Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:45 pm Post subject:
Mod design scrapbook - Red Alert: Flame of Blaze
Subject description: sharing a concept that will never see the light
First of all, hello everyone. I've been lurking around for quite some time and would like to share you the scraps of a mod project that sadly will never see the light of the day. It is yet another shot at trying to design an alternative Red Alert 2, in the vein of RA3, only this time i wanted to start anew by taking the end of the Second Great War, with the death of Stalin and Russia in ruins and develop everything from there. so without further ado, let's start.
NOTE: The voxels are to be considered concepts as most are based on public voxels. Credit is given where needed. i do not intend on releasing them for the above reasons.
The first step: Creating the setting
the USSR - an Occupied Russia.
One thing that bugs me when i look back at Red Alert 2 is the complete absence of any kind of real punishment inflicted on the Soviet Union, they simply put Romanov in power as a puppet, a puppet that in the end would have turned the coat on his masters. In this setting, the Soviet Union (or what's left of it, anyway) suffered ten long years of military occupation at the hands of the Allies, who used surviving red army units to bolster the occupation efforts. Abuse is common. If anybody of you is familiar with east asian history, think postwar Japan. The Red Army is a shell of its former self, several large swathes of the country are directly administered by Allied appointed Governors. Only a renegade army unit, the Iron guard, still harasses foreign occupiers. Every time the Iron Guard strikes they retaliate with devastating force, with no regards for who is left between them. The Red Army itself is divided, many soldiers want just a return to peace, but other are just waiting the moment to oust the foreign invaders. The nation itself is in shambles, although a flicker of hope is in sight thanks to the Allies' reconstruction effort. The fact that no soviet company can take part in these efforts is a cause of deep hatred amongst the civilians. Soviet POWs are just starting to return now after 10 years of reconstruction work in western Europe, as part of war reparations. The influx of jobless soviet veterans causes civil unrest as the already-frail system struggles to cope. The short-sighted allied leaders are simply content with their occupation troops keeping order and pay little attention to those problems.
The Allied Nations – a wounded victor
The Allied nations fare little better. Barely reconstructed and still reeling from the scars of the great war, the nations of western Europe, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain are still rebuilding a continent reduced to rubble. The United States, via their “Marshal Plan” are providing economic support, although many Europeans fear that this will put their nations on a leash with the handler residing in Washington DC.
Great Britain
Great Britain suffered the least damage amongst the countries that endured the assault of the soviet war machine, mostly resulting in severe bombing attempts by Finland-based
Tu-16 “badger” bombers. The british population stood in defiance of the Red Air Force, until a missile came crashing down in Parliament's courtyard. The missile crashed without detonating, thanks to the efforts of a commando squad operating in the caucasus against the four horsemen base, nicknamed in such fashion because of the four missiles ready for launch there present. It is rumored that soviet defector Vladimir Fedeurovich Kyosigin has found a new life here. As of now, togheter with the commonwealth, Great Britain is the only nation in Europe that can have a positive view of the future.
Continental Europe
France and Germany were hit hard by the soviet invasion and only now are beginning to enter some stability. Most of the reconstruction work undertook by Soviet POWs was done in France and Germany. While malcontent exists, it has, by some kind of miracle, not gave birth to extremist parties.
Greece has not been so fortunate. Having suffered the loss of about half of its population during the war and another ten percent of Greek refugees in other allied countries electing to not return to their homeland, the Hellenic Kingdom is nothing more than a British protectorate. While many Greeks still serve with distinction and occupy prestigious posts in the Allied joint command structure (Joint Allied Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Stavros is an example) their homeland's overall contribution has dwindled ever since.
The United States
Joining the Allied War effort just after the fall of Germany, The US didn't have a full fledged fighting force capable of independent operation before January 1954. They contribution to the allied War effort however was substantial, helping push the soviets back through Europe. The 1st Infantry division fought his way from Arnhem to Moscow and managed to storm Stalin's command center together with the 15th Scottish division and the German 1. Fallschirmjägerdivision. In a position of power after the war, the United States are currently consolidating their position as the biggest global power, although the Rising Sun challenges them in the pacific.
