Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:48 am Post subject:
OS SHP Builder: Post your ideas, suggestions, comments!!!
Commandant, post your ideas, suggestions and comments of the newest OS SHP Builder and what do you think that should be added in future versions... Although we already have some ideas in mind, your participation can make it even better making modding even easier and fun! Last edited by Banshee on Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:51 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Is a great tool to me but I have a little list of suggestions to help to improve this program .
*** These suggestions are only to the "Sequence Maker":
- A button to preview on the selected action because if you are editing the walk frames if you select "preview" this will show only walk frames that you selected (only the selected part of the ini code, in this case: walk) & if I don't like the result, always I can edit again the ini code to test again with the "preview".
- Why is called "save sequence as BMP/ save frame list as BMP" if you can save this as BMP or JPG? I suggest only the text "save ******* as ...".
- Why save as an image the sequence list? that isn't possible "save as .TXT" the infantry sequence? I think that after of this step with a text editor you can cut & paste & add the ini code directly on Art.ini file.
- where are the Fly, Hover, Tumble, FireFly of the Rocketeer? I post here the list of all the actions that appear on the Artmd.ini:
; Ready = standing around
; Guard = standing around with weapon drawn
; Prone = while prone
; Walk = walking [normal movement]
; FireUp = firing while standing
; Down = transition from standing to prone
; Crawl = moving while prone
; Up = transition from prone to standing
; FireProne = firing while prone
; Idle1 = idle animation sequence #1
; Idle2 = idle animation sequence #2
; Die1 = death animation when hit by gunfire
; Die2 = death animation when exploding
; Die3 = death animation when exploding (alternate)
; Die4 = death animation by concussion explosion
; Die5 = death animatino by fire
; Fly = [jumpjet] flying
; Hover = [jumpjet] hovering
; Tumble = [jumpjet] tumbling
; FireFly = [jumpjet] firing while flying
; Deploy = [gi] deploying
; Deployed = [gi] deployed still frame
; DeployFire = [gi] fire while deployed
; DeployIdle = [gi] idle animation while deployed
; Undeploy = [gi] undeploying
; SecondaryFire = special anim for firing secondary weapon
; SecondaryProne = special anim for firing secondary weapon while prone
Of course not all these actions are abalaible on TS (if I'm not wrong), for this reason is possible add on the right of the action
(Only RA2)
label on the white box of actions (but not on the "ini code" box to be possible the last suggestion to export as .txt the infantry sequence).
*** These suggestions are now to all the program :
- When you select "open" only the possible formats are shp, tem & sno... I see that the program have the 3 extesions in 3 different groups or all together but... all the terrains (TS/RA2/YR) are the same that tem & sno (only with the exception of the palette & the extension .des,urb etc...), remember programs like PSP (for example) that the type of extensions are in groups & not separated (in this case 1 group with all the extensions, another group to .shp files, another group to terrains .tem, sno, urb, des, lun... ).
- On Palettes of RA2 ony appear the RA2 palettes without the YR palettes, could be a good idea include to the next version the YR palettes.
- I don't know how is of hard the algoritm of .pcx files but if is possible add this format to all the tools will be a good addition (in my opinion because with XCC always I worked with pcx files in PSP).
- You can load palettes (very good idea, thanks ) but why not the inverse? My idea is that you can open a BMP, JPG ( & future formats of this program) & you can save the pallete .pal in C&C format (XCC mixer do this), really this point are 2:
1º) you can open the formats that support the program (not only the shp, tem & sno).
2º) After of the 1º step create your .pal to c&c.
- Enable "undo" after of erase (if by error you erased 1 thing... you need open again the file & start again to edit).
- Is possible that after of use "Autoshadows" tool the shadows aren't in the right possition. Could be necessary a new option on this tool to move up or down the X pixels that you consider necessary. _________________ C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:50 pm Post subject:
FS-21 wrote:
Is a great tool to me
- Thanks
FS-21 wrote:
but I have a little list of suggestions to help to improve this program .
