Note that this is NOT a mod on its own - these units are just plugins that you can add to you own mods.
The files contain the models, slightly edited textures (& a simple damage texture), a basic build icon, additional particle effects, some basic coding for the unit and its weapons - everything you need to get a basic version of the unit ingame.
It does NOT contain codes for the spedial abilitys or new sounds. I also disabled some animations because they felt unfitting for the unit - feel free to enable them again.

Known bugs:
-CnC3 does not support gun tracers for more than one turret, hence I dindt include the tracer draws in the GDIKodiak.xml.
-The radar dish on the Kodiak is allways spinning in TT - its not an animation and there seems no way to recreate that effect in TW.


DOWNLOAD (Salamander)
PS: I suggest using Bibbers C&C W3X Scale tool to resize the Kodiak to 70% and the Salander to 80% - otherwise they are bigger than the Scrin capital ships.