The Rising Sun over Asia – Japan, AGAIN?
Note: while the inclusion of Japan in the form of the empire of the rising sun was not keenly seen by a large part of the community, I still believe they could pose an interesting addition to the Red Alert Universe, if DONE PROPERLY (EA didn't.)
Shinsei Nippon Teikoku – Empire of Japan (Lit. Divine Japanese Empire.)
The rising power in the east underwent a massive internal strife after the first great war, with several cabals of ultranationalist personae attempting to wrestle power from the Diet, and indeed managed to succeed for a limited period of time. The turning point was the failed assassination attempt of Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi on May 15th 1932. This managed to strengthen the resolve of the ruling Rikken Seiyūkai (Friends of Constitutional Government Party), limiting factionalism and starting a long and bloody process of restoration of effective political control over the military. This and effort to curtail the power of the Emperor managed to make the nation shed its last vestiges of asiatin despotism and started again a long and unsteady path towards being a modern nation. It still retained its Asian domains, chiefly Korea and Taiwan. While normalization was long and hard, it is now close to granting them home rule in a similar fashion of the British Commonwealth. The alliance will still retain the name of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (大東亜共栄圏 Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken ). Emperor Hiroito still watches as a constitutional monarch.
During the Second Great War Japan provided monetary aid to the western allied while reinforcing the Imperial Armed Forces. It also, as a mean of improving both international standing and its own technological advancements, allowed 850.000 European refugess, chosen chiefly by their technical and scientific background, to settle in Japan. They were settled chiefly in Tokyo and areas with a higher density of foreign residents in order to provide a “more serene way of assimilation”. In reality it was a way of indirect limited segregation, but many people choose that over soviet bombardments.
Now, with tensions in China running high because of Japanese support to the Kuomintang and former soviet personnel fighting together with Mao Zedong's communist, the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces prepare for war.
The bread and butter of every modification. I will list what I conceptualized, what I got done, eventual credits and inspirations.
Allied Forces
They would have had four countries playable (USA, British Commonwealth, Germany, France) and there would have been much differences in units. They would focus on superior range and technology. They would become much more ruthless than before
Retcons to RA1
The Medium Tank of RA1 was a M60 in this universe. The Longbow was a AH-1 Cobra
the Heavy tank was a twin barreled T-62, The mammoth had just two rolling trains instead of four and more rudimentary cannons. The Soviet Mig was a Mig-23, the Hind was there in its earliest form (the A version with the squared cockpit)
The Unit list stood like this
Common Units – Infantry, they would have been styled after 60ies-70ies NATO soldiers, with a bit more body armor
1. Fusilier – basic infantry unit, armed with an FN FAL
2. Missile Operator, armed with an M47 Dragon
3. Combat medic
4. Engineer
5. Commando – almost ista-kills infantry with an XME117 and fights vehicles and buildings with an M202
6. Agent – a spy by any other name.
US reserved Infantry: Ranger (arrives via paradrop). Can deploy his Stoner 63 into a LMG
Commonwealth Reserved Infantry: Sniper (I was lazy.) Ideally he would have been dubbed with an Australian Accent. (You all get the reference.)
German reserved infantry: Panzer Infantry Corps: I tink you all saw an image the Kerberos Panzer Cops around, if not, you probably know how the Helghast suit up)
French reserved unit: Legionnaire: a fast recon infantry
The APC is by Mig Eater
the MBT-70 and the KPZ.70 are based on Mig Eater's BT-70 (slightly edited)
Common Units – vehicles (war factory produced
1.APC: Uses the undocumented feature that you get when setting the passengers of an IFV to more than 1, the first becomes the gunner and the rest are passengers, and you unload the passengers first, then with a second click you can make the gunner dismount.
2.M727 Hawk A mobile AA Unit and stealth detector.