*** These suggestions are only to the "Sequence Maker":
- A button to preview on the selected action because if you are editing the walk frames if you select "preview" this will show only walk frames that you selected (only the selected part of the ini code, in this case: walk) & if I don't like the result, always I can edit again the ini code to test again with the "preview".
- Why is called "save sequence as BMP/ save frame list as BMP" if you can save this as BMP or JPG? I suggest only the text "save ******* as ...".
- Why save as an image the sequence list? that isn't possible "save as .TXT" the infantry sequence? I think that after of this step with a text editor you can cut & paste & add the ini code directly on Art.ini file.
- where are the Fly, Hover, Tumble, FireFly of the Rocketeer? I post here the list of all the actions that appear on the Artmd.ini:
; Ready = standing around
; Guard = standing around with weapon drawn
; Prone = while prone
; Walk = walking [normal movement]
; FireUp = firing while standing
; Down = transition from standing to prone
; Crawl = moving while prone
; Up = transition from prone to standing
; FireProne = firing while prone
; Idle1 = idle animation sequence #1
; Idle2 = idle animation sequence #2
; Die1 = death animation when hit by gunfire
; Die2 = death animation when exploding
; Die3 = death animation when exploding (alternate)
; Die4 = death animation by concussion explosion
; Die5 = death animatino by fire
; Fly = [jumpjet] flying
; Hover = [jumpjet] hovering
; Tumble = [jumpjet] tumbling
; FireFly = [jumpjet] firing while flying
; Deploy = [gi] deploying
; Deployed = [gi] deployed still frame
; DeployFire = [gi] fire while deployed
; DeployIdle = [gi] idle animation while deployed
; Undeploy = [gi] undeploying
; SecondaryFire = special anim for firing secondary weapon
; SecondaryProne = special anim for firing secondary weapon while prone
Of course not all these actions are abalaible on TS (if I'm not wrong), for this reason is possible add on the right of the action
(Only RA2)
label on the white box of actions (but not on the "ini code" box to be possible the last suggestion to export as .txt the infantry sequence).
- This part is Stu's job .
FS-21 wrote:
*** These suggestions are now to all the program :
- When you select "open" only the possible formats are shp, tem & sno... I see that the program have the 3 extesions in 3 different groups or all together but... all the terrains (TS/RA2/YR) are the same that tem & sno (only with the exception of the palette & the extension .des,urb etc...), remember programs like PSP (for example) that the type of extensions are in groups & not separated (in this case 1 group with all the extensions, another group to .shp files, another group to terrains .tem, sno, urb, des, lun... ).
- I think I can work on that.
FS-21 wrote:
- On Palettes of RA2 ony appear the RA2 palettes without the YR palettes, could be a good idea include to the next version the YR palettes.
- You can do that yourself if you wish. Extract the YR palettes with XCC and place them in the SHPBuilder/Palettes/RA2/ dir.
FS-21 wrote:
- I don't know how is of hard the algoritm of .pcx files but if is possible add this format to all the tools will be a good addition (in my opinion because with XCC always I worked with pcx files in PSP).
- I'm researching this and .gif now.
FS-21 wrote:
- You can load palettes (very good idea, thanks ) but why not the inverse? My idea is that you can open a BMP, JPG ( & future formats of this program) & you can save the pallete .pal in C&C format (XCC mixer do this), really this point are 2:
1º) you can open the formats that support the program (not only the shp, tem & sno).
2º) After of the 1º step create your .pal to c&c.
- I dont think you know the Jasc To C&C Palette Converter, which is a tool that I made in the beggining of the month that already does allows you to convert JASC palettes to C&C format. I can even bring this tool to the next version of the SHP Builder, but I dont think we can make it save the BMP/JPG colours in a .pal for a simple reason. Our method of importing it replace the original colours with the palette colours and also, the huge majority of the bitmaps or jpegs have more than 256 in it. So, it wouldnt be worth...
