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A Sinful Act
Moderators: Zero18
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Joined: 10 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:05 pm    Post subject:  A Sinful Act Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

"Allahu Akbar!" Praised the jihadists as Farzian Muhammad took the stage. Farzian waited for the crowd to settle down as the hostage kneeling next to him looked at him in fear. Farzian was holding a long curved sword. "This," Farzian began to talk, firmly gripped his sword, "is what you get for being a disgrace to God and making a stain in the holiest land." Farzian walks around the hostage. "We are God's servants, we are here to obey his commands and to bring peace to the world. This scum is dirty and we have to work to cleanse the filth out to preserve the righteous land pure." Farzian then placed his sword around the hostage ' neck. "God's willing!" And as he beheaded the hostage, the crowd roared in cheer and praise for God's work.

Farzian during that time, he is one of the well known general who worked as second in command for ISIS force. For 7 years, he promoted expansion of Islam from Middle East to Europe and Asia. Many people resists the idea of Islam and they were either arrested or beheaded because they opposes Islam's beliefs. He had seen thousands of executions, at least hundred daily during the invasion of Middle East.

However, his commitment to ISIS was rather short when there was an unexpected shift inside the circle of ISIS. The leader of ISIS wants to kidnap the women, torture them, rape them and throw rocks at them to death for being inferior. Farzian Muhammad knew he wouldn't allowed that, but it has gone too far for him that the ISIS are becoming even more extremist.  He didn't tell his leader that he will be leaving because he knew it will cost him his life. On one night, Farzian abandoned ISIS and set out on a journey on foot.  

To conceal his jihadist identity,  he had to assassinate one of the Arab civilian to put the everyday civilian clothes on to fit in with the society. He looked at the jihadist tattoo on his right arm, he took the knife and tried to scrap it off by removing the skin off. He then wrapped it around with the tore clothes. He groaned as the pain intensify, but he endured until he talked to a merchant who offered him shower and water at no cost. Farzian gladly accepted the wealthy merchant's offer.

He clean up after showering, when he realized that the wound he inflicted on himself is still great.  He scrambled around the cabinet for lighter to burn the wound. It took a while until the merchant knocked the door. "Farzian?  You there?" asked the Merchant. "Yes, I am almost done," replied Farzian.  "Okay, just don't use up all the water. It is very scarce resource," said the Merchant.

Farzian then took the towel and ripped it apart to wrap it around his wounded arm and tied it tightly.  He hastily put his things together until he heard screaming outside in the street. Curious to know what it is, he carefully move closer to hear better. "Submit to God! You are on the holy land property!" Commanded the jihadist soldier. The merchant shook his head and begged for mercy, but Jihadist soldier grabbed him since the Merchant refused to submit to the God.

Oh shit, thought Farzian.  It is the ISIS. He looked around for an alternative way to escape and there is an opened window. He made his way out from the jihadists and explored to Israel. Upon his arrival, he was arrested by the Jewish police because they observed Farzian and sees him as a possible jihadist.  

Farzian sat in a room where he was interrogated by the Jewish police. They threw all the questions they had at Farzian and then asked questions about his arm. "I was caught in explosion that I believe a jihadist did it," lied Farzian.  "The glass shards struck my arm and it hurts like hell." The Jewish police wanted him to unwrap his arm, but Farzian declined.

"Look, if you have something that you have deep hate for, do not displace at me because I don't support jihadists.  They are the enemy of me and your. If we want to be able to defeat them, we have to unify together to be able to make an army strong enough to destroy the Islam for once and all, " Farzian explained to the Jewish police and managed to change their mind and gave Farzian the permission to reside in Israel.

Farzian rested in Israel for a few years, gathered people mix of true muslims, christians and jewish. He educated them the real meaning of God and peace, he even convinced them that preserving the peace and not letting the extremists go out of control is top priority. In 2023, the Iron Dome defense system was destroyed by invading ISIS forces and that left Irasel really vulnerable to any incoming missiles attacks.

Farzian decided it was time to rise against ISIS,  one of the largest religion war ever conducted in the entire human history where both believe the peace should be brought to the world and complete the God's work. Farzian was determined to destroy ISIS and to give the leader of ISIS taste of his medicine.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Allahuakbar!!! Awesome story, betraying ISIS, lied to Jewish police, and made Israel vulnerable to any attacks, love jihad very much, but not the right time to do jihad

Humans were born for two things: to pray and be productive.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

deathreaperz wrote:
Allahuakbar!!! Awesome story, betraying ISIS, lied to Jewish police, and made Israel vulnerable to any attacks, love jihad very much,


but not the right time to do jihad

It is world war 3 and you should expect like this to happen. Farzian is actually a good guy, ex-jihadist who had his common sense snapped back to reality after he realized that ISIS has gone too far on their beliefs. So, to say that ISIS is like the nazis who want all people to believe in their God only and must be able to believe only in Allah, nothing else.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Allahu Akhbar! Its a Trap!

~ Excelsior ~

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Zero18 wrote:
It is world war 3 and you should expect like this to happen

But in the real life almost the time to do jihad, but not now, soon if the Mad Eye comes

Humans were born for two things: to pray and be productive.

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Joined: 10 Dec 2012
Location: I'm too busy conquering the world!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mad Eye? What are you talking about, can you elaborate more on that?

Atomic_Noodles wrote:
Allahu Akhbar! Its a Trap!

God is great! Praise Allah! *bows and kneels in direction to Mecca*

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