3.MCV (self explanatory
US Reserved Vehicles
MBT70: standard 120mm cannon. Retains the 20mm autocannon.
M667 Lance: Napalm tipped missiles
Chrono Tank: refitted medium tank (think M60A2) with a chrono module. Uses Shilleagh missiles
Commonwealth Reserved Vehicles
Chieftain Battle Tank[Scottish] Heavier and slower than other allied tanks. Much better protected
AVGP Grizzly [Canadian] (Replaces APC) Amphibious
Artillery [British]: Straight out of Red Alert 1
German reserved vehicles
KPZ.70: German counterpart to the MBT70, has improved armor (Side Skirts)
Panzer Genger: Bipedal combat platform based on the mecha from Ring of Red. (I was trying to say Armored Walker in german.)
French Reserved Vehicles
Phase Transport[Replaces Hawk]
AMX-10P (IFV-Like) [Replaces APC] Stronger in direct attack, every variant has a bigger punch
Mirage Tank
Common Airpad Units
AV16A Kestrel: Supersonic Harrier based on the P1154. Used by many allied Nations
AH56 Cheyenne Attack Helicopter: Successor to the Cobra, faster and equipped for anti-tank warfare in areas where aircraft cannot be used.
Reserved US Airpad Units
FV-9 Bandit: (replaces the Kestrel) the TF-120 concept study.
Reserved German Airpad Units
Sturmvogel: Would have been a fictional vtol inspired by some obscure design I saw but cannot remember, probably would have ended up being the VTOL version of the F-104
(Former) Soviet Empire
They would have represented both the regular standing forces of the USSR and the Iron Guard. They would have had 3 factions to play as (Russia, Ukraine, Iron Guard). Oppressed and thirsty for revenge.
Common Soviet Infantry Units
Rifle Infantry: I wanted to do away with the Conscript. They are still the same gameplay wise, but less stupid in the long run
Gunner Infantry: Armed with a RPD and an RPG, slow but versatile. Vulnerable to snipers
Attack Dog: throwback to RA1
Igla Trooper: cheap dedicated AA Infantry. Detects cloacked units
Shock Trooper: a more rudimentary tesla trooper
Terror Drone
Reserved Russian Infantry Units
Armored Infantry Walker: a mini vehicle, ideally it would have been a manned terror drone with a machinegun nest on it.
Common Soviet Vehicles
Heavy Tank: unchanged
Tesla Tank: Anti-Infantry support vehicle
BM-21 Grad: I needed something to replace the V3 “paradigma” so I opted for unguided rockets
Corkscrew Transport: An amphibious transport meant to give soviet players an advantage in maps with lots of waterways. Has twin AA autocannons
Common Soviet Aircraft
Mig-29: jack of all trades aircraft, faster than the Kestrel but slower than the US Bandit
Hind: Transport/ light attack aircraft
The Nyalkovalny is based on the T-72 made by Mig Eater
Russian reserved Vehicles Units
Scud Launcher (Replaces BM-21): this Russian unit would have radically altered the way of using artillery amongst Russian forces, by using a wide AOE and high damage weapon. It would have had an abysmal rate of fire and the missiles would have been interceptable, forcing the player to value each shot
SOKB Walker (Gustav): a personal homage to the Metal Gear series, this one would have had a laser and be based on Metal Gear G from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
- Ukrainian Units
Trojanov Tank: can negotiate radioactive areas without taking damage
- Iron Guard Units
"Nyalkovalny" Tank:: halfway between a Mammoth Tank and a Heavy Tank, the Iron Guard stuck two mammoth tusk rocket launchers to a late-production heavy tank
DAI NIPPON TEIKOKU - Imperial Japanese Armed Forces
the key was to represent an emerging superpower with a slightly different set of morals, and the only ones that don't want to achieve world domination but simply regional domination. They get dragged into the war after they discover several soviet generals linked to the iron guard supporting communist Chinese forces in manchuria.
