Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:40 pm Post subject:
Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life,
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )
can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??
if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?
that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
there is also next life. and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.
for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.
So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.
( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).
if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )
same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.
I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.
Why should you waste your time?
all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.
in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.
cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.
tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.
if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit s.ex, No g.ambling, No d.rugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )
5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )
and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.
Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.
if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.
Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.
every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )
if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( triple w ( d . o . t ) asitis ( d . o . t ) c . o . m {Bookmark it })
read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world, who im, what will happen after this life, what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect, and what is perfection of Human Life. ) purpose of human life is not to live like animal cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, s.ex & fear. purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death. QUICK_EDIT
You might be true.. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Isn't there rule by now that prohibits this? You know, talking about religion and afterlife unless a person explicitly asks for that info?
Then again, some people can write but somehow not read...
if not mother ( or say authority ) than your false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
cuz people will never remain the damn free for authority they have to always accept.
now question is how whom ? of mother ( or say authority ) or any foolish so called scientist, foolish politician, or any so called intelligent childs ?
or no one is more than mother for it is she who has seen our father before our birth and knows it that who has tilled her.
and indeed farce is amazing something from an rascal scientist who is checked at the name of his 21st grandfather,
but still see the great reasoning that he will tell us something which happened million and million years ago.
indeed very rightly said mother that all western adventure is to keep people in darkness.
with the false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc. QUICK_EDIT
with the false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
Why did it have to be a flat earthing, anti-vaxxer type and not a bot. Lmao. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
if not mother ( or say authority ) than your false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
cuz people will never remain the damn free for authority they have to always accept.
now question is how whom ? of mother ( or say authority ) or any foolish so called scientist, foolish politician, or any so called intelligent childs ?
or no one is more than mother for it is she who has seen our father before our birth and knows it that who has tilled her.
and indeed farce is amazing something from an rascal scientist who is checked at the name of his 21st grandfather,
but still see the great reasoning that he will tell us something which happened million and million years ago.
indeed very rightly said mother that all western adventure is to keep people in darkness.
with the false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
Do you even read what you want to post before you post?
I didn't understand anything. Too many gaps in sentences. QUICK_EDIT
if not mother ( or say authority ) than your false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
cuz people will never remain the damn free for authority they have to always accept.
now question is how whom ? of mother ( or say authority ) or any foolish so called scientist, foolish politician, or any so called intelligent childs ?
or no one is more than mother for it is she who has seen our father before our birth and knows it that who has tilled her.
and indeed farce is amazing something from an rascal scientist who is checked at the name of his 21st grandfather,
but still see the great reasoning that he will tell us something which happened million and million years ago.
indeed very rightly said mother that all western adventure is to keep people in darkness.
with the false propgandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc.
Do you even read what you want to post before you post?
I didn't understand anything. Too many gaps in sentences.
i dont understand and you will never understand anything at all. cuz you are hypocrite fraud.
and one can awake person who is sleeping but no one can awake hypocrite frauds like you who are pretending to be sleeping.
and i dont wish to convert `1 single hypocrite frauds like you.
better you go to hell. and even if you came i will kick you in the face. QUICK_EDIT
better you go to hell. and even if you came i will kick you in the face.
Would not you then deserve to go to hell? You write that other people are hypocritical when really it's you.
I think you really don't understand a word of what you're saying and are indeed a fool who doesn't practice or really believe what they preach and just like the fancy words.
You sound like someone who only listens to anti-western preachings and for that I feel bad for you. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
better you go to hell. and even if you came i will kick you in the face.
Would not you then deserve to go to hell? You write that other people are hypocritical when really it's you.
I think you really don't understand a word of what you're saying and are indeed a fool who doesn't practice or really believe what they preach and just like the fancy words.
You sound like someone who only listens to anti-western preachings and for that I feel bad for you.
and now who cares for your feelings ? huh? who cares ? are you the damn mother ( or say authority ) huh?
are you the damn mother ? and what is hypocrisy in this Practical explanation ? point it out ( if you are son of 1 man )
are you son of 1 man ? ( than its an open challenge ) do it. point out that here and here is hypocrisy which im doing and not allowing others.
and im only obidient to mother and not the majority of the rascal whores like you. who likes to take my lollypop ( by pying iwthout invitation )
and obiedient im but only to mother ( or say authority ) and i will go even to hell and what i will go in hell ? im already in it.
but still i will go on with this Krishna consciousness and im going on ( blind whore )
and you have created this situation and certainly just see the damn fun that now you are calling on virtue. that you also deserve to be in hell.
but how can i be rascal ? when im obident to mother ? and how can you be saint when you are trying to piss on her ? explain the damn how ?[/size] ( if you are son of 1 man ) OR - OR at all thinks in your own mind that you are reasonable ( which you are not )
and checking there would be ( when time will ripe ) and you may not like it.
and believe it or not but fact is fact and our mother ( say authority ) has seen our father before our birth, and now i know that what is my position but still im that dancer who is dancing even on hill.
but what kind of dance you are doing ? huh? and what kind of dance you will do even in future ? in spite of having belly, hands, legs etc ? without head ?
and when it is said that here is mother ( or authority ) or head on that time you will try to piss on it.
and now all of sudden virtue entered into your dull brain. ( indeed it is amazing to see )
and certainly wise`1 says that men in distress always call on virtue.