FS-21 wrote:
- Enable "undo" after of erase (if by error you erased 1 thing... you need open again the file & start again to edit).
- Undo is already in our priority list.
FS-21 wrote:
- Is possible that after of use "Autoshadows" tool the shadows aren't in the right possition. Could be necessary a new option on this tool to move up or down the X pixels that you consider necessary.
There are some other sequences, such as Cheer, Paradrop, Tread, Swim, WetIdle/Attack/whatever, Panic, Shovel (slave only), AirDeathStart,/Falling/Finish ...
But IIRC some of them are not working... QUICK_EDIT
- You can do that yourself if you wish. Extract the YR palettes with XCC and place them in the SHPBuilder/Palettes/RA2/ dir.
Yes, but by default the program only have the RA2 palettes ... imagine that a person that now not have installed YR & is working on a Yr mod
- I dont think you know the Jasc To C&C Palette Converter, which is a tool that I made in the beggining of the month that already does that.
I know the existence of the tool but I never tested the program (& I can't find now the download link to test ), my idea is merge the tool into the program like "XCC mixer" but is only an suggestion (if I'm not wrong, to use this tool in Xcc mixer is necessary select the image & copy in a different directory as .pal. After of this insert into a mix file the new .pal & after of this, open again xcc mixer to select the new palette & convert the image in a shp with the new palette... long not?) _________________ C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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And if you put YR units with RA2 palettes, the results are pratically the same than YR palettes, unless snow and temp stuff is different, although I dont believe they are... QUICK_EDIT
Is a great tool to me but I have a little list of suggestions to help to improve this program .
*** These suggestions are only to the "Sequence Maker":
- A button to preview on the selected action because if you are editing the walk frames if you select "preview" this will show only walk frames that you selected (only the selected part of the ini code, in this case: walk) & if I don't like the result, always I can edit again the ini code to test again with the "preview".
Good idea.
FS-21 wrote:
- Why is called "save sequence as BMP/ save frame list as BMP" if you can save this as BMP or JPG? I suggest only the text "save ******* as ...".
This is cause it started out only being able to save as BMP, but then i added JPG/JPEG and err forgot to change that text....
FS-21 wrote:
- Why save as an image the sequence list? that isn't possible "save as .TXT" the infantry sequence? I think that after of this step with a text editor you can cut & paste & add the ini code directly on Art.ini file.
There is no save as text cause you can copy n paste the code directly from the box (select then CTRL+C)
FS-21 wrote:
- where are the Fly, Hover, Tumble, FireFly of the Rocketeer? I post here the list of all the actions that appear on the Artmd.ini:
; Ready = standing around
; Guard = standing around with weapon drawn
; Prone = while prone
; Walk = walking [normal movement]
; FireUp = firing while standing
; Down = transition from standing to prone
; Crawl = moving while prone
; Up = transition from prone to standing
; FireProne = firing while prone
; Idle1 = idle animation sequence #1
; Idle2 = idle animation sequence #2
; Die1 = death animation when hit by gunfire
; Die2 = death animation when exploding
; Die3 = death animation when exploding (alternate)
; Die4 = death animation by concussion explosion
; Die5 = death animatino by fire
; Fly = [jumpjet] flying
; Hover = [jumpjet] hovering
; Tumble = [jumpjet] tumbling
; FireFly = [jumpjet] firing while flying
; Deploy = [gi] deploying
; Deployed = [gi] deployed still frame
; DeployFire = [gi] fire while deployed
; DeployIdle = [gi] idle animation while deployed
; Undeploy = [gi] undeploying
; SecondaryFire = special anim for firing secondary weapon
; SecondaryProne = special anim for firing secondary weapon while prone
Of course not all these actions are abalaible on TS (if I'm not wrong), for this reason is possible add on the right of the action
(Only RA2)
label on the white box of actions (but not on the "ini code" box to be possible the last suggestion to export as .txt the infantry sequence).
