Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:06 am Post subject:
[2] Callie's Hot Dog Stand
Subject description: My first MP map for DTA
So, first off, you know those two maps, [2] Savanna Ridge and [2] Emerald Canyon? Well, Savanna and Emerald are, surprisingly, the names of two of my friends at school (the two of them are sisters, if you can believe it). I always thought of doing another one for the third sister, and, well, I did.
So, I now present my first custom map for DTA, known as Callie's Hot Dog Stand! Like the previous two maps mentioned above, the map is a 1v1 map, but unlike the two mentioned above, it's a naval map with the TEMPERAT terrain. Be weary, though, that the shore is very far away from your original starting point, so get a little closer to the beach if you want to build a naval yard. That's about it, so have fun and hope you like the map!
The map preview; The two paved areas mark the spawn points.
427.72 KB
3499 Time(s)
[2] Callie's Hot Dog Stand, full map with minor detail fixes.
The map itself can be interesting but the mapping is horrible
- Enable "Switch Framework Mode" and you will see many problem into the water - The two snow islands are copy/paste - Many same shores used next to each other
- All islands are not natural because of the shores that are straight (Or maybe you want to make artificial islands ?)
- Invisible X cell range tiberium spreader missing (Go to Building -> Special)
- Same burned trees (seriously ???), you should add many trees on your map
- What is the interest of the pavement at the starting location ? You should remove it.
- What is the interest of the dirt on the central island ? You should clear this and add some dirt if you want and the tiberium that is here should be spread more equitably
- On the S-E platform, the corner is missing
- Add many details like "Debris/dirt", "small rocks", "Frost", "Pebbles" and "Ice floes"
- You should replace Ground 3 under the tiberium by Ground 2 and leave some grass area too
- You should move the N-E crashed A-10 somewhere else
- I think the runway and the water platform are too much for this map but it's up to you
- Tiberium under Tiberium trees
If you manage to fix most of these problems, your map will be much better _________________ Experimental Crisis Campaign:
The Hunt: 100% The Underground Laboratory: 100% Unexpected Presence: 95% Backfire: 95% New Threat: 95% Stealth Ambitions: 80%
Red Like Flames: 35% (Secret) For Queen and Country: 5% Totally Blind: 7% Into the Shadow: 3% The Sea Titan: 5% Invincible: 15%
Laser Technology: 3% The Brotherhood of Nod: 5% (Secret) The War of Tomorrow: 5% (Super Secret) The White Princess: 1% QUICK_EDIT
I have to agree with Sombracier (The constructive points), however I think with some effort you can turn this map into something great.
When I design a level I try my best to get the playable area to appear "natural" so that the player does not end up focusing on odd inconsistencies in its design.
There are a lot of assets at your disposal for DTA, not just units and buildings, but various terrain details such as overlays.
On the left toolbar in Finalsun a lot of assets are at your immediate disposal. Sometimes when I am unsure how to develop an area of my levels I take some time to toy around with the various assets to determine how they should be placed or how they would look in the environment.
Another tip that I think you may benefit from is that sharp angles in a level tend to cause issues not just aesthetically but game play wise as well. When you give a player a sharp angle to play with you are in fact maximizing their territory to their benefit. When designing a skirmish map it's best to keep in mind that you want both players to be in a equal situation from the start. That way you in no way give an advantage to another player.
I also think you could benefit from some terrain diversity. In the image the terrain is split up in blobs, while this can be good in certain circumstances I suggest that you fiddle with the various other forms of terrain and mix them together. With the various ground types I promise that you can create an aesthetically pleasing location for players. If you are unsure how to properly mix them together, keep auto lat on and just select various ground types and plop them down next to each other with a 1 tile brush. I have had great results with that trick.
My last tip is neutral building placements, It's cool to see neutral buildings the players can capture, however if they are not in the immediate start area of the players I would suggest making them a point of contention rather than a generous gift from you. When I plop down neutral structures in a skirmish map I often try to ensure they will in some way become a hot zone of activity. While it's perfectly fine to give each player their own; placing them in locations where they will be contested will help drive the battle on the map.
In conclusion when developing a map not only do you have to think about how the game environment will look, but how it should be played to some degree.
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