- German sidebar uses RA2 Allied background & incorrect text.
- Soviet sidebar uses RA2 Soviet background, missing pause screen buttons & incorrect text.
- Score screen background needs to be replaced with a generic one used by all sides
- Britain uses the German score screen background.
- France, Germany & Italy use the Soviet score screen background.
- Hungarian Axis Embassy isn't buildable in Unholy Alliance, breaking the tech tree.
- The Reichstag & Brandenburgert have "white dot syndrome".
- American can build a "test" camouflage net which shouldn't be available.
- B-10 movement problems.
- The American AI doesn't build anything past the barracks in all time frames except Total War.
- Missing strings & typos, please post here if you find any.
- The menu says v3.6 instead of v3.7.
- Unit tech levels are inconstant & need to be redone.