PPM is receiving a massive invasion from bots, crawlers using Huawei Cloud Services (IP 117.78.XXX.XXX) making the forums down for real users from anywhere in the world. The picture below shows a taste of the amount of "guests" that have been visiting our forums recently. And honestly, it is incompatible with the number of humans that visit this place (I doubt it is more than 500 per day).

I do not know if this comes from sites using a crawler to obtain whatever information from PPM, or bots trying to spam the forums or... governmental matters.
Is there any chinese human whose Internet Service Provider is Huawei Cloud Services? Please, answer this question.
For me, the answer is probably no. It would be like someone here browsing the web with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or Azure.... it just doesn't make any sense.
If we continue to be harassed by this thing, I'll be forced to place a forced captcha before serving the site for those who are using this Huawei Cloud Services. I don't want chinese humans to be affected by this decision, so please, provide your feedback here before it is too late. All I want is to this place be online for all of us.... humans... regardless of the country we live.