and if you would have been real saint than you would have continued it in spite of difficulties, and at the top ultimately Krishna will take care of his own devotees. and he is taking care even now. ( i dont deny it at all )
and since you do not know what are the general qualification of the western people ( in spite of chewing my lollypop )
not an big problem for who can awake `1 ? ( like you ) who is pretending to sleep ? ? huh?
anyone can awake person who is factually sleeping, and what is the current number of devotees that is countable on the fingers.
anyways - anyways im fit for hell in spite of being obidient to mother, in spite of being non violent and you are fit for heaven in spite of attempting to kill me in so many ways.
and you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you.
and who gave you this america ? huh? you went from europe and taken over the damn land. ( anyways leave it cuz it is not going to help our preaching work )
but you dont forget your damn general qualification and that is another thing if you are trying to say from your own mouth that hey im innocent`1 here.
( than i have to say that attempt is lovely but not going to work ) QUICK_EDIT
But real talk for a second: aren't all humans hypocrites and frauds in the end? Mostly, anyways. But always if you're a politician or media-bastard, regardless of leberal/right/left/whatever.
Also, I didn't even insult you, merely saying that your English with which you wish to tell us the truth is kinda too broken to understand properly.
And how do you retaliate? You go around insulting people. You insult me, when all I was asking for was for you to re-read and re-write so we can all understand.
Unlike the others, I like to think everything has a grain of truth in it, or maybe even a valid reason, however "dumb/illogical" others or even one guy claim it to be. I'd love to hear yours.
We could have a nice civil discussion that's actually fun to have, rather than throwing insults and accusations and beating you and every other newbie down and pretend we're having fun when we all know we're lying to ourselves.
So, mr. daarza, please enlighten us, but with proper sentences so we can understand you, and not misunderstand any points you are trying to make. And don't flame anyone over his/her criticism. Some folks want to just help.
The minority, that is.
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl. You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole. Last edited by TAK02 on Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl. You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole.
Give me a break. All he has done in response to anything at all even just "You might be true.." is flame, flame some more, and spout sometimes-unintelligible hate towards any other persons/religion/country than his own.
See example:
"you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you. "
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
Shortbus is a nicer person. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
But real talk for a second: aren't all humans hypocrites and frauds in the end? Mostly, anyways. But always if you're a politician or media-bastard, regardless of leberal/right/left/whatever.
Also, I didn't even insult you, merely saying that your English with which you wish to tell us the truth is kinda too broken to understand properly.
And how do you retaliate? You go around insulting people. You insult me, when all I was asking for was for you to re-read and re-write so we can all understand.
Unlike the others, I like think everything has a grain of truth in it, or maybe even a valid reason, however "dumb/illogical" others or even one guy claim it to be. I'd love to hear yours.
We could have a nice civil discussion that's actually fun to have, rather than throwing insults and accusations and beating you and every other newbie down and pretend we're having fun when we all know we're lying to ourselves.
So, mr. daarza, please enlighten us, but with proper sentences so we can understand you, and not misunderstand any points you are trying to make. And don't flame anyone over his/her criticism. Some folks want to just help.
The minority, that is.
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl. You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole.
now even if things are already gotten exposed still you will stick to your bogus moon landing, evolution, big bang etc.
so you have become dull brain and got misled.
and it is something like of the leg or hand who has got cut off from the body. and we take care of only those things which are connected with our body.
not only we but everyone does same ( it cannot be denied ) and others ( along with myself ) are free to do as they like but i chose to be under Krishna even in curser than cursest ways.
and real science does not depend on your believing or not believing, maybe, by chance, i think, perpahps etc ( modern bluff )
for the fact is fact and believe it or not but the natures course will take its place.
and only truthful person is mother ( aka authority ) cuz it is she who has seen our father before our birth, and if this is real fact that there is father ( or Krishna ) before our birth than your propagandas are all false like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.
and certainly people have lost there reasoning, there brain, there everything, even if we expose still they will stick to these false proapgandas.
certainly have to say.
and im the damn right in the first place and you are not`1. and if you deny it than you are fool. ( finished ) QUICK_EDIT
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl.You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole.
Give me a break. All he has done in response to anything at all even just "You might be true.." is flame, flame some more, and spout sometimes-unintelligible hate towards any other persons/religion/country than his own.
See example:
"you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you. "
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
Shortbus is a nicer person.
people have admitted that im better, and they are accepting it also. but i never said that im better than mother ( or authority ) no im not that fool.
and who can be more than authority ( or mother ) ? who can be ? there is nothing which can challenge Krishna OR his authority ( or say his recognized agent [ aka Srila Prabhupada ])
but still people says it that im most intelligent, even mother says that you are most intelligent, but i dont think that im that fool that i will claim to be more than mother.
and most intelligent i actually am only for being obidient to mother instead of any random scientists who are funded by foolish politicians, so that there foolish leadership may go on. QUICK_EDIT
Give me a break. All he has done in response to anything at all even just "You might be true.." is flame, flame some more, and spout sometimes-unintelligible hate towards any other persons/religion/country than his own.