Well in me defence im a programmer, only looked at Ivan's sequence and ones near it...... The other actions will b added.
FS-21 wrote:
- Is possible that after of use "Autoshadows" tool the shadows aren't in the right possition. Could be necessary a new option on this tool to move up or down the X pixels that you consider necessary.
The tool is the same as v1.0's one, crap..... all it does is rotate the owner of the shadow by X degree's and colours it shadow colour(Colour 1).
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:58 pm Post subject:
I will give it a try after some other priorities be done... but I'll tell you... it doesnt seems to be an easy thing to apply into a program... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Apr 2003 Location: Somewhere in Germany
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:32 pm Post subject:
I've found out that - at least in TS - the game seems to be hardcoded to let the last 16 colors of unittem/unitsno.pal not being affected by the ambient lightning level. that makes for example the muzzle flashes on the light infantry glow even on night maps. however, when converting images with xcc mixer - it sometimes is just necessary - xcc mixer doesn't know this and uses those colors on normal buildings, which makes them to have sometimes have bright stripes in night missions, which looks odd.
Those 4 or 5 white-grey colors at the beginning of the last 16 ones are only used for anims like blinking lights (same for the yellow-orange-red, they're only used for muzzle flashes on units like wolverine, light inf, jumpjet inf, and the blue ones are for some of the mutants muzzle flashes i think)
well, my suggestion is
- either adding an option to exclude those colors when let's say importing a bmp/jpg/whatever,
- or an option to replace all pixels of the image using those colors with similar ones from the other 240 colors in the palette.
- or both QUICK_EDIT
Reaper, i second you - it could be useful for my research regarding using terrain palette (and thus ambient lighting) for base buildings (looks MUCH better)
Corrently, when converting, XCC uses those 16 colours which is a problem. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Apr 2003 Location: Somewhere in Germany
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:51 pm Post subject:
Banshee wrote:
This one is certainly easy. Thanks for pointing it out . Does it happens also with the 16 first colours after the shadow?
About the first 14 colors after shadow i'm not sure, but I think yes, it happens also. Will test that tho.
The DvD wrote:
Reaper, i second you
The DvD wrote:
Corrently, when converting, XCC uses those 16 colours which is a problem.
I also had that problem when converting the buildings from TD to my new palette. But there's a workaround for it, just replace the last 16 colors (and eventually 3-16 also) with this 255 0 255 violet, save the palette under a different name, put it in a mixfile inside ts dir and use it for converting with xcc mixer. I currently use 4 different pals for converting buildings, building anims, infantry and voxels, to prevent those problems. each pal is my new unittem pal but with some certain colors replaced with violet, to prevent xcc from using them. QUICK_EDIT
how about adding an infantry genorator like the sims character maker...
1.pick legs
2.pick body
3.pick arms
4.pick head
5.apply color scheme
6.pick gun(s)
7.deploy/no deploy - pick deploy type and anim (chrono, sandbags, concrete like GGI)
8.have a list of extra parts to add on like backpacks or holsters, added by checking off a checkbox.
9.apply color scheme to add ons.
10.generate infantry.
11.pick compression and convert to SHP
this would be a cool and very easy way to make infantry, plus new parts could be made by you and/or other SHPers and submitted, then added in updates. the starting ones would be gathered from the one included in the game and other SHPers who donate thier works to be dissected into parts. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Apr 2003 Location: Somewhere in Germany
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:06 pm Post subject:
I have 2 more suggestions:
1) Option to customize which colors to exclude when importing (might be necessary when for example importing an infantry and you want ONLY the bright colors be used, for muzzleflashes etc.)