- Infantry
Rifleman: Best armored rifle infantry amongst the three powers, wear a suit of armor reminiscent of this:
Armor Hunter: in order to avoid using rocket soldiers for everybody, I choose to have them wield anti material rifles with heavy anti-armor rifle grenades for anti armor work. Stealthed while deployed
Senkenbutai(Vanguard): motorbike riding soldiers equipped with an HMG. The practice of using bikes in combat is referred as “Abusame” in today's JSDF and references horse archer of the sengoku period
Kempeitai (Soldiers of the law unit): detects spies and has a two hit-kill pistol. Range of 3
The Shi-Ro is based on the MBT-70 by Mig Eater
The Ho-Chi is based on the M113 by Mig Eater (TD Pack)
The Shunrai is based on the XFV-12 by Mig Eater
The tsurugi's voxel is by Mig eater
- Armor
Type 65 Shi-Ro: Main Battle Tank: In order to counter soviet armored division, Imperial General HQ issued a request for a tank design that needed to be at least equal in performance to allied designs. The project was a success, but it is not as economical as the Allied MBTs. The same number of tanks costs more to the Japanese. It also has a 30mm cannon for anti-helicopter duty and the main gun has a slight longer range. Available at Radar-level.
Type 60 Ho-Chi:: The first offensive vehicle available to the Japanese side. Amphibious and capable of carrying 6 infantrymen, this is the basic of Japanese armored assaults
Type 60-X Nisokou Heki(bipedal weapon): bipedal tank destroyed, humanoid weapon armed with a 75mm high velocity cannon, 5m tall, enough to target the roof of enemy tanks (the image is a rough idea of how it should have looked like
Type 62 Ji-ri (MLRS): rocket salvo artillery unit
Type 52 So-ru (Harvester)
Type 60 Ji-ha Tank destroyer: lightweight twin recoilless 152mm cannons equipped vehicle. Needs to deploy to fire
- Aircrafts
J9L5 Shunrai:: Uses missiles to attack enemy aircraft and vehicles, nearly ineffective against structures
B9M7 Tsurugi:: Uses long range cruise missiles to attack enemy structures
Other Asian factions
Both flavors of Chinese were to be presented but I never got down to conceptualize their unit tree. The Nationalist Chinese were to have basic units made up of Chinese forces, generally low quality, with Allied advisers forming the top tier units, while the communist would have been mostly made of reverse engineered Second Great War-era soviet units.
Make what you want of this, if you have the time drop a comment or two.
I'm still trying to track down the campaign notes i made(had them on a notebook wich is somewhere in my house) QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 15 Jun 2011 Location: "Where do you want setup?".
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:17 am Post subject:
hmm.. if I had time, I would surely make place holder infantry for you (temporary ones which you would replace when you get better ones, am still new around modeling).
Give me a PM if you want me to take a try at that Japanese normal infantry. _________________ Also known as superluigi949 and SuperMario949.
Banned for pretending to be someone else. QUICK_EDIT
Actually i should have something laying around, was based on the GI and was toothing a Type 64 Battle Rifle
aaaah! there it is. Some Imperial Japanese Infantry! (i based the rifleman on the GI so it would have a somewhat bulky and armored look
@Ixonoclast: You mean the Shanxi Clinque and Manchuria/Mengukuo? i think they are just too small to put up a fight, they would have featured in the campaign, maybe.
To everybody offering some help: thanks but this is just something i done in my spare time some month ago. As of now i don't have the commitment nor the time to actually get down and do this gargantuan project. Just wait to see the campaign concepts...
also, as of now I am conceptizing another, more limited scale mod as of now, something that would be finishable in 8-12 months.
@Mig: you're the most prolific voxeler around, it was bound to happen!
@Palkia: it was supposed to be a throwback to the RA1 logo, with something off the RA2 logo to spice it up. Probably didn't work
However, if someone wants to use part or all of this concept for a project of his/her He/she is free to use them, as long as credit is given of course
@Palkia: I agree. I'm replacing the GDI eagle with a hippo, for exactly that reason. It needs more wow factor. Not a hippo logo, just a hippo. Slowly rotating. Maybe it'll have some dialogue or something.