See example:
"you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you. "
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
Shortbus is a nicer person.
and now let me be blind whore but how it can be denied ? huh? how it can be denied that you are not even civilized ?
since you mingle like anything with mother, sister, daughter anyone come on ( like pigs )
and - and we are allowing people still to join this movement, but who is accepting it ?
huh? rather they are giving opposition by becoming `1 of us.
and when things become more complex or fly upside your head on that time oh he is just an hateful against all westerns.
and what is the real fact ? huh? anyways leave it cuz as i said that it will not help our preaching,
and in this age everyone is condemned ( it is another fact ) but only `1 bigger than biggest or greatest qualification is there that simply by chanting this Hare Krishna one can become perfect,
and i have always pressed that even if you are not able to follow these things but still chanting is very very and very important.
but as i say that im only obidient to mother. and she says that there must be checking against rascals.
and if you are so much supporting for rascals than you also must be `1 of them.
for the rascal is accepted by another rascal.
and somehow or other chance is given to everyone ( still ) but it is very difficult.
cuz your western type of civilization is demonic. and indeed it is fun that now you are calling on virtue.
where was your virtue ? when history was written by victors ? anyways i will still not blame you cuz mass of general population is not very intelligent.
but still you support rascal leader, and nowdays it is democrasy and you are government and if people are rascal than goernment is rascal. ( simple thing ) and you are so much pressing for rsacals than it is also another open secret that you are also`1.
and you claim to be whore of such rascals. and i will claim to be obiedient `1 of mother. ( or authority )
and you know ( real facts ) cuz you have no chewed my lollypop ( by pying without invitation ) so you ( and people may not like it ) but facts are like that. QUICK_EDIT
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl. You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole.
Give me a break. All he has done in response to anything at all even just "You might be true.." is flame, flame some more, and spout sometimes-unintelligible hate towards any other persons/religion/country than his own.
See example:
"you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you. "
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
So? You want to show you're any better? The way I see it, none of you do.
4StarGeneral wrote:
Shortbus is a nicer person.
No idea who that is, but I'm sure he feels honored!
@daarza Who is this "mother ( or authority )" and "father ( or Krishna )" you speak of?
Also, the Big Bang did happen, believe it or not.
Evolution? Lie. Some things just don't add up.
Moon landing? I'll say let's wage a war on that one. This is a C&C forum after all.
daarza wrote:
random scientists who are funded by foolish politicians, so that there foolish leadership may go on.
You forgot to add "random "jounalists"" to that list. Last edited by TAK02 on Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:40 pm; edited 3 times in total QUICK_EDIT
daarza, please be civil.
Make this into a civil discussion instead of a war or a battle.
You can't win the last two because of lacking proof and civility on your side. Not to mention lacking grammar which makes your sentences a chore to read and/or understand. _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
daarza, please be civil.
Make this into a civil discussion instead of a war or a battle.
You can't win the last two because of lacking proof and civility on your side. Not to mention lacking grammar which makes your sentences a chore to read and/or understand.
nah nah it is really amazing to see that men in distress always call on virtue, forgetting there own evil deeds. ( really amazing it is )
and although my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.
and because you are too much bothered as soon as i said something again checking of rascals than it means you are also`1 of them.
and indeed it is an open secret that you unwanted atheists are in majority at present. ( it cannot be denied at all )
and rascal is accepted by another rascal. and conclusion is you are rascal for taking side of another rascal. otherwise why would any intelligent person would try to save the damn theifs and terrorists ? why ? QUICK_EDIT
daarza, please be civil.
Make this into a civil discussion instead of a war or a battle.
You can't win the last two because of lacking proof and civility on your side. Not to mention lacking grammar which makes your sentences a chore to read and/or understand.
nah nah it is really amazing to see that men in distress always call on virtue, forgetting there own evil deeds. ( really amazing it is )
and although my english is not very grammatically, rhetorically correct and Rascals are concerned with grammar. Actual workers are concerned with thoughts.
Unfortunately, those thoughts are absolutely worthless if you're incapable of putting these thoughts into words so any one can understand it.
Whether or not that person you're talking with will agree with you is another matter.
But the problem is your grammar is so broken, I have trouble following you and whatever the point is. The fact I don't know you personally in any way, shape or form only adds to the confusion.
If I were a colleague or friend or of the same opinion, I'd understand you and help make the point more clear to others.
But I have no idea who you are, and am not capable of knowing whether or not I'm of the same opinion as you most of the time because I have no idea what you talking about, which is made even worse with your broken grammar.
Make no mistake, thoughts are important. But those thoughts are formless. Words, language and voice are what gives those thoughts form, and allows them to spread.
It's logic at its finest.
daarza wrote:
and because you are too much bothered as soon as i said something again checking of rascals than it means you are also`1 of them.
and indeed it is an open secret that you unwanted atheists are in majority at present. ( it cannot be denied at all )
and rascal is accepted by another rascal. and conclusion is you are rascal for taking side of another rascal. otherwise why would any intelligent person would try to save the damn theifs and terrorists ? why ?
What can I say? Those pathetic psychiatrists and psychologists were right: humans are social beings that join the groups they agree with.
Most of the time they are right, anyway.
daarza wrote:
you unwanted atheists
I'm not an atheist and take personal offense to you calling me one.
Do you wish to settle this, man to man, in a C&C skirmish match via CnCNet? QUICK_EDIT
Everyone else: stop picking on the guy/girl. You want to show you're better? Show it with constructive comments rather than flames.
Don't become another politics/media a-hole.
Give me a break. All he has done in response to anything at all even just "You might be true.." is flame, flame some more, and spout sometimes-unintelligible hate towards any other persons/religion/country than his own.
See example:
"you westerns are not even civilized. ( it is the damn fact ) only money is covering you. "
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
Shortbus is a nicer person.
I swear i didn't expect it wouldn't be a bot at all :/
Spoiler (click here to read it):
I didn't mean any harm...
_________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
So? You want to show you're any better? The way I see it, none of you do.
Really no need to show how I or anyone else here is better than someone that thinks everyone that isn't them or looks and thinks and acts like them are uncivilized, adulterous, incestual animals that don't deserve to live. That's just standard racial/religious/etc. hatred and shame on anyone that defends such a person. It wouldn't be a stretch to call it the same shit they spread to incur terrorism.
I get that you're trying to play "good cop" Tak, but you can't get a good conversation out of someone with this much hate. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
So? You want to show you're any better? The way I see it, none of you do.
Really no need to show how I or anyone else here is better than someone that thinks everyone that isn't them or looks and thinks and acts like them are uncivilized, adulterous, incestual animals that don't deserve to live. That's just standard racial/religious/etc. hatred and shame on anyone that defends such a person. It wouldn't be a stretch to call it the same shit they spread to incur terrorism.
I get that you're trying to play "good cop" Tak, but you can't get a good conversation out of someone with this much hate.
and what conversation we will have with you ? huh? since when you have any facts at all ?
and is that your civilization is the civilization of saints ? OR of the damn theives and terrorists ? huh?
and are you civilized even ? you are not civilized even.
and i dont want to argue or have any conversation for since you are not even the damn reasonable in the first place.
and now when someone is more cunning than oh - OH apply - APPLY the policy of *give dog bad name and hang it*
and dont have anything at all. dont accept this Practical explanation also.
but i have done my duty. which is to statisfy my authority and Krishna.
that is it. and i have done it without any duplicty and still if you think that it is not genuene than you are free to point out the damn fallacy from this Practical explanation.
which you cannot do.
and still you will take side of rascals than you are also`1 of them. that is it.
and these things are general qualification of western people like cheating, politics, deplomacy and fraud.
but still it is fun that you are calling on virtue nowdays.
and i will go on alone. for i havenot come here by your support ( or anyones support beside Authority and Krishna )
AND I WILL GO ON ALONE in all conditions. QUICK_EDIT
you can't get a good conversation out of someone with this much hate.
OK, point taken.
4StarGeneral wrote:
shame on anyone that defends such a person.
I saw potential. Lame defense, I know.
And with how daarza seems to read and emphasize select statements and keeps only replying to those instead of the whole posts like a civil person, I guess he's just here to vent his frustions.
@daarza: everything alright on your end? Not even I can get that angry.
Then again, I like to think of myself as one with a calm head who tries to look at all sides of the story. Hence why I came to your defense, you little traitor.
daarza wrote:
and what conversation we will have with you ? huh? since when you have any facts at all ?
Right back at you. Do you have any facts to anything you said? Do you offer explainations when someone asks?
No. So far, you're been ranting and insulting. I even tried to defend you, ask for more information to try to understand what you're talking about, and you've failed to do that.
daarza wrote:
and is that your civilization is the civilization of saints ?
Fun fact: such a civilization did indeed exist once, long ago.
And then came pride, lies, greed and arrogance.
It broke apart.
daarza wrote:
OR of the damn theives and terrorists ? huh?
and are you civilized even ? you are not civilized even.
Negative. YOU are the one who's not civilized. YOU are the one who immediately started insulting everyone when you could have handled the situation differently.
Instead of flaming everyone, you could have responded to what questions were posed, like a proper person would, instead of blowing up literally.
Here's proof, in canon order:
"Who cares, new account, most likely a bot."
"if you dont care then dont play with my lolly like an whore ( by pying without invitation )"
Not even your fifth post in this thread and we're already throwing un-nice words. Have some shame and decency, folks.
"Do you even read what you want to post before you post?
I didn't understand anything. Too many gaps in sentences."
"i dont understand and you will never understand anything at all. cuz you are hypocrite fraud.
and one can awake person who is sleeping but no one can awake hypocrite frauds like you who are pretending to be sleeping.
and i dont wish to convert `1 single hypocrite frauds like you.
better you go to hell. and even if you came i will kick you in the face."
^^This speaks for itself.
...Wait a sec...
daarza wrote:
i dont understand
Do you not understand or are you trying to say that I don't understand?
See? This is why I told you to write proper Englsih so we can all understand. Or at least, begin and try to.
daarza wrote:
and i dont want to argue or have any conversation for since you are not even the damn reasonable in the first place.
Says the one who's been throwing insults around to avoid the conversation like a coward.
And I hate cowards.
daarza wrote:
and now when someone is more cunning than oh - OH apply - APPLY the policy of *give dog bad name and hang it*
and dont have anything at all. dont accept this Practical explanation also.
That's how politicians and "journalists" have been doing it for years, and has always worked well, hasn't it?
Open your eyes.
daarza wrote:
but i have done my duty. which is to statisfy my authority and Krishna.
You have done nothing but be a coward by avoiding any and all reason and conversation by picking select few statements and only answering to those, ignoring the entire post except for what you highlight, and spewing more and more non-sense (which would make more sense IF you even tried to explain yourself, which you STILL haven't done).
You even ignored my requests for information on who these "father" and "mother" figures you speak of are.
You're nothing but a coward who runs from conversations.
I wonder how you're managed to stay alive for so long in the real world, let alone find your way here.
In any case, if your Authority and Krishna are satisfied with people running away from conversations (not problems, that is a little harder, I know that personally), then I know for sure I don't want anything to do with them.
Or those that are in league with such cowards.
daarza wrote:
that is it. and i have done it without any duplicty and still if you think that it is not genuene than you are free to point out the damn fallacy from this Practical explanation.
which you cannot do.
You have given no details about this "Practical explanation" other than the fact it seems to exist.
The "damn fallacy" I'd like to point out is the fact that you refuse to explain it properly so people reading this end up more confused.
daarza wrote:
and still you will take side of rascals than you are also`1 of them. that is it. wrote:
rascal (?r??sk?l)
1. a disreputable person; villain
2. a mischievous or impish rogue
3. an affectionate or mildly reproving term for a child or old man: you little rascal; the wicked old rascal kissed her.
4. obsolete a person of lowly birth
(prenominal) obsolete
a. belonging to the mob or rabble
b. dishonest; knavish
ras•cal (?ræs k?l)
1. a dishonest or unscrupulous person.
2. a mischievous person or animal.
I'm not dishonest. I'm for the truth.
But being kind will get you killed in this world. So, being unscrupulous is the only way to survive.
This means half-truths. And half-truths are still truths, are they not?
I guess this means I'm only half a rascal.
daarza wrote:
and these things are general qualification of western people like cheating, politics, deplomacy and fraud.
Thank you for stating the obvious. There is still hope for you, then.
daarza wrote:
but still it is fun that you are calling on virtue nowdays.
And it's fun to see people like you answer with barely a sentence to those who write entire blocks of text and then expect to win the argument.
Granted, it does happen, but you have offered zero proof and no logic, therefore you lost here by delivering insufficient arguments.
daarza wrote:
and i will go on alone. for i havenot come here by your support ( or anyones support beside Authority and Krishna )
AND I WILL GO ON ALONE in all conditions.
Do me a favor tho:
Where-ever you go, if you go down, give the folks a large repair-bill and go out in glory and flames. QUICK_EDIT
daarza, please be civil.
Unfortunately, those thoughts are absolutely worthless if you're incapable of putting these thoughts into words so any one can understand it.
Whether or not that person you're talking with will agree with you is another matter**skip**via CnCNet?
so you are incapable in understanding this Practical explanation ? and this fact is absolutely worthless ? that there is father before our birth ?
( wahaa ) and what is there that you agree with me or not ? huh? for the fact is fact that there is father before our birth and our mother ( and authority ) has seen him.
and if im incapable in speaking than you are also incapable ( broken failure ) in pointing out The Real issues.
and you are not the damn reasonable in the first place. it is me who is that.
and than what are more worthy ? ( huh? ) your false propagandas like Make america great again ? moon landing ? evolution ? big bang etc ?
and since when your america was great in the past ? huh? it was stolen by europeans who went from europe and by hook or crook they captured the power and now they are spoiling the whole world.
all western adventure to keep people in darkness.
so again what is worthy ? ( rascal slut ) your moon landing ? evolution ? make america great again etc false propagandas ? huh? are these worthy than ?
and who is after you all ? but anyones you all are certainly after me and taking my lollypop ( by pying without invitation ) and it is me who dont care for you at all.
cuz none has seen our father before our birth, nor knows that who has tilled our mother.
for none is more than mother and father. and i wish both combined with me. Last edited by daarza on Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
4StarGeneral @ come on ( foolish ) general come on and point out the damn real issues.
and dont make a false show and act directly instead of bluffing indirectly ( as always )
and indeed it is fun to see that you remember virtue still.
and if you call me terrorists than what you would call americans ? huh? who gave them the damn land ? and what act i have done yet by which you are calling me terrorist ?
i have nothing and done nothing at all. are you the damn fool ?
come on ( sir ) what made you think that im terrorist ? point out straight forwardly ( O great reasonable warrior )
and now you will do all nonsense and when unwanted population like you is checked nicely.
you cry out that it is intolarance in the society ( or terrorism ) indeed farce is amazing. QUICK_EDIT
Granted, it does happen, but you have offered zero proof and no logic, therefore you lost here by delivering insufficient arguments.
and if this Practical explanation is not solid, verifiable and tangible explanation based on such philosophy which no one can challenge than you are not reasoanble in the first place.
( finished ) you are not reasonable at all ( even ) and you take little, little grain of so called truth from random childrens.
but i have got mother ( or authority { or Srila Prabhupada ) and it is something like going to super market cuz i will get everything in `1 place.
( rascal whore ) now get lost. and dont even touch my lollypop ( by pying without invtiation )
and i havent come here by your support nor i will go foward by your support.
i dont want any random childs favour or support. cuz i know that it is mother who is supplying me milk of her breast.
It's funny: the Germans have a saying: the smart one lets up. Unfortunately, this means idiots will run rampant, meaning those that let up were never smart after all.
