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Soviet Union vehicles [WIP]
Moderators: freedom fighter
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freedom fighter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:04 am    Post subject:  Soviet Union vehicles [WIP]
Subject description: Complete database of current vehicles
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War Miner

Armament: Dual Autocannons
Armor Class: Medium
Speed: Slow
Cost: $1400
Role: Resource gathering
Requires: War Factory, Ore Refinery

War Miners are still used by the Soviets as a means of ore gathering. Other than the new design, the War Miner is still as armed and armored as ever.

Warmaster Heavy Tank

Armament: Dual 120mm
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Cost: $900
Role: Main battle tank
Requires: War Factory

Rhino Tanks have been phrased out in favor of the Warmaster Tanks. Armor and firepower are the key focus for these tanks, sporting more armor and dual 120mm autoloaded guns. Inevitably, they are slower than the older Rhino.

Flak Track

Armament: Dual Flak Cannons, Raven MkIII SAMs
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Moderate
Cost: $600
Role: Infantry transport, Recon, Anti-air support
Requires: War Factory

The closest thing to a multipurpose unit the Soviets have, the Flak Track is used for transport, recon and anti-air duties. It has space for a five man squad which can be transported at a decent speed. It's dual flak cannons can make short work of infantry and aircrafts but is very weak against other ground targets and is incapable of hitting fast flying or high altitude aircrafts. For that, long range SAMs are used which are deadly accurate. They are also used to counter ballistic missiles. It's tracking radar also carries the additional function of revealing hidden objects. All these traits make the new Flak Track the most versatile Soviet vehicle.

Tesla Tank

Armament: Dual Tesla Coils
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Fast
Cost: $1000
Role: Advanced tank
Requires: War Factory, Radar Tower

Russia have began to export their Tesla Tanks to other Soviet countries, which explains why they're so widespread now. The Tesla Tank fires two arcing bolts of electricity over a rather short range. These are devastating against infantry and vehicles alike. It's lightweight construction grants it speeds most Soviet tanks are incapable of achieving, making it a deadly hit-and-run weapon. Armor had to be sacrificed though, resulting it to be the least armored tank in the Soviet's arsenal.

Demolition Truck

Armament: Tactical Nuclear Charge
Armor Class: Light
Speed: Fast
Cost: $1200
Role: Base demolitions
Requires: War Factory, Radar Tower

First used by Libyan warlords who had ties with a Japanese terrorist group against Allied forces in order to protect their "natural treasure" , the Demolition Truck is what happens when you combine the way of the kamikaze with a tactical nuclear payload. Driven by either lunatics, patriots or people allegedly brainwashed into doing a suicide mission, the Demolition Truck is used for large-scale base demolitions. It's tactical nuclear charge is more than capable of leveling a considerable area and leaving behind radiation. Lately, much more modern trucks are used for better maneuverability and smaller nuclear charges are used in order to save money.  

V3 Platform

Armament: V3 Ballistic Missile
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Cost: $1400
Role: Siege
Requires: War Factory, Battle Lab

V3 ballistic missiles are some of the more powerful siege weapons used by the Soviets. However, the truck chassis used as the TEL were very frail. A new TEL was needed to resolve this problem. Eventually, a TEL based on a tank chassis made it to production, supplying every Soviet countries with a more robust siege unit. The new TEL is able to load and launch missiles quicker than it's predecessor in order to compensate for the slow time for the missile to be raised to the firing position. Due to it's more complex build, V3 Platforms cost more and are only available once a Battle Lab is constructed.

Iron Shield

Armament: Iron Curtain Generator
Armor Class: Medium
Speed: Slow
Cost: $1500
Role: Tank support
Requires: War Factory, Battle Lab

First attempt to scale down the Iron Curtain for on-field usage, the Iron Shield is a necessity in any tank battalion. It is used to render a tank invulnerable for a very short period. It must constantly 'shoot' at the tank because of this. If needed, it can use it's Iron Curtain generator to instantly kill infantry.

Mobile Construction Vehicle

Armament: None
Armor Class: Medium
Speed: Slow
Cost: $3000
Role: Base construction
Requires: War Factory, Service Deport

The most important component in a base, the MCV deploys into a Construction Yard in order to start building structures. Without it, building a base isn't possible.

Apocalypse Superheavy Tank

Armament: Dual 200mm, Mammoth Tusk SAMs
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Very Slow
Cost: $2500
Role: Superheavy tank, Anti-air support
Requires: War Factory, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant

A fearsome display of Soviet armor, the Apocalypse packs tremendous amounts of armor and firepower. It's two gigantic 200mm guns can easily destroy most targets while it's Mammoth Tusk anti-air missiles gives aircrafts a clear warning that they too are not spared form the Apocalypse. If it gets close enough it can also run over smaller vehicles. It's one major drawback is how incredibly slow it is. It is highly recommended to flank Apocalypse Tanks with smaller, more agile units.