Seriously, Allied logo is allied logo. There's no reason to go away from the eagle and triangle motif.
EDIT, for proper explanation: logos are meant to be immediately recognizable as belonging to one faction or another. Changing them drastically upsets the user's expectations, which can be useful in some circumstances (where you want to show a disconnect between the old and new) but is otherwise highly undesirable.
The point of having the same elements to a logo throughout a continuity is to help establish that continuity. If you're doing a prequel/sequel/remake/genre-swap then it's one of the things which helps designer and user alike ground themselves in the lore and environment. Last edited by Orac on Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
There is reason. Originality? I like the logos WW and EA have come up with... I just prefer original ones a little more. No need to get pissy, Orac. _________________
Tore wrote:
Oh noes Nod32 must have found some GDI32 in the art.ini file!
Finally found the campaign concepts.
The idea mainly went through a dinamic campaign (was waiting for Ares to reimplement map-selection before SP missions)
to allow some choiches in the story. It would have been one long narrative campaign, alternating between all factions.
It called from an intro, probably would have been done in pixelart.
Black Screen.
Soundtrack: And ever we fight on from Killzone 3
White fonts slide on the black background
Albert Einstein removes hitler from the timeline, the world is forever changed
*still shot of Einstein*
*still shot of Trinity Installation*
*still shot of the first chronosphere*
March 3rd 1953
Amidst growing tensions, the USSR launches an invasion of western europe
seeking to establish a empire that stretches from coast to coast.
The war drags on, with countless slaughters endured by both sides.
*still shot of Russian Tanks rolling*
July 9th 1953
Greece falls. The soviet employ sarin gas against greek partisans.
*Still shot of body bags being handled by NBC soldiers*
November 24th 1953
The soviet attemp a quadruple nuclear strike on major european capitals.
The world is outraged.
The United States and Japan declare war on the USSR.
*Still shot of an american aircraft formation*
*still shot of an Imperial Japanese naval unit*
December 25th 1954
The Soviet forces are routing, the Allies are fighting in the streets of Moscow.
It is the Allies' finest hour.
Cut to a russian officer dragging a girl in the streets
Officer: Faster!
The girl hardly keeps up, until they meet with other russian soldiers.
They shelter the girl inside the moscow metro and then are mopped down by an Allied APC
Cut to grayscale
Still of recounstruction.
June 3rd 1974
Molotov cocktails are thrown, Moscow is in open revolt
the Allies in Moscow are doing occupation work and this culminates in a massive riot that sees the cohoperating red army units slaughtered while the allies
unceremoniously flee with every plane they find. The communist are re-instated, and the furious soviet citizen begin a massive military
buildup using everything from GWW2 equipment to vehicles left on the ground by the retreating allies. The Iron Guard quickly
establishes itself as the military government
I still need to convert the rest from my calligraphy into a readable font, so be patient. QUICK_EDIT
Actually i should have something laying around, was based on the GI and was toothing a Type 64 Battle Rifle
aaaah! there it is. Some Imperial Japanese Infantry! (i based the rifleman on the GI so it would have a somewhat bulky and armored look
@Ixonoclast: You mean the Shanxi Clinque and Manchuria/Mengukuo? i think they are just too small to put up a fight, they would have featured in the campaign, maybe.
To everybody offering some help: thanks but this is just something i done in my spare time some month ago. As of now i don't have the commitment nor the time to actually get down and do this gargantuan project. Just wait to see the campaign concepts...
also, as of now I am conceptizing another, more limited scale mod as of now, something that would be finishable in 8-12 months.
@Mig: you're the most prolific voxeler around, it was bound to happen!
@Palkia: it was supposed to be a throwback to the RA1 logo, with something off the RA2 logo to spice it up. Probably didn't work
However, if someone wants to use part or all of this concept for a project of his/her He/she is free to use them, as long as credit is given of course
Hi where can I download your GI based infantry rifleman and tank hunter?
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