It is from Secsome. When overlapping building gets destroyed, game crashes, so such cases are now detected and reported.
In Secsome's code, the warning is in red and OK button is disabled. I have changed it to yellow and OK button is enabled as I don't like to deny mapper of saving the map. Just disregard if the info isn't valid for you.
I wanted to put extra conditions like checking for Immune etc. but the code doesn't compare building to building but 1 building with blocked cells, so I couldn't. QUICK_EDIT
Perhaps you can just cull the lights from the comparison by looking for
InvisibleInGame=yes ?
It's odd though, my mission tester script accurately reports overlaps of everything, but never complains about the lightposts, and I don't recall adding or see any code that makes an exception for them...
Well we all know the crashing has to do with buildings that leave debris, because whatever function of converting it to an overlay can't coexist. I suspect the invisibility removes the conflict with the rubble.
Updated release of Patched FA2 is available in first post.
@G-E: For overlapping building detection, Secsome has provided an ignore section in FAData.ini where you can list IDs of invisible lamp posts if you want. QUICK_EDIT
Just porting over the ini updates (I think) and I see the terrain limits are still on the low side. I don't expect this to be a problem for anyone but me, however this is how I set them in mine:
OK, so the new one only loads expandXX.mix and completely ignores ecache/elocal... so that's how Secsome made it YR-only :\
Also should we be running the .bat or the launcher? Or do they do the same thing?
Addendum: I tried adding ecaches to the [ExtraMixes] option, but seems it only loads them from the FA2 dir, and doesn't look in the game dir. Specifying a full path just appends it to the FA2 dir and doesn't work obviously. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
@G-E: Use the RA2 only version in the first post. RA2TileMax, YRInfantry, YROverlay etc. are ignored in the RA2 only version, it won't consider it as a YR map.
In my release of FA2sp (current v1.6.0.1), I have added a FAData.ini key LoadRA2MixFilesOnly to switch it, it takes care of mix loading for RA2. You don't have to add any ExtraMixes definitions for this. It loads expand## and ecache*/elocal* as the game does. RA2.csf is loaded from game folder. Check FA2sp.log for what gets loaded. In Secsome's release it won't load expand## but instead load expandmd## and game mixes and other *md.mix files as the YR game does.
Just use the launcher (.bat file does the same, it is there for any unix user for reference who are unable to use the launcher.) QUICK_EDIT
Attachment contains old version to run FA2 without any DLL extensions and for FA2Ext.dll support. This includes patched FA2 for both YR and RA2 only packages. Details of information is available under ReadmeDocs\Info.txt in the package.
FA2sp and FA2Ext DLL extensions are not compatible with each other. One has to be removed and FAData.ini configured to use the other. This package is configured for FA2Ext.dll. To avoid users dropping FA2sp.dll in this package, it is moved here from the first post.
Updates of patched FA2 package with FA2sp DLL extension is available in first post. Thanks again to Secsome for hard work on FA2sp DLL extension. Old version backup attachment has been moved from first post to the above post. QUICK_EDIT
Thanks for the patch for FA2, but I got a problem when trying to enter to the game. When I attempted to play the map I made, the game seems to be load and stuck at 75%, no matter how long I leave my PC there for 10 mins or more, it will keep stucking at there. Is there any thing I can do? Thanks in advanced QUICK_EDIT
thanks, i'm also new to this forum and I was confusing of where I asked the question, then I thought I didn't send it completely and coming back to try again xDD
Btw, i'll go in there and try to getting help if the problem still encountered. Thank you <3 QUICK_EDIT
For the release in this thread, it is for expandmd##.mix (or expand##.mix) only where "mix" can be changed to say "baz" with MixExtension=baz. If you want to change this in the source code in the previous post, it is in FA2sp\Ext\Cloading\Body.cpp (Line# 91).
If you want for expandmd##.mix only where "md" can be changed to "ba" with MixExtension=ba, use Secsome's release. QUICK_EDIT
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