Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:02 pm Post subject:
tileset suggestions for Rewire
Hey, Gangster, I was looking through screenshots of your mod, and having played TI recently, something got to me...
I'll use this screenshot for reference:
While I like the pavement ends that merge with the dirt tiles in Rewire, I think it would be nice to have paved ends that end like in TI, too. It could make for an "old pavement" or "paved over" look.
As for the grass, it feels and looks like a flat texture. If you take a look at the grass in TI, it has a 3D feel to it, as it isn't a flat patch on a ground, it actually looks like grass coming out of that patch, giving it that 3D, detailed, realistic grass effect. Pebbles, cracked ground, dead bodies, and round bumps would also look nice and help give terrain some variety.
City tilesets require additional tiles, IMO. Those TI tiles that you can use for military bases, walking stones, city cliffs, subway entrances, and stairs are a necessity these days, for realistic-looking cities. (TS cities looked awful, and RA2 ones only half-decent) Those awesome street lights from TI would also look awesome re-done for Rewire.
Not sure what you mean with the pavement, Alex, you mean how it seems to be on top of the dirt, instead of the dirt covering the pavement? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
i think he is talking about how the cement, and grass are highly distinguishable, compared to the base terrain. _________________ Total Annihilation is the only battle strategy.
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What I meant about the pavement, is the edges of the pavement in this screenshot look like the pavement is old and thick, whereas the edges of the pavement in normal TS looks like it's thin.
And yes, that is also what I am saying, daviperdragon. TI has both the new rough, distinguishable pavement for old cities, but also the old TS one for when you place fresh new pavement yourself from your ConYard. And the grass is very distinguishable and recognizable as grass, compared to the ugly flat texture of TS which looks like green dirt.
The TI grass doesn't look like a flat texture, it looks like there's grass coming out of the actual tile grass, rather than it just being a texture applied to a flat tile. The grass looks like it's grown, rather than it just being a texture. Get what I mean?
See the grass here? It looks like it's a flat texture. No actual grass is coming out of the ground. It looks ridiculous and unrealistic.
The grass in TI looks, from an isometric view, like this:
but also the old TS one for when you place fresh new pavement yourself from your ConYard.
I could've sworn the pavement you see in the abovemost screenshot is the same you place from your ConYard. I'm not sure though, since I haven't built pavement in TI in ages. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
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