QUICK_EDIT
Half-Life is old , but it's still got it... Bazillions of mods and good support from the devlopers is going to keep HL up there as the most played game for quite some time. At least until HL2 comes out
Speaking of which, if anyone knows someone from Valve, kick them in the nards for me and tell them to get to work! QUICK_EDIT
i dont believ i havent posted on this thread, ill have to go with HL, it has so many cool mods, and its lasted longer, and still goign stron, i doubt renegade will last that long _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:19 pm Post subject:
It seems that Renegade is completely owned by Half Life. I only played Half Life... It's good, but not as good as ppl says.. I've never played Renegade, so who am I to jugde which one is better? QUICK_EDIT
well, I have Renegade, and I think it rocks. Especially with the patch. I don't have half-life, so I've just played the demo, and I must say, I was surprised. Not in a good way. Honestly I thought it sucked horribly. Then again, it WAS just the demo. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I dont like half life too much. I played the campaign mode and didnt get too far :p. I didnt really like it anyway. But Im sure if I would have got farther into the game it would have got better. Oh well.
If you want to play a game with a badass campaign with cooperative campaign mode, play Halo for the Xbox. Those of you who have played Halo before know what im talken about(The_kid and sk8erkid) . _________________ QUICK_EDIT
OK, as I have played both I can say that (in my opinion) Renegade is better than HL. HL does have a better story line but I guess I just like Renegade because its C&C and it has a fun multiplay mode (specially with aircraft) QUICK_EDIT
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