is 6 Years Old!
As is tradition, the obligatory birthday update of Star Strike is here! A lot of things have been going on with Star Strike in the last year- while far from the most productive year, this one perhaps will have the most to show for, as you'll see shortly. Yeah, imagine that, pictures instead of uh...well, WALLS OF ZTYPING TEXT.
Without further ado...
Enhanced Voxels
I finally sat down and learned some of the complexities of manual normals painting in the past month or so. These are some of the byproducts- I didn't aim to repaint them entirely, but to get rid of the things AutoNormals failed at- IE stair-step effect.
Click the images to see what they looked like beforehand.
Invader Proton Tank

EDF Humvee

Invader Bomb Drone

EDF Gun Turret

SSIA Mobile Rocket Artillery

New and Old Faces
Many unit have seen more extension revision though! Do note that many of the unit profiles use OUT OF DATE imagery.
Hint: Many of these images are also links, showing older versions, model/ingame shots

Sentry Drone

One thing always bothered me about the sentry drone; at its size, the concept that I had never really panned out, and it just ended up looking too tall. Now he's a little shorter.
Juggernaut Tank

One of Star Strike's oldest voxels, its story has been one of constant, constant improvement. The original is available on YRArg, as for some ungodly reason, I actually released it in 05-06.
Omega Laser Turret

Nearly as old as the Juggernaut with only an eighth the number of revisions, this thing only recently got a major touchup to make it look better. Note it still needs a new base.

B-90 Bomber

Replaces the Delta Force's B-52 Bomber. Big and mean, but elegant at the same time. Sorry guys, no fancy name for it- though when I refer to it, I like to call it "that big mean thing that blows up your base

Warrior Transport

Replaces the recolored Chinook. This absolute MONSTER mounts a 30mm vulcan cannon in its chin turret and can spew death in a countless number of flavors owing to its firing ports. Note the size of it compared to the "mighty" Gunship.


This fabulous voxel by Damned Machine/Tony looked pretty good, but was missing something: color. Now it kicks your (enemy's) ass while looking (more) awesome at the same time. No ingames sadly.
Other Graphics Updates
Tired of the same old nukes? Thanks to AreaSz, you won't be anymore. Comes in 3 flavors:
Tsar Bomba

Castle Bravo

Note the new disintegration death animation.

Note: Tsar Bomb, Castle Bravo appear pixelated (and are), but this effect is nowhere near as prevalent or noticeable ingame.
In Progress
Development of some new toys for each side is underway, as well. Here are some previews.

Mysterious, isn't it? This vehicle is both very special and rare; it's also "very" in a huge number of other categories too. Expect a complete list when the unit profile/unit itself are done.
Invader Plague Tank

When the Invader's manage to sneak a Spy Drone into an EDF Advanced Tech Center, they get this. Right now, it's only a chassis, but when finished, it's going to be something rