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Commander Specific Stolen Tech
Moderators: - geno -
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Side Specific or Commander Specific
Side (Allied,Soviet,Yuri)
 66%  [ 2 ]
Commander (with Laser, Tanks, etc...)
 33%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 3

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- geno -
Energy Commando

Joined: 29 May 2003
Location: Manila

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:04 pm    Post subject:  Commander Specific Stolen Tech
Subject description: Discuss
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For 2-3 Weeks I've been conceptualizing this thing just making it a balance.

there are 256 possible combinations for these overpowered units from all the 16 Commanders on my list.

Possible the vehicles can benefit from it.

Infantry on the other hand can be, but still have to filter out some. Since it will be like (chrono commando with Nuke charges if infiltrated a Nuke Commander or a Chrono commando with prism rifle if an Allied Commander Infiltrated a Laser Commander...)

I'm going to fill the stolen tech first since all stolen tech are Commando tiers or if vehicles; an experimental one.

Here is my initial. I've used a hit and run tactics for the stolen tech, since the Chrono backpack started it all. I'm tapping rocket jumpjet packs for soviets (think of the cosmonaut lore when soviets attempted to copy the rocketeer, but this time its experimental, so units will land and deal with micro management; that's what commando's are for) and stealth for Yuri.

Not really a rocketeer that never land, but it can still land and do demolitions and stuff or psi-blasts. Not as fast as the Rocketeer but Cons for the rocket guys, they will be more vulnerable to anti-air as much as the chrono cant go to water and they also have that chrono lag. Stealth can only be like that walking stealth on land and water but will still deal with sensor structures, units and infantry (dogs).

Chrono Commando
- This is nerfed, the C4 will be like timed demo charges, so Tanya will have an instant C4.

Rocket Commando
- Seal with Jumpjets and with timed demo charge

Stealth Commando
- Seal in Stealth Mode

Chrono Ivan
- Same as the old.

Rocket Ivan
- Same Ivan with a jumpjet pack

Stealth Ivan
- Crazy Ivan on stealth mode

Chrono Adept
- Yuri Clone wih Chrono Backpack

Telekinetic Adept (Tesla Enhanced Yuri Clone, by electromagnetism)or Rocket Yuri (with a rocket pack)
- Yuri Clone that jumpjets.

Stealth Adept
- Yuri Clone with Demo Charges

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