You see where I'm going with this?
daarza wrote:
for none is more than mother and father.
I agree. I like to say you ought to treat your father like a king and your mother like a queen.
That includes letting Dune's Sandtrout loose on the planet if they wish it
daarza wrote:
and i wish [mother and father] combined with me.
What the frag..? How am I supposed to understand that phrase?
daarza wrote:
what you would call americans ? huh? who gave them the damn land ?
I take it you're either a native American, or as they're called American Indians, or you're a non-American whose nation has been wronged by them or their influence.
TAK02 wrote:
daarza, please be civil.
Unfortunately, those thoughts are absolutely worthless if you're incapable of putting these thoughts into words so any one can understand it.
Whether or not that person you're talking with will agree with you is another matter**skip**via CnCNet?
daarza wrote:
so you are incapable in understanding this Practical explanation ?
No, I'm unable to understand the gibberish you're throwing out instead of explaining things like I've been asking nicely several posts ago.
TAK02 wrote:
@daarza Who is this "mother ( or authority )" and "father ( or Krishna )" you speak of?
daarza wrote:
and this fact is absolutely worthless ?
Anything that can't somehow be used for something, even for something as small as a dopamine rush from watching your favorite let's players or some YouTube video or an idiotic, time-wasting Tumblr meme, is worthelss.
This includes thoughts that are incapable of making it onto paper, digitally or physically, as either words, drawing/sketches or both.
Language is far more important than you think. Without it, we wouldn't even talking at all.
And with how broken your English is, you won't do any good. Try writing in your native language, then use the little thing called Google Translate. That might help out.
daarza wrote:
that there is father before our birth ?
Dude, of course there's father before our birth. How else did you even come to be?
Unless you're talking about Krishna? Who is Krishna?
daarza wrote:
the fact is fact that there is father before our birth and our mother ( and authority ) has seen him.
And again I have no idea what you're talking about.
Of course everyone's parents saw each other before your birth, what else did you think?
daarza wrote:
and if im incapable in speaking than you are also incapable ( broken failure ) in pointing our The Real issues.
I'm far from perfect, but I'm no fool. I might not have all the details in what will inevitably destroy society inside out, but I have a rough idea.
What about you? What do you know? How to speak broken English and waste everyone's time with gibberish you're not even bothering to explain?
daarza wrote:
and you are not the damn reasonable in the first place. it is me who is that.
If you really were reasonable, I wouldn't have started calling you a coward.
daarza wrote:
and than what are more worthy ? ( huh? ) your false propagandas like Make america great again ? moon landing ? evolution ? big bang etc ?
Screw America, they were never great, and at the moment don't deserve to be. Hooray for Trump, tearing the country apart and showing what scum-bags exist, politics, business men and journalists alike.
daarza wrote:
and since when your america was great in the past ? huh? it was stolen by europeans who went from europe and by hook or crook they captured the power and now they are spoiling the whole world.
all western adventure to keep people in darkness.
Hey guys, I'm starting to like this guy!
daarza wrote:
rascal slut
...never mind...
daarza wrote:
your moon landing ? evolution ? make america great again etc false propagandas ? huh? are these worthy than ?
TAK02 wrote:
the Big Bang did happen, believe it or not.
Evolution? Lie. Some things just don't add up.
Moon landing? I'll say let's wage a war on that one. This is a C&C forum after all.
daarza wrote:
you all are certainly after me and taking my lollypop ( by pying without invitation )
Why would anyone here care for a lollipop? And do you mean by "taking by pying without invitation"? That you're not selling us lollipops but we bought them anyway?
daarza wrote:
and it is me who dont care for you at all.
Your non-existent attempts at explaining yourself or bettering your English to even remotely attempt starting a civilised, reasonable conversation truly show this, I'm shocked.
daarza wrote:
cuz none has seen our father before our birth, nor knows that who has tilled our mother.
...before you're born, you're unlikely to see or hear anything, much less remember it. Just to let you know.
daarza wrote:
if you call me terrorists
No-one said you were a terrorist. You were the first one to bring that one up:
daarza wrote:
why would any intelligent person would try to save the damn theifs and terrorists ?
and is that your civilization is the civilization of saints ? OR of the damn theives and terrorists ? huh?
if you call me terrorists than what you would call americans ? huh? who gave them the damn land ? and what act i have done yet by which you are calling me terrorist ?
i have nothing and done nothing at all. are you the damn fool ?
come on ( sir ) what made you think that im terrorist ?
If you hit Ctrl+F and type terrorist, look for the button that says "Highlight All" and hit it, you'll see that the only one who ever wrote terrorist in any of his posts (aside from quoting you) is you.
You're the one who started calling us terrorists, and now you're accusing us of calling you a terrorist?
Talk about being forgetful.
daarza wrote:
if this Practical explanation is not solid, verifiable and tangible explanation based on such philosophy which no one can challenge
Wrong. If any explaination is not solid, verifiable or tangible, it becomes the target of challenge, and rightfully so. Said explaination also has the obligation of throwing itself into the sun.
daarza wrote:
you take little, little grain of so called truth from random childrens.
