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Ares: Impending Doom mod
Moderators: Generals Moderators, Global Moderators, OpenRA Moderators, Red Alert 2 Moderators, Tiberian Sun Moderators
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Disk Thrower

Joined: 23 Nov 2013

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:23 am    Post subject:  Ares: Impending Doom mod Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sorry for my bad Englishe. I have a lot ideas for this mod, but I need map makers for create a campaign, AI coders and models vor units and structures. Impending Doom mod will be add alternative history of war of Soviets and Allies with PsiCorps but without Yuri. Sides need a great scientist - Richard Smith. He travel from future and "invent" psychic technologies, pathogen for virus snipers, desolator like tecnologies (and desolators too), sonic weapons, railgun artillery, ion cannon, neutron bombs and other Hi-Tech. In campaign he help your enemies. Other great scientist (Mortimer Sanchez) help your army. But Mortimer Sanchez is a clon of Richard Smith and is controlled by him.

Richard Smith have his own army with radbeam towers and Psi-Commando. Soviets have some PsiCorps technologies, but without Beacons and other superweapon. But Smith's army have a lot of superweapons. This included weather controller, chronospheres, MRV nuke rockets, descent from future, EMP, drop space stations, reanimation zombies and more. All missions will be very hard. But tactic and strategy more impotant than technologies. But Richard Smith have giant and heavy-armed mech. And loose it.

But long mindcontrol effect inluense to civilians and they become terrorists. They can't use Hi-Tech, but have simple weapons and most human resourses. And they have upgraded Flint Westwood, Sammy Stallion and Arnie Frankenrurter like a commando. And have giant cloning center builded by Richard Smith.

But aliens teleport to Earth a biological and psionoc hazard beast. His name is Wurm. Wurm can mutate humans, animals and other biological life forms and farming tiberium. Wurm unvulnerable to bullets, lasers and chronorifle, hy tiberium, virus clouds, radiation and electric bolts. Wurm's "army" have a tiberium rifish, mindcontrol squids, mutant ravens, cristal spiders,visceroids and others. Wurm fine vulnerable only to special sonic weapon.

When he killed, aliens attack Earth to harvest tiberium. Soviets and Allies create an allianse. Richard Smith not dead. He was teleport to moon base, but not attack aliens. When aliens are destroyed, Richard Snith attack Earth with upgraded PsiCorps. Earth scientists create robots, ccyborgs and AI. But when new PsiCorps is destroyed, AI attack humans. AI invent time machine and create Richard Smith clon with fabricated memories. Clon travel to past when AI is destroyed.

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