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Forgotten Arsenal
Moderators: Nolt
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Cyborg Firebomber

Joined: 25 Apr 2012
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 3:36 pm    Post subject:  Forgotten Arsenal
Subject description: Outdated, will replace soon.
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    -Mutant units are somewhat cheaper than the rest.
    -Mutant bullets have a chance of mutating enemies.
    -Mutant infantry and beasts heal on tiberium.

    -Forgotten Hall -> Tech Center.
    -Mutant Stable -> Support structure that unlocks tiberian lifeforms.



Main infantry, a mutant militiamen, uses a shotgun and its bullets are tainted with tiberium, it can fortify himself when ordered to deploy, gaining extra range, damage, and damage resistance.
Credits: Me.
Tier: 1 (requires Barracks).
Armor: none.
Weapon warhead: Rifle.


Mortar trooper, long range, low rate of fire, cheap and innacurate, effective vs Infantry, Structures.
Credits: WW.
Tier: 1 (requires Barracks).
Armor: none.
Weapon warhead: Artillery.


Engineer Equivalent, Heals on tiberium.
Credits: WW.
Tier: 1 (requires Barracks).
Armor: None.

Tiberian Fiend

Tiberium Lifeform, a tanky beast that is quite effective against armor.
Like all Forgotten Beasts, it enters into a frenzy when hurt that makes it stronger but uncontrollable.
Credits: WW.
Tier: 2 (requires Barracks and Mutant Stable).
Armor: Light.
Weapon warhead: Armor piercing.


Psychic Infantry capable of firing lightning through ther hands, this unit is somewhat expensive, deals high damage but has a low reload speed, it can create an electric shockwave when killed, harming nearby units.
Credits: Me.
Tier: 2 (requires Barracks and Radar).
Armor: none.
Weapon warhead: Special (Deals half damage to infantry but full damage to tanks).

Forgotten Knight

Veteran mutant infantry that are on the verge of devolving into mindless beasts, they carry heavy armor and must breathe tiberium constantly to maintain their sanity, they might turn into Ravagers when killed.
Credits: Me.
Tier: 3 (Requires Barracks and Tech Center).
Armor: none.
Weapon warhead: Acid (Weaker flame that has a high chance of mutating units).

Mind Walker

Mutant Commando, a mutant caste that developed strange tiberium related abilities, they can alter the atmosphere around it generating Ion Lightning.
Credits: Me.
Tier: 3 (requires Barracks and Forgotten Hall).
Armor: none.



Light vehicle with room for one soldier, the soldier inside the vehicle can fire from inside and will gain veterancy if he survives long enough, the vehicle is cheap, moderately fast, has low health and starts with a Skirmisher.
Credits: Orac.
Tier: 1 (Requires Warfactory).
Armor: Light.

Quad Cannon

Medium Vehicle, Armed with a heavy flak cannon, usefull vs Infantry and aircraft.
Credits: Zero18.
Tier: 1 (requires Warfactory and Radar).
Armor: Light.
Weapon warhead: Rifle.

Battle Bus

Armored transport with room for 4 soldiers which can fire from inside, in contrast to the Trike this vehicle is more expensive, slower and can resist much more punishment.
Credits: OverWatch (PPM User)
Tier: 1 (Requires Warfactory).
Armor: Heavy.
Weapon warhead: Armor piercing.

Tiberian Bull

Tiberium Lifeform, a beast the size of a tank, when it's ordered to attack it will release tiberium toxins that will make nearby units become frenzied, moving faster and increasing their attack speed, but taking damage over time in the process, otherwise it will fire acid at enemy infantry and tiberium shards at enemy vehicles, both kind of weapons have a high chance of mutating units.
Like all Forgotten Beasts, it enters into a frenzy when hurt that makes it stronger but uncontrollable.
Tier: 2 (Requires Warfactory and Mutant Stable).
Credits: Me.
Armor: Light.
Weapon warhead: Gas.


Artillery equivalent, fires rockets filled with tiberium gas, has a high chance of mutating their targets.
Credits: Sane_Disruption.
Tier: 3 (requires Warfactory and radar).
Armor: Light.
Weapon warhead: Artillery.

Hover demo Truck

Suicide vehicle that hovers, it detonates a tiberium warhead when deployed that has a high chance on mutating nearby units.
Tier: 3 (Requires Warfactory and Forgotten Hall).
Credits: Me.
Armor: Light.


