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Hey PPM, I am making a tabletop game about Car Combat
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Defense Minister

Joined: 22 Dec 2004
Location: Tiberium Research Center N27

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:03 am    Post subject:  Hey PPM, I am making a tabletop game about Car Combat
Subject description: And you can help me out!
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So, it's a small Wargame that's based around Matchbox-sized cars. Nothing too complicated, and at the worst, the rules can be easily scaled down to even simpler ones. Also, there is a bit of customization, as each vehicle's stats has to be hand-crafted, which shouldn't be too difficult. It's very much work in progress, and that's why it's presented here first, at it's public showing.

How it works is that each car has 5 stats:

Speed - How fast the vehicle is.
Handling - How good can it maneuver.
Armor - It's health, basically.
Firepower - How much dakka can it bring to bear.
Tonnage - Does it hit like a ton of bricks?

Each vehicle can be loaded for bear with a modest selection weapons and equipment. Alongside, a few special abilities can be added on for the vehicle's special snowflakiness.

Vehicles blast each other over a variety of terrains, and while currently only random battles are set up, there is a possibility for a future role-playing element as well. Expansions are not just a possibility, but an assumption, dealing with specific factions and settings, without over-complicating the base game.

Here is the current Ruleset up for downloadable grabs:

What I'd like to ask of you:
I'd like to request that the community produces an few Activation Groups. Make those vehicles as cheesy or as balanced as you want, I would really like to see how imaginative they can get. All that matters, is that each Activation Group must be 50 points each for 3-vehicle groups and 30 points for 2-vehicle groups. 20 points for 1-vehicle "group".

Also, if you feel like playtesting, grab your toy cars and get right to it. Just make a report for me, if you don't mind, okay?


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