Siege Chopper

Armament: Dual 30mm Chainguns, 160mm Howitzer
Armor Class: Light
Speed: Fast
Cost: $1300
Role: Anti-ground support, Siege
Requires: War Factory, Radar Tower

Siege Choppers are some of the more sophisticated weapons recently produced. Fulfilling the roles of a helicopter gunship and light artillery, the Siege Chopper is yet another multipurpose vehicle. It's twin 30mm chainguns fire thousands of armor-piercing rounds which can shred infantry and deal decent damage against vehicles. Deployed, it's long ranged 160mm howitzer is damaging against structures. It is among the most delicate units in the Soviet airforce. Keep it away from anti-air at all cost!

Kirov Airship

Armament: "Rock Fall" Bombs
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Very Slow
Cost: $2000
Role: Air-based siege
Requires: War Factory, Battle Lab

The pride of the Soviet Airforce, the Kirov Airship sends chills down one's spine once it announces it's presence in the battlefield. Improved radar gives it better sight range but for the most part it's still the same Kirov. Only things you must look out for is heavy anti-air and air superiority fighters which, while not most aren't strong enough to take down the lumbering airship, can be annoying and can be deadly if the Kirov is heavily damaged.

MiG Fighter

Armament: Chaser Missiles
Armor Class: Light
Speed: Fast
Cost: $1300
Role: Multirole fighter
Requires: Airstrip

MiGs were used back in GWWI to full effectiveness against the Allies who lacked air power. In GWWII however, the Americans and the South Koreans displayed Allied air supremacy. Now they have an unmatched airforce. To counter their more specialized fightercrafts, MiG multirole fighters are used. Not the bet jet out there, but effective against air and ground targets alike. Mainly used to intercept other aircrafts and provide ground support, they lack any bomber capability. That role is goes to the mighty Kirov Airship. Use these jets to guard the skies.


Corkscrew Transport

Armament: None
Armor Class: Medium
Speed: Slow - Moderate
Cost: $800
Role: Heavy transport
Requires: Shipyard

Abandoned some time in the early years of GWWII, the Corkscrew Transport is brought back into service as a permanent replacement for conventional LCACs. Not much is different compared to the LCACs except for the fact that it can crush anything smaller than itself thanks to it's weight and screw drive.

Typhoon Attack Sub

Armament: Bermuda II Torpedoes
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Cost: $1000
Role: Anti-ship
Requires: Shipyard

New models of the Typhoon-Class submersible are built to be much more agile as their sluggishness was what made them easy picking for dedicated sub hunters. Other than that, nothing much was changed.


Armament: Flak Cannon
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Fast
Cost: $700
Role: Light gunboat, Anti-air support
Requires: Shipyard, Radar Tower

The Seawolf hasn't changed much save for it's name change from Sea Scorpion. Its now armed with a turret mounted flak cannon for better anti-air capability.


Armament: Cyclone Ballistic Missiles
Armor Class: Heavy
Speed: Very Slow
Cost: $2500
Role: Sea-base siege
Requires: Shipyard, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant

The Dreadnought has largely remained unchanged. It has been fitted with radar targeting, allowing it to strike further inland at the cost of slowed firing rate.

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Last edited by freedom fighter on Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:55 pm; edited 4 times in total

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freedom fighter

Joined: 14 May 2009

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Been awhile since I posted any updates here ^_^lll

Some of the stuff still needs tweaking, code and voxel-wise (I'm using apollo's .vpl btw).


Commando 2047

Stay tuned for more updates!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

TBH I dislike the black you use right there with the modified VPL. You would've better tried to recolor all voxels.

BTW, Azri made the the miner?...

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No, that's Longwall's miner. Azri never made a miner for public.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Flack Track is superb, not sure about the Dreadnought as it looks really rough around the edges. Good work though mate!


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Most of those are far too dark IMO especially the War Miner and Dreadnought, not to mention the scheme doesn't exactly match on all vehicles. Looks interesting though.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Iron Shield voxel is too simple when compared to the other ones. Miner, Kirov, Corkscrew and Dreadnought are too dark.


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freedom fighter

Joined: 14 May 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Not using the .vpl anymore. Also some of the screenshots were taken at the Tsunami map while others were taken at The Alamo map. Its just the map lighting, hence why the Corkscrew seems to be too dark but is actually one of the brighter voxels Wink

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