2) Function to change the size of the shp without actually resizing it.
you know what i mean? it's like in MS Paint moving the border of the image. QUICK_EDIT
Banshee was(if im correct) wrking on a thing to resize the "canvas". technicaly its a simple thing to do. (about 99999999% more simple than resizing a shp) _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:12 am Post subject:
Canvas procedures are done. Check shp_engine_image.pas for more info, Stu. You just need to make a form to apply it or apply it on import, but dont worry about the import which is my job... QUICK_EDIT
I have 1 new suggestion:
- A new option to associate *.shp files with BS SHP Builder (to open directly the files & edit like VXLSE editor that can associate *.vxl files ) _________________ C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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One thing i'll note, SHP Builder v2.0 and 2.1 have a probelem with config files, they ignore them..... tho the associations stick, this is fixed in 2.2.
The preference button also is enabled in the next version (enabled 24/7, not just when a shp is open) _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
this sounds a bit stoopid but could you enable it so you can click and drag to draw? you have to click on each pixel seperatly and it takes quite a while _________________ That acting was so bad I think you gave me Cancer...
You can already do that, while you have an SHP file open, go to options --> preferences
The next time I'll wait to test 100 times the program before of post any idea because I had this idea "before" of load any .shp (& when I used the program to edit the images I never saw the option... hehehe today I'm a bit "blind", sorry by the stupid suggestion ) _________________ C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:42 pm Post subject:
I just had a small idea, if you're going to have conversions from other filetypes. Something that will remove the blur around the edge of a unit, where it was a jpeg and have a little blue halo around it. If something could be created to remove all the blues like that it would help in conversion. _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
Joined: 10 Aug 2003 Location: Laughing at Donald Trump in a rather flat place
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 3:07 am Post subject:
i think that speeding up the bmp->shp would be nice, it's rather slow imo _________________ Tiberian Station
Image guy on the Dune Sun\
- Peace - Through - Wossname - QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Nov 2002 Location: Algae Colony On Mars
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:02 pm Post subject:
Picking on WP for a bit, this is what I mean:
You see that it has a blueish bit round the edge from blurring? Something which converts all near background blues to the proper blue. It's just a thought. _________________
This is sexier than what this forum was supposed to tolerate. - Banshee
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:28 pm Post subject:
that depends on colour conversion method. If one fails, try another. So far, I recommend the last option (R+G+B Full Difference). I still think that Stu's colour conversion methods are bad because he doesn't consider a colour as a 3d position and doesnt try to extract the smallest distance between them. QUICK_EDIT
Speeding up the import is an unlikly thing to happen, due to one thing, the thing that determins the speed (apart from the fact you are normaly importing several hundred files) is the convertion methods(Banshee's term which doesn't explain a thing) or algarithums(as normal ppl call them) that work out which colour is the closest match.
The algarithums over time should get better, better algarithums are likly to take a little bit more time since they would narrow the list down (alot of the time the algarithums have 2,3 or 4 different colours left (as in posible colours)).
The algarithum code its self is actualy small and the less code you have the less the pc has to process, less it has to process the less time it takes.
BTW banshee my test have showed that all algarithums faviour eather the first lot fo posible colours or the last lot (depending on how it was programmed). which may b why u claim my one favious red (red is close to the start) _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:47 pm Post subject:
first of all... it's algorithm... and second, I call it colour conversion method. Simply because an algorithm is script (of whatever language) to solve a problem. A script that does colour conversion, can be called Colour Conversion Method (which says much more than simply algorithm).
Colour Conversion Methods certainly doesnt reach really the best colours in all cases (including PSP's and Photoshop's). Stu's code really tends to get red colours. Mines gets closer colours most of the time, but in Meselfs bomb, Stu's algorithm works very well. I have made a new one R+G+B Full Diff. Colour+ that also gets interesting results in his bomb, since it cuts half of the pink from it, however, the keys still get a bit bad . However, the results in most of other pictures are much better than his algorithm... I make colours based in 3d positions. It's like a cube with dimensions 255,255,255. The more you reach the top, right, backward of the cube, the lighter the colour. If you go to the oposite side, the darker the colour. Horizontal is the red line, Vertical is green and Height is blue. The difference between Full Difference and Colour Plus is that in the last one, it priorizes the colours which are in higher quantity.... however, it also slow down your machine a lot.
