Affiliation: Yuri
Weapon: Anti-Matter Cannon
Role: Robotic Assault Unit
Cost: 600
Speed: Average
Armor: Light
Movement: Amphibious
Requirements: Machinery Station & Psychic Tower
Additional Info:
- Amphibious
- Immune to Mind Control & Radiation
- Can regain health when attacking Vehicles & Buildings.
- Can gain experience
It seems Yuri's Scientists also came up with their own counter to the Terror Drone & the Robot Tank. The Minion utilizes Anti-Gravity Technology to propel itself, giving it the same mobility as the Robot Tank. Where as the Robot Tank has Durability and Versatility. The Minion compensates for with Firepower & Survivability.
Cabal Scientists have been able to manufacture a new weapon used by the Minion which can be explained in layman's terms as a Anti-Matter Cannon. So far, no Soviet & Allied Scientist have been able to reverse-engineer the technology due to the sheer complexity in the system. Giving more mystery and fear to this machine.
Somehow a Minion is able to heal itself whenever it attacks a target, assimilating it into its system to repair itself in combat. This ability seems to only work when it attacks vehicles & buildings due to the unit in question being non-organic.