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Supply drop idea
Moderators: Mig Eater
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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:45 pm    Post subject:  Supply drop idea Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Currently the Americans have a supply drop building that calls in a cargo plane which drops supply boxes next to it that can be collected for credits. I'm thinking of expanding on this system & making capturable supply drop tech buildings. These new tech buildings would then be used as replacement for the standard "ore drills" that are used to replenish resources on maps.

So instead of supply boxes magically appearing out of the ground at a consistent rate via the "ore drills". The player/AI would have to first capture a supply drop by garrisoning it with infantry (which may require killing any enemy infantry that are already occupying the structure). Next you'll have to defend your cargo planes from enemy fighters as they come from off map to the supply drop. Then lastly you'll have to defend you supply vehicles as per-usual as they collect the supply boxes, which is made slightly easier as there will be a garrisoned structure nearby to defend them.

While I think this new resource collection system could add a lot more strategic opportunities & promotes more map exploration & control (I can see huge air battles where players hunt down each others cargo planes, along with ground battles over control of the supply drops). However I'm worried as this system will add several new tasks that the player will have to micromanage, which might be off-putting or even difficult for some players to even figure out.

So does this sound like a good idea or does it over complicate things?


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Joined: 28 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Good idea, but good luck on implementing it #Tongue
But, while understandable and logical, the concept has the problem of being 'new' to C&C as a whole (unless you count C&C 4's "harvest"-system), and players will need to take a while to figure it out.

I would say go for it, but make a tutorial mission first dedicated to explaining the new system first, to be released with the next DD version.

And don't worry about off-putting: The fun part of C&C4 was catching the "harvesters". Most players will have the bulk of their troops protecting the supply vehicles, especially early-game.
So, if you're smart enough, going after them and succeeding could mean instant win.

One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done. #Tongue

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I like it, but depending on the location of the "Tib. Tree" it will be supplied on
an unregular intervals. This means that the players will not have a steady
income. This will also mean that the suppy plane's pilot might be drunk and
could fly trough the enemy flak defences. Think about it.

Still, if it does not get aproved it would be nice to have missions with this set up. ^.^

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The code for the supply drop & the tech building part has already been implemented in separate structures, it's just a mater of combining them for this new one. The only difficult part with implementing this system will be making the AI use the supply drops consistently & not forgetting about them late game etc. Of course every map will need to be edited too but D-day doesn't have many maps & most need to be edited to add other new stuff anyway.


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Joined: 28 Jun 2015
Location: It was Damascus.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Let the AI cheat then! #Tongue

One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done. #Tongue

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