Author: DvD
First, how to make your maps load faster.
It's good to understand a bit better how TS finds maps to add to the maps list. There are two ways to make TS find your maps:
1) Put the maps in the TS folder with the format
TS will find the files, READ THEM DURING LOADING, then adds them to the end of the maps list.
2) Put the maps , witht the name format (not .mpr) into a MIX file and add a list of the maps to a .pkt file. TS WILL NOT LOAD THE MAPS unless you actually play them. If you modify the original .pkt file, you can also change the order of the maps list.
Note that using the second method, TS doesn't have to load the maps during startup, this will make navigating the menu's MUCH faster.
How to add new maps to the end of the list using method 2
Create a new text file and change the name to
Open the file.
1=mapname without extension
2=mapname without extension
and so on. Start the list at '1' and and not at '0'!
Next, you'll have to specify certain characteristics. For every map that you listed above, type
mapname without extension]
Description= ;Add your description here. It's best to use the same format as TS, so the max number of players at the end, between brackets.
CD=0,1,2 ;This way the map will load with any cd.
MinPlayers=2 ;Leave this at 2
MaxPlayers= ;Set the map number of players here. This is the same as the number of starting points in Finalsun.
Now save the missions02.pkt file to your TS folder or add it to an expand.mix file. For information on how to add your .map files to a mix file, see the tutorial on MIX files:
XCC Mixing 101
How to add new maps to the TOP of the list using method 2
To do this, you'll need to modify the original .pkt files. The only file you need to edit is missions.pkt found in TIBSUN.MIX -> LOCAL.MIX ->missions.pkt. This is also true for people with Firestorm installed.
Extract the missions.pkt file and open it with WordPad or NotePad. You'll see something similar to the code i described above.
You'll see that the last item in the list is 25=TREAD_L. Any new map added to this list will need a new number. However, the list can be IN ANY ORDER YOU WANT. You could type...
..and the game will display them in this exact order. Because of this you can add new maps to the top of the list. You can also reorder the existing maps.
Just make sure you don't forget the details for every new map. These can be in any order you want.
Save the modified missions.pkt file and leave it in your TS folder, or put it in a new expand.mix.