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Characters of World Domination
Moderators: Zero18
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Joined: 10 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:55 am    Post subject:  Characters of World Domination Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Tanya - American Commando (F) - Dual Colt Pistol

- Tanya served as President Spencer's top agent from 2025 to 2037. Tanya is well known for her brutal and reckless actions. When Spencer has gone mad in 2037, Tanya escaped her fate fortunately and meets up with Boris, a Russian Commando, in desolate region of Russia, where they worked together to assassinate President Spencer.

Aurore - French Commando (F) - Plasma Rocket Launcher

- A French female commando who wields the strength to carry heavy weight rocket launcher. She used to be a model woman and appears on the fashion show to show off the style. She is also one of the most attractive woman that appears on the newspaper. She is well known until the French Government had to draft their people for World War III. They used up their men and there is not plenty of men left to draft, they are eventually forced to draft french women to war. Aurore wasn't so lucky to avoid it and was faced brutal training to prepare for war. She never seen such a horror in her life. She faced oppression from her army mates and even they bitched at her. She had to take time to get used to it. In 2024, she was promoted to Commando due to her excellent service and loyal to France. She served as Commando for France from 2024 to 2038 before France got conquered by U.S.

Boris - Russian Commando (M) - Sniper Rifle

- One of the most elite Russian Commando who works closely with Putin. He is considered a member of Putin's inner circle. Boris is armed with Sniper Rifle designed to take out enemy infantry and armor afar. Works for Putin from 2020 to 2037 and escaped his fate during Fall of Kremlin in order not to be captured by the Allied Force. When he was approached by Tanya Adams, he at first didn't want to work with Tanya to take U.S down, however eventually worked with Tanya.

Faizan - Iraqi Commando (M) - Lobbered Disc Grenade

- Faizan Muhammad used to served as Second in Command during rise of ISIS. Not pleased with ISIS' action, Faizan decided to form his own group to attack ISIS and to liberate Middle East from the tyrant Islamic State. He won thousands of loyal from people even from others who is affiliated with religions whom have deep hatred for Islam. While Faizan is a strong advocate of Muslim world, he has his own army mixed of Christianity, Judaism and Muslim.  

Leon - German Commando (M) - Sniper Rifle

- Leon Strauss is one of the elite German commando. Accompanied with his companion named Rocket who is implanted with nantie which repairs any wounds Rocket receives during battlefield. In 2020, Leon was just a grunt in the Europe Union force, he quickly rose through the rank and was eventually made as a Commando. Armed with Sniper Rifle designed to take out enemy infantry at long range and C4. Rocket endured the world war 3 with Leon from 2025 to 2032 when Rocket was killed in action. Ever to that day, Leon vowed revenge for death of Rocket when time has come during Fall of Kremlin.

Duncan - England Commando (M) - Twin Submachine Guns

- Duncan is an English Commando who simply thinks he is badass and single-minded. Armed with twin submachine guns, he can easily mow down enemy infantry force with ease. He entered the World War 3 as a commando in 2023 and was killed by U.S force under the command of President Spencer in 2039. Duncan was hired by the Vickers Company as a recruit where he was a grunt and had to climb up through the rank before he became a commando of England.

Liu - Chinese Commando (M) - Twin Laser Blade Sword / Psionic Wave

- Liu was raised through burden of workload and hardship. When she was 8 years old, she was in High School. By the time she was 10 years old, she went to College. She has an impressive A ranking in her classes which alarmed the Communist Party of China. When she was spending quality time with her parents, a loud knock pops on the door and it was China Secret Police. They pushed her parents out and grabbed Liu with them. Her mom screamed and cried, begging them not to take Liu away from her. Liu's dad tried to grab Liu away from the Chinese police, but he was push backed on the ground as one of the Chinese police walked up to him and pointed the gun at him. *Gunshot* and Liu's dad was dead. The Chinese scientists did extensive testing on Liu's brain and was surprised to see that Liu have an IQ that is abnormally high and is very rare, an IQ of 242. The Chinese military have experimental weaponry that they want to test on person with high IQ and it was Liu. But they knew it is too soon for Liu to enter military at age 10 and they were forced to wait until Liu becomes age 18. By the time Liu is 18, she is equipped with gears which comes with twin laser swords and an equipment that allows her to release psionic waves that deals damage equal to strength of Liu's brain waves. When Liu is 21, she entered the World War 3 in 2025 and is one of the youngest commando.

Raqiya - Libyan Commando (F) - Minigun

- Raqiya is a Libyan Commando who works for the Libyan Government as agent from 2020 to 2025. In 2025, Libyan government was overthrown and the ISIS have a strong desire to establish a Mulsim only world in Libya, Raqiya escaped. During her refugee time, she learned from the women of Syira, Jordan and Saudi Arabia that they must alway carry a weapon themselves and must be covered in veil all the time. "You do not want to reveal your face, it is an insult to God," say one of the Syria woman and Raqiya remembers it. When Raqiya asked them about ISIS, are they loyal to them or not and the reply was ,"Burn  in hell with sins!" To that day, she used it as tactic to destablize ISIS by assassination and execute method.

President Spencer

- A cautious, timid, and overprotective to arrogant, power hunger, greedy U.S president. He led U.S in World War 3 from 2020 to 2037 when he was establish as the dictatorship leader. From 2037 to 2046, Spencer was a tyrant leader and he almost managed to destroy all of the Europe forces, costing more than 4 billion of lives. He managed to overthrow U.S Congress and Senate, making President Spencer impossible to be remove from the office. He kept NATO running until 2037 when he decided to break it apart, leaving Europe countries shattered. Ever since, he has been building up his own military using advanced technology that is a decade away from what a typical American military have and plans to declare war against the world.

President Vladimir Putin

- Staunch, a man's best friend and most clever leader. He brought back the U.S.S.R after all the hard work he has done. He denied the accusations that NATO has made against him for reasons that NATO simply do not want Russia to become the most powerful country. During the peak of Soviet Union, he worked with China to spread the communism across the global. He also makes one feat of accomplishment by promoting Mexico to rise against U.S. After the fall of Kremlin, it was not known whether he lived or died. The Allied Force thought that the died, but it remains mystery until they can confirm it.

Choi Meng - A Chinese scientist who did experiment test on Liu for the Chinese military. She kept those tests secret from Liu's mother and her friends to avoid widespread panic and worry. But to also ease Liu's mother pain and anxiety. After the test, Choi Meng began to work on the latest project that will provide Chinese military an entire new weapon that can use Mind Control.

Viktor - An Ukrainian civilian who worked under Russia's control. He worked on a rural farm and was often beaten by Russian soldiers. He had to live on the street, suffers pain and fear. When time has come, Viktor took the opportunity and amassed militia to liberate the capital city of Ukraine, Kiev in where he managed to succeed and broke the grip of U.S.S.R.

Mod Leader and founder of World Domination

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