Tiberium Lifeform, a beast the size of a dinnosaur tamed for the use of the Forgotten, cannot target structures (with the exception of base defences).
Tier: 3 (Requires Warfactory and Forgotten Hall).
Credits: Me.
Armor: Light.
Weapon warhead: Melee (The better the armor, the less damage it deals).


Seeder Bird

Tiberium Lifeform, a tamed bird that carries eggs that it can lay where it is ordered to, the eggs will hatch after some time or when they are destroyed, spawning neutral crabs.
Tier: 1 (requires Airstrip and Mutant Stable).


Heavy Gunship designed for Guard tasks, it has slow armor, good ammounts of ammunition and is equiped with a Gattling gun and rockets, making it effective against everything except anti air units.
Credit: Zero18.
Tier: 1 (requires Aistrip).
Weapon warhead: Rocket and Rifle.


Light bomber, spawns tiberium gas clouds on the bombed area.
Credits: Moder.U
Tier: 2 (requires Airstrip and Forgotten Hall).
Weapon warhead: Bomb.

Tiberian Mutations


The last stage of tiberium mutation on humans, these beings have lost most of their sanity, but their muscles have grown dense, it's flesh has hardened and they have crystal growth around then.
Armor: None.
Weapon warhead: Melee.


Creator of Shattered Paradise .
ORA Discord , SP Discord

Last edited by Nolt on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:02 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Joined: 09 Mar 2008
Location: Osaka (JP)/Hong Kong/Germany

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

#1) The various mutant infantry and lifeform concepts are awesome - visually, lorewise and (as far as I can tell from your descriptsions) gameplay-wise.

#2) The vehicles appear as a mismatch to me. I know that the Forgotten are supposed, by C&C lore, to be scrappers, salvagers and scavengers, driving around in jiggsaw vehicles. You have put some effort into making their vehicles even more thematically related to Tiberium (tiberium gas warheads) than I've seen in other Forgotten mods. Also, the vehicle selection is admittely small. Still, in my estimation, combining the wide range of awesome 'organic' units with a few scrappy vehicular ones seems mismatched - a side with such great infantry and an obvious thematical relation to mutated fauna is - for me - hard to imagine as needing scrappy vehicles for any battlefield role, and even harder to imagine as simultaneously maintaining a wing of fighter jets.
But that is a minor complaint, really, and one that I might get taught better about as your mod progresses.

All in all, a great portfolio, both in concept and in art!

Mao Zedong wrote:

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.  

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Cyborg Firebomber

Joined: 25 Apr 2012
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks, and everything you pointed out is intended.

From the moment I started the project I decided to make the Forgotten a modern army that exploits Tiberium (and some powers related to mutation) instead of a scrappy faction. Why? First because I fail to see how a faction of people that are immune to the world's most profitable sustance would ever need to scrap materials. Tiberium refining shouldn't be a secret anymore, and being what they are, they can skip most of the security processes Tiberium refining requires to make it safe for the workers, which translates in a cheaper process, that competitive advantage is too good to let it pass.

The other reason is because it's too mainstream, what's the gain on doing the same other mods have done.

If the Forgotten can get building materials easily then I also fail to see how they wouldn't be able to acquire outdated technology. The vehicles they have are old, they don't get stealth tanks or hover vehicles, that's why they have beasts to compensate.

Lastly. The explosions are a little out of sync but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , ORA doesn't support the trait to make RA2 Allied storms yet, so I had to be creative here.


Creator of Shattered Paradise .
ORA Discord , SP Discord

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 26 Feb 2007

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's a good unit lineup but one unit here bothers me. the tiberian fiend. It's not even that I'm bothered by it but how It's for anti aircraft. Would you consider replacing this and the motor unit with a machine gunner that can hit aircraft and has the range against ground unit that the motor troop had? maybe give it a fairly high rate of fire but make it alittle inaccurate? cause I don't get how a dog can shoot down aircraft. you could then read the fiend as the third unit but take away it's ability to hit aircraft and maybe make it so it releases a ton of poison gas when it dies and also give it the ability to detect clocked objects but only at very close ranges.

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Cyborg Firebomber

Joined: 25 Apr 2012
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I could easily change the AA weapon of the fiend and make it fire a storm of crystals and do the same, I dont want to change the role of the unit considering we have already done a lot of balancing using that unit on that spot. Now is not the time to add more unit plus I dont like role overlapping.

What motor unit btw?

Oh god this list is so old nobody should read it, play the game or wait, We will update it later...


Creator of Shattered Paradise .
ORA Discord , SP Discord

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