First of all. RW Team have finished all graphics of TS era units. Of course there will some changes, re-renders to perfect some of them but the fact itself make us all proud.

Animation by KatzSmile

Titan by Holy Master, Animation by Holy Master

Wolverine by KatzSmile, Animation by KatzSmile
Also r006 will feature a new map by me (since there is no other man to map for RW). Honestly I suck in mapping but i hope it wont come too bad.

What else you would ask, what did you guys were doing all this time?
R006 will feature:
-A lot new civilian buildins to live the battlefield.
-Finished shoreline set.
-Thanks to kenosis RW will now feature a cool cluster setup for cluster missile (check his MKLab moddb page).
- With help of kenosis cluster idea i have coded a nice tiberium explosion. Beware, harvesters! Flying shards, twinkies, gas etc. It have come pretty balanced (You will not be able to fully clean tiberium because explosion will spawn more. And you will not be able to spead it too much outside the field.)
- I have also did some stress tests with alphaimage. Result can be seen below. Unfortunatly this lag to much and only use of it will be sigleplayer missions because it game forced to run it slowly anyway.