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The Conglomerate of Corperations: Origins
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Mr. Moosey

Joined: 18 Feb 2005
Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:17 am    Post subject:  The Conglomerate of Corperations: Origins Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Conglomerate: Origins

Based out of the neutral country of Noveria on Therum, the Conglomerate consists of four of Therum (and now Terra Nova)’s largest corporations and seven smaller support companies. Originally, there were eight support companies, but one, “Genex Research & Development”, filed bankruptcy after most of its top scientific staff defected to Novus Ordo. The five largest spearhead corporations are “Terra Firma”, “Global Dynamics”, “Kassa Fabrications”, “ Nova Security” and “Skywire Aerospace”. The seven smaller support companies are “Vanguard Industries”, “Ashland-Corde Aerospace”, “Apex Electronics”, “New Dawn Bioengineering”, “Haelstrom Energy”, “Cerberus Research & Development”, and “Starlight Personnel” (see below). Most citizens live a very rich and healthy lifestyle when under Conglomerate control, but must adhere to strict corporate rules and must work for one of the corporations. Small businesses almost never thrive, and ones that do are absorbed into one of the major corporations. Crime is almost nonexistent in Conglomerate controlled territory, as even minor crimes are punished severely. Security is first in a Conglomerate-controlled territory. Any breaches of security almost always warrant the death penalty. Citizens must live in a highly competitive and capitalistic society. The Conglomerate has no real government. The Boards of the “Spearhead Companies” generally make the major civilian decisions for the Conglomerate, with input from the “Support Companies” only taking a minor role. Conglomerate military decisions are made solely by the Inner Circle.

Company Information:

Spearhead Companies
- “Terra Firma”: Geographical Scanning & Data Analysis Corporation – Terra Firma pioneered the original colonization efforts of Terra Nova, and are therefore the de-facto leader of the Conglomerate. The Conglomerate deploys Terra Firma designed Geographical Scanning Nodes to deploy and expand their forward bases. Without Terra Firma, all forward bases would not exist. Terra Firma is also in possession of Terra Nova’s largest space station.
- “Global Dynamics”: Communications & Logistics Corporation – Global Dynamics are the leader in long range communication and control most transportation of materials between Therum and Terra Nova for the Conglomerate. Global Dynamics communication systems are used in the communication arrays of all major bases to stay in contact with orbiting satellites and stations, as no other corporation to date has the ability to penetrate Terra Nova’s powerful ionosphere. Without Global Dynamics, communications outside an immediate area would be impossible.
- “Kassa Fabrications”: Weapons & Armor Development Corporation – Kassa Fabrications are the leader in metallurgy and major production of weapons and armor for the Conglomerate. Kassa Fabrications produce the weapons used in almost every level of Conglomerate warfare. From the pistols carried by officers to heavy artillery, they are all designed and manufactured for mass production by Kassa Fabrications. Without Kassa Fabrications, the Conglomerate would be completely defenseless.
- “Nova Security”: Security and Defense Corperation – Nova Security ensure the security of Conglomerate controlled territory and provide manpower to forward bases in the form of experienced soldiers to command squads. Nova Security personnel are generally the ones who are tasked with the defense and security of major corporate headquarters and research labs in Conglomerate controlled areas. Without Nova Security, Conglomerate territory would be open to anarchy. Nova Security also acts as the public “police force”, investigating crimes and punishing/jailing criminals.
- “Skywire Aerospace”: Aerospace Development & Research Corporation – Skywire Aerospace develops and manufactures most military aircraft for the Conglomerate, as well as design propulsion systems spaceborne transport ships. Skywire Aerospace is essential to the Conglomerate. Without Skywire, the Conglomerate would be without an Air Force.

Support companies:
- “Vanguard Industries” – Vanguard Industries manufacture Conglomerate vehicle chassis. Vanguard Industries are responsible for the basic chassis of all Conglomerate vehicles. They work closely with Kassa Fabrications to make the vehicles more heavily armed and armored.
- “Ashland-Corde Aerospace” – Ashland-Corde Aerospace develops experimental Conglomerate aircraft. The bombers that attacked the New Sanctum airbase were designed by Ashland-Corde. Ashland-Corde sometimes consults with Skywire to develop new airframes.
- “Apex Electronics” – Apex Electronics manufacture mobile electronic devices. Apex-designed electronics can be seen everywhere: The targeting computers on aircraft, the radios used by foot soldiers, and even the HUD helmets worn by the soldiers. Apex generally works with Global Dynamics when developing short-range comms and Kassa Fabrications when developing targeting computers.
- “New Dawn Bioengineering” – New Dawn Bioengineering studies and develops ways to improve Theran physiology. Most citizens under Conglomerate control choose to receive New Dawn treatments which prolong life and health. All Conglomerate soldiers are required to take the New Dawn treatment.
- “Haelstrom Energy” – Haelstrom Energy specialize in energy production and management. Haelstrom Energy mobile generators are found in all forward outposts, and larger bases generally house a Haelstrom Reactor Core.
-“Cerberus Research Systems” - Cerberus Research Systems are responsible for high-tech research for the conglomerate. Cerberus has expanded quickly recently, and are pushing the laws of physics. Cerberus absorbed the leftover staff from Genux after their declaration of bankruptcy. Cerberus Research Systems are currently under review and are a likely candidate to be the next company to be inducted as a “Spearhead Company”
- “Starlight Personnel” – Starlight is the newest corporation to be part of the Conglomerate, and the only corporation founded after the Conglomerate was formed. Starlight Personnel is responsible for the recruitment of new personnel for the Conglomerate war machine, and also manage the administrative and financial works within the Conglomerate.[/i]

"Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young

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