If by "random childrens" you mean my university professors, then I suppose I can agree with you. Most of what they teach me is trash I won't even be using when I start working.
daarza wrote:
but i have got mother ( or authority { or Srila Prabhupada ) and it is something like going to super market cuz i will get everything in `1 place.
Nonsense from start to finish. Nice.
daarza wrote:
( rascal whore ) now get lost.
Now, that's not very polite, is it? Aren't you supposed to be a reasonable person?
Show me.
daarza wrote:
i know that it is mother who is supplying me milk of her breast.
daarza is
A) a 10-year-old toddler
B) a perverted sicko
C) A) and B)
No, I'm unable to understand the gibberish you're throwing out instead of explaining things like I've been asking nicely several posts ago.
than dont understand anything at all nor i will beat the damn dead horses like you.
and must have to say that unwanted population ( like yours ) in majority and has over burdened our world.
and i m not going to beat the dead horses like you at all.
and by avoiding the real issues you have given me all good rights. thank you for that QUICK_EDIT
No, I'm unable to understand the gibberish you're throwing out instead of explaining things like I've been asking nicely several posts ago.
than dont understand anything at all nor i will beat the damn dead horses like you.
You're thinking it's my own fault that I don't understand, even though it's actually your own for throwing giberrish around instead of proper explainations like I requested.
daarza wrote:
and must have to say that unwanted population ( like yours ) in majority and has over burdened our world.
Do you imbecile even know where any of the members here are from?
Because unless you do, I recommend shutting up or talking common sense and proper English.
daarza wrote:
and i m not going to beat the dead horses like you at all.
I'm far from dead.
daarza wrote:
and by avoiding the real issues you have given me all good rights. thank you for that
Yes, you have indeed given me all the rights for ignoring the real issues: you not knowing English, refusing conversation and answers when they're requested, and throwing insults around like a pathtic 10-year-old.
So yes, thank you. QUICK_EDIT
4StarGeneral @ but since when you were reasonable ? huh? still you are free to think in your own mind that you are reasonable and did not got the chance to talk at all.
and this hate is also given to me by you. cuz im not the damn mad or retard that i will do anything nonsense without any good reason.
im not that fool that i will touch anything without any reason.
so ultimately who has created this much hate ? huh? is that it is created or dropped from the sky from nowhere ?
reasonable you are not in the first place but still it is fun that you cry for virtue.
and still you will support rascals thus you are also `1 of them. for the fool is accepted by another fool.
and unless you are rsacal you will not take side of another rascal. ( it is not possible ) QUICK_EDIT
4StarGeneral @ ( slut ) come out and put your reasoning and arguement here.
bring it if you have any at all.
and it is difficult cuz your western civilization is also demonic ( same reasonging.
and shame on everyone who defends such majority of rascal childrens.
no - no wrong no shame to they should go to hell for very - very long time so that they must understand that there is reaction for every action.
and shame on everyone and anyone who defends such terrorists who went from europe and illegally occupied that land and now claiming it as my land.
and you are that very person. so shame on everyone and everyone who defends such terrorists.
and misleading entire world with own menship.
certainly must have to say again that men in distress always call on virtue.
and come on commander come out ( rascal whore ) and bring your reasoning.
and what kind of great work you hvae done ? ( rascal whore ) huh?
and shame on everyone or anyone who defends western terrorists.
and you take our whore also in your side ( our great india ) is now your whore so i dont mind or care for it at all. QUICK_EDIT
There's nothing he will say that's going to spark any kind of discussion because he's clearly a (and I'll just use his language) "blind whore".
now such an whore like me is standing in front of you alone. why dont you take the damn hell advantage and f.uck me very brutally ? by very reasonably and logically ?
i m very fond of brutal rape. come on i have touched everything, and you now bring your reasonable lolly out and f.uck me down.
but i know that what kind of reasoanble you actually are and it is me who is standing here with facts and lollypop ( both )
and if im whore than f.uck me down very reasonable ( right now )
but you cannot do that. and your effective silence is the first clear indication of your poor position.
and shame on anyone and everyone who takes your side, side of the rascal and spoiled child.
and i dont want help of anyone else beside mother and father.
come on such an lusty whore is standing in front of you. now f.uck me out.
have you got the guts ? ( rascal whore ) simply shifting burdon of proof and imposing your nonsense and you become right in the first place ? when all the facts are against you ( rascal whore )
and certainly must have to say that all western adventure is to keep people in darkness.
and when challeged to f.uck me down openly in front of everyone ( or even in alone ) you are proven the damn gay whose lolly pop does not even raise.
what to speak of getting very brutally raped by you ?
since your lollypop does not even work so what you will do now ?
just remain the damn silent and dont touch anything at all.
and indeed it is fun that you are crying for virtue, after killing cow crying for its milk ( indeed fun is amazing )
and nor there is anyone who is watching me right now and still claims to be big big fire brigades is going to come here in this thread and going to touch anything at all.
cuz they are gays ( like you ) whose lollypop does not even raise when called by such an thirty and lusty whore like me. ( oh - OH im soon going to die cuz i did not got the damn big lollypop ) i want it so bad now bring it and f.uck a whore like me. ( rascal slut )
and simply shifting burdon of proof is not going to help you ( slut ) and here goes your reputation. ( it is now broken ) and i have very nicely and very - very brutally raped it.
