Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:32 pm Post subject:
Complex ideas
Well here is a topic to discuss more of the problematic ideas and more complex ideas and more important ideas such as the conyard, ion storm and tiberium and water
Construction Yard.
the conyard will be slightly different, u will have a build area. anything outside the build area wont be constructed or just cant be placed. the build area can be enhanced. it can be made bigger to a large size. anything in the area can be placed anywhere in the area. if the area is upgraded to be bigger than the map size the size can be disabled by that map in the map.ini
to make another build area is simple. build another conyard
Known Bugs:
with more than 1 conyard. a conyard wont be able to build something inside another conyards area. it will have to be build by the other conyard
Ion Storms:
the ion storm will disable every electronic for a certain amount of time so the infantry have to battle it out. in some missisons u can capture power facilities to enable ur units
droppods will disconnect from destroyed planes for gdi if the plane reaches veteran. the droppod will crash to the ground with the pilot. droppods can be sent as reinforcements from the gdi communication center and also in singleplayer missions
Water and destroyable scenery:
Water will be made better in TT Evo. bridges will be destroyable killing anything that crosses it when it is destroyed. ice will work like bridges but will break when anything crosses it and will sink the unit crossing. there will be destroyable cliffs like in TS. breakable terrain which will break when sumthiing crosses it and the unit will fall through into a hole or sumthing. if possible TT Evo will make the terrain destroyable and if possible there will be alot more splashes _________________ Tiberian Eclipse for TW
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I like the Idea of deformable terrain, but I think that we should make it very moderatly deformable. It was really annoying in TS how bad your base could be dismanteled if you ever forgot to put down concrete. That just got really annoying sometimes. _________________ I dont have a good sig yet... QUICK_EDIT
I like the Idea of deformable terrain, but I think that we should make it very moderatly deformable. It was really annoying in TS how bad your base could be dismanteled if you ever forgot to put down concrete. That just got really annoying sometimes. _________________ I dont have a good sig yet... QUICK_EDIT
anywayz i dont know if it is possible to make deformable terrain but u can make craters like the ts ones. i really dont think it is possible to make deformable terrain. its really quite hard.
pavement will be easier to place than in TS
about the construction yard, the thing im worrying is about AI. to make AI place things within the area will be hard because if u place outside the bot wont build it and ai may build it outside the area. ill look at the AI ini again and see if u can make distance from command center and to make the AI deploy an mcv maybe hard.
this is the problem and i may have to scrap the idea because of AI. normally in generals the deploy function usually takes up the same space as the unit but the mcv will deploy into something bigger. AI may not be programmed to move units out the way for deploying _________________ Tiberian Eclipse for TW
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AI may not be programmed to move units out the way for deploying
Then we will just program it to move all units away as soon as the game starts then deploy after about 10 seconds.. should be enough time for all units to move. QUICK_EDIT
well, if the AI wont cooperate, we can just make skirmish maps where you already have the MCV deployed. the AI in CNC games usually wont make an second Con. Yard anyways. _________________ I dont have a good sig yet... QUICK_EDIT
anywayz, i got another useful idea for the deploy function
a gdi bridgedeployer (it wont be called that), a tank which has a bridge on the top, the bridge opens up and units can cross small rivers, the unit will be amphibious and will go to the center of a river, deploy, and it can be used as a bridge, mkIIIs cant cross the bridge,
it will have a secret use, when the bridgedeployer is deployed and it a unit crosses to the center, and the bridgedeployer is undeployed it can be used as an amphibious carrier and will give the unit in the middle a piggy back ride
* theres an attatched very rough image of the bridge deployer, it wont look like this ingame, but it will show u what i mean by the secret
Very rough image of the bridgedeployer
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_________________ Tiberian Eclipse for TW
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Thats a good idea. Do you know if it is possible to make a unit that does that in game? I think so, but I dont know how. _________________ I dont have a good sig yet... QUICK_EDIT
the bridge would be bigger than the unit which may be a problem.
i know how to make units lay an object when they deploy or unpack or play a special animation or capture something or plant a bomb but i dont know how to make the unit disappear or self destruct so if for example a mcv deploys into a conyard it will deploy into a conyard and play the deploy animation but the mcv will still be there. we need to make the mcv dissapear see what i mean
a way to remove the mcv is to make it create 2 objects when deploying.
one object is the removal weapon which will be an invisible weapon which will self destruct the mcv and will the mcv will use a no effect death when the mcv is attacked by that certain self destruct weapon
hmm im not sure if it will say unit lost when it dies because suicide bombers self destruct it doesnt say unit lost _________________ Tiberian Eclipse for TW
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