Improving speed could be done if we made a temporary database of colours during the conversion... so if the colour repeats, it will just apply the last result... it would be very usefull my last algorithm and others as well... those importing infantry would be quite happy with the gain of speed . QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 10 Aug 2003 Location: Laughing at Donald Trump in a rather flat place
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:43 am Post subject:
people importing anything!
meh, maybe my computers slow... _________________ Tiberian Station
Image guy on the Dune Sun\
- Peace - Through - Wossname - QUICK_EDIT
first of all... it's algorithm... and second, I call it colour conversion method. Simply because an algorithm is script (of whatever language) to solve a problem. A script that does colour conversion, can be called Colour Conversion Method (which says much more than simply algorithm).
Colour Conversion Methods certainly doesnt reach really the best colours in all cases (including PSP's and Photoshop's). Stu's code really tends to get red colours. Mines gets closer colours most of the time, but in Meselfs bomb, Stu's algorithm works very well. I have made a new one R+G+B Full Diff. Colour+ that also gets interesting results in his bomb, since it cuts half of the pink from it, however, the keys still get a bit bad . However, the results in most of other pictures are much better than his algorithm... I make colours based in 3d positions. It's like a cube with dimensions 255,255,255. The more you reach the top, right, backward of the cube, the lighter the colour. If you go to the oposite side, the darker the colour. Horizontal is the red line, Vertical is green and Height is blue. The difference between Full Difference and Colour Plus is that in the last one, it priorizes the colours which are in higher quantity.... however, it also slow down your machine a lot.
Improving speed could be done if we made a temporary database of colours during the conversion... so if the colour repeats, it will just apply the last result... it would be very usefull my last algorithm and others as well... those importing infantry would be quite happy with the gain of speed .
This could be handy if it doesnt crash your computer every time btw i am finishedwith the shop _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:38 pm Post subject:
LOL!!!!! This was in first stage tests and I wasnt using the new Colour Bank Technology based on the thing I've wrote above:
Banshee wrote:
Improving speed could be done if we made a temporary database of colours during the conversion... so if the colour repeats, it will just apply the last result... it would be very usefull my last algorithm and others as well... those importing infantry would be quite happy with the gain of speed .
I have finally applied the colour bank and it is really fast. I've made a test with a very high detailed satelite picture of World Trade Center (1687x1687) using Colour+. The results were simple:
- without Colour Bank: 14 minutes or crash
- with Colour Bank: between 1 or 2 minutes.
Without colour bank, it analyses over 3 million colours... when it uses colour bank, it just analyses 151 thousands... QUICK_EDIT
U use a "array of" rather than a set array? (im guessing you did)
The early test builds of SHP Builder (after 1.0) did have a "Colour Bank" tho it was so the user could pick the closest colour (basicaly the algarithm would pick a colour and ask the user if it was correct). It was removed due to the fact asking the user to verify over 100 colours is err bad.
"- without Colour Bank: 14 minutes or crash" for testing 400*300 is a good size btw. Tho going for the lets try n break the application i suppose you picked correct (tho u should use a 2000*2000 and then 3000*3000 ).
The problem with the algarithms is that they can sometimes pick 2 colours (maybe 3) this is due to the "distance" between them and the original colour.
Simplest explination is when using a colour difference algarithm. Basicaly it works in this way. (you can stop reading here, it may sound like maths but it should b understandable)
First it takes the original colour and works out its Red, Green and Blue values (all colours are made from red, green and blue, the range is 0 to 255).
Then it goes through the list and gets the RGB of the palette colours and works out the difference in RGB between the original and the palette colours.
The problem is that if the original had say
Red: 50
Green: 50
Blue: 50
and 2 of the palette colours had
Red: 40
Green: 40
Blue: 40
Red: 60
Green: 60
Blue: 60
both of the 2 posible colours have the same difference in red, green and blue(10). This is where the problem is, how do u pick between the posible colours? _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
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