you are broken now. ( like rest ) and you cannot do anything anymore. ( it is an another fact ) touch the real things and simply dont watch ( like an parralized men [ watching his wife enjoying with me ])
dont be that paralized men. instead of acting like an paralized men better act directly and all of you come here in this thread.
and act directly ( if not all than atleast come on gay commander )
for such an lusty whore like me is calling you with your great reasoanble valour and logic.
and fool is detected as soon as he speaks. and you will be considered intelligent by other fools so long you are silent in my thread ( O gay commander ) and your real slut like nature will come out in front of everyone.
and you will began to enjoy your own very brutal rape by me ( in the end ) take it as for granted. QUICK_EDIT
so you become right in the first place ? simply by shfiting burdon of proof ( or by imposing ) your western authority on authority ( say Srila Prabhupada or mother )
and i remained the damn kid in spite of representing everything ? certainly your clear silence is the proof that how reasoanble you actually are.
and you are unwanted ( now ) and if there is anything than we will see it in work, for there is no use in giving post dated check at all.
for i myself dont take it than how i will give it to you or anyone else ?
and now you are no more wanted ( 1 of the unwanted rsacal slut )
and let me stay kid still how you could enjoy the shoe filled with potty and urine on your reputation ?
and you could not touch single point and still you are reasonable ? ( indeed farce is amazing )
and you are no more wanted or alive at all. otherwise you would have touched the real issues.
and now ( i have to admit ) that you westerns are very intelligent in cheating. ( really sound intelligent )
but as mother says you cannot do anything anymore. for anything simply spoiled
and if there is anything than we will see it in work.
and now You can avoid the creator, but you cannot say He doesn't exist. Whether or not you accept the creator's authority is your business; but you cannot say there is no creator.
For example :- there are so many outlaws who say, "We don't want to obey the government." If you don't like the government, that is your business. But there is a government -- you can't deny that. QUICK_EDIT
Oof... _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Guys, he never posted on any topic except this one in life time, why are you all fighting? it happened to zlixine before, but never happened that much...
_________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
4StarGeneral @ and ( broken whore ) your effective silence is the proof that you are dead whore now.
We are all incapable of attempting conversations with someone of your intellectual level.
than i have to admit that it is an waste of time only to argue in this foolish way ( as im doing ) it is foolishness and i myself laugh on others but ( just see the fun ) that im doing same foolishness.
and certainly have to admit that your modern or western civilization has got everything sufficient or enough.
and you are still covered by money ( and who can deny it ? ) HEY! we are intelligent. this is your conclusion without any arguement.
and certainly you are covered ( even now ) cuz you have sufficient everything. ( who can deny it ? )
and it is an waste of time only in this foolish way which im doing. QUICK_EDIT
Guys, he never posted on any topic except this one in life time, why are you all fighting? it happened to zlixine before, but never happened that much...
and now there is nothing left for conversation, for you are rascal fraud and im delude idiot.
and now you go to hell and i also go to hell. ( finished )
but sun can take water even from urine ( like myself ) so i will stay in sun or turn my face toward sun ( or Krishna or his real representative { say Srila Prabhupada })
and why shall we both ( you and me ) waste our time further more in conversation ? for mere lamentation is useless and what ? im xerxes now ?
anyways policy and propaganda is lovely *give dog bad name and hang it* very lovely attempt but i have no interest in you. QUICK_EDIT
PussyPus @ anyways - anyways if im xerxes than you are barbarians who has captured power in the guess of kings.
that is what you actually are than. and certainly have to admit that you are very expert in making false propagandas because you are cheaters.
and who gave you the damn land The America ? huh? if im xerxes than you are terrorists ( same like those russians )
and im not xerxes but still i have to admit that mistakes i actually have right now. and it is not against westerns ( blind whore in the first place ) it is against atheism.
and im no more blind, no more nonsense only on the account of being with mother ( or authority or with Srila Prabhupada ) who is actual friend of everyone and is not partial of anyone else.
and you fistful nonsense are ( factually ) spoiling the whole world cuz mismanaging everything for your own interest.
and what do you think ? you are laberor ? or theives and rogues in the first place ?
and at the present moment government is run by theives and rogues not spesific country but all so called leaders up to from india to pakistan to russian to america to anywhere are all rogues and theives in the first place.
and certainly im not wrong ( right now ) for the when blazing fire takes place on the both ends of logs ants in the middle used to suffer. ( so little bit - only little bit mistakes i have and that is also not very much ) which i will correct for sure.
but what correction you can do ? in the first place ? huh? am i xerxes ? than you are barbarians ( finished )
and if you dont accept me than i dont accept you also ( finished ) i have got mother ( or authority ) and it is only our mother and authority. who thinks for her all sons and is not only for englishmen only for englishmen.
if there is anyone who is actually right in the first place ( even with little bit mistakes ) than still it is me ( rascal slut )
im not wrong cuz i admit that im disturbed like an mud in the water. but we will see what is what in course of time.
and i dont believe in talking big big bluff and giving any post dated check at all.
but if im xerxes or similar rascal like that than you are barbarians and must have to say that very clever or expert or intelligent in cheating.
because after all you are cheaters. ( and rogues and theives ) and people are suffereing even in all countries under the bogus leadership like you nonsense.
so people are suffering and it cannot be denied at all. QUICK_EDIT
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