"G'day, mate! How are ya?"
Weapons: Heavy Machinegun (default), Recoilless Rifle (passenger), Repair Arm (engineer), Explosive payload (Mad Bomber)
Armor: Light
Speed: Fast
Cost: $500
Purpose: Transport, Multirole
Requires: Motorpool
Veteran Upgrades:
-Improvised armor (+25% health)
-Engine tuneup (+25% speed)
Elite Upgrades:
-Repair toolkit (self-repair)
-Larger caliber guns (+50% damage)
-Tiberium munitions (+25% effective vs infantry, vehicles, and structures)
"A pickup truck with a machinegun in the back, the classic. Cheap, fast, abundant and easy to maintain, but most importantly its multifunctional. The Snakehead can fulfill different roles by simply swapping out the standard anti-infantry machinegun for another weapon or equipment. So far there is a light anti-armor variant armed with a recoilless rifle, a repair variant equipped with a sophisticated remote controlled welding arm, and what Mad Bombers call the "Boomer": basically a small truck bomb and easily the rarest variant because nobody likes riding shotgun with a Mad Bomber on a suicide mission they did not sign up for."
- The Safekeeper, entry #100
-Can carry 1 passenger (size limit 1)
-Default heavy machinegun is replaced with an alternate weapon when carrying the corresponding infantry