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Starcraft2: Legacy of the void
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:04 pm    Post subject:  Starcraft2: Legacy of the void Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

just put here to hype. :p

Cinematic Trailer

Terran Update > Since they lack of new toy in last expension seem like they got the most in this expension.

Zerg Update > Some of interesting new toy and unit upgrade

Protoss Update > beside 1 boring new unit other old unit upgrade seem interesting.

- some rumor said they plan tone down resource management [reduce number of harvester need] and point more on combat.

- Feature "Archon mode" where allow 2 player share same base/unit fight with opponent via mini campaign due lack of cinematic but have it own story.

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Joined: 28 Sep 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have a strange feeling about this expansion. I hope they don't mess it up.  #Tongue

I think that they are making the game more and more harder with every new update they make. That may be just me, but with all the new units and with the changes to the old ones they are saying:

"We want more action, more skill, more dinamic."

Still, I was hoping to see a Dark Archon for multiplayer.... well, at least the Lurker is back! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Kinda disappointed in the Protoss updates, it seems they are the least favorite race and it tends to show. Terran always gets the love like the favorite child, although I don't imagine we'll see the Cyclone make it to the end game product. Zerg updates are Zerg updates, the big ones being Ravagers and Nydus Worms not dying before stuff can escape it. Who cares about Lurkers, we have Swarm Hosts? :p

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

well protoss got most stuff from last expansion pack while terran got least [and really boring]. but like what they away do this update info mean nothing because this's blizzard they not hesitate to cut any cool feature they show off in the name of balance...

i don't think Dark Archon will appear in MP but highly possible in SP and Archon mode. (maybe you need to choose between Archon and Dark Archon in campaign)

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Joined: 28 Sep 2013
Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holy_Master wrote:
i don't think Dark Archon will appear in MP but highly possible in SP and Archon mode. (maybe you need to choose between Archon and Dark Archon in campaign)

On the Protoss:
I like the Carrier change, this way the Interceptors won't die the momment the Carrier dies. Maximum damage! I dislike the Immortal change, because it makes them weaker and more micro intensive. You are going to control the Collosus? The High Templar? The Immortals? The Stalkers?
It may be like upgrade for the High Archon. It is not necessary to make the Dark Archon be exactly like in Brod War.

On the Terrans.
Well the Hellbat is not a boring unit at all. It is flamer, bio armor (healable), splash damage vs light units, better armor and can transform into the fast Hellion. The Thor Self Repair Ability looks cool, but it should cost some resources or a group of Thors will make much more damage then they should. I am not sure about the Battle Cruiser. They were strong before, now with the instant warp in to any point of the map seems too strong. One scan in the enemy base and if the army is out of possition, you have no base and you still have to destroy the Battle Cruisers.

On the Zerg.
From the momment I saw how much damage the Locust do, I wanted them to not take any effects from the attack and armor upgrades. The Enduring Locust upgrade is enough, if you ask me. I think that the new ability for the Corruptor will be removed. Just think about it. If the Zerg manages to distract the Protoss deathball, he could sneak like 5-6 Corruptors into the main Protoss base and destroy key tech/production/pylon buildings and then the Protoss GGs.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm protoss player personally even i like Hellbat [but i can't say it's completely new unit it's more like hellion upgrade] but widow mine is real boring.

Immortal change sound reasonable to me even it count as nerf but still wanna see how this new ability work in real use.

what i disappoint is they never mention about how useless mothership is right now and offer new change to fix her.

however I'm sure this thing will be the first one that get nerf...

what happen when you combine speed, range, attack speed and fire power in to one unit and put them on T2...

what i away feel about Protoss unit is they have too direct on their unit role.

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Martin Killer
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holy_Master wrote:
I'm protoss player personally even i like Hellbat [but i can't say it's completely new unit it's more like hellion upgrade] but widow mine is real boring.

Immortal change sound reasonable to me even it count as nerf but still wanna see how this new ability work in real use.

what i disappoint is they never mention about how useless mothership is right now and offer new change to fix her.

however I'm sure this thing will be the first one that get nerf...

what happen when you combine speed, range, attack speed and fire power in to one unit and put them on T2...

what i away feel about Protoss unit is they have too direct on their unit role.

It's not even Tier 2, Cyclone in this video needs only a tech lab attached to Factory. 200 HP for a T1.5 unit that has got AA capabilities is a lot more than "too much".

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Missile Trooper

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Starcraft2: Legacy of the void Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holy_Master wrote:
- some rumor said they plan tone down resource management [reduce number of harvester need] and point more on combat

Maximum efficient number of workers will now be 16 instead of 24 like before, and mineral fields will have 1000 minerals instead of 1500. They're also making everyone have 12 workers at start instead of 5.

And people don't realise how good that change to Tempest might turn out. Problems with Medivac drops? Snipe it, 18 seconds later, Medivac is dead. Keep one Tempest at each Nexus, and Medivacs will stay away, or die. Also if those things be will stack, you will be able to snipe expansions. Surprised (4 Tempests = 2000 damage during 50 seconds)

Same goes for that Stasis Trap of Oracle. If that thing stays, Protoss will be able to mine their mineral lines, and if something gets in there (Terran drop or Zergling runby), it will get frozen, allowing your army to come and kill it.

I hope the Cyclone will be nerfed, though. Currently, it's like a Bomb Buggy from Generals, but way more durable, insane dps, and with AA. o_O
And Herc looks like something taken directly from RA3. #Tongue

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

i wonder how much duration of Stasis Trap it can be really OP if that thing stand forever when get deploy. but for me this ability seem to be best thing they give for protoss in this expansion.

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Cyborg Cannon

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No change to Ultri but to Tempest, Carrier, Thor and Battle Cruiser?

Seriously, No one played Ultris before and no one will play them after the add on. Face it, the Ultri has lower specs then a BLord (by far) while needing more supply. It dies too fast and has a huuuuge hitbox. Its only neat ability is an AoE effect, while he himself is a melee creature.


So, yeah, I've created a new acc. 'cause no one could remember Ordosherrscher - and I didn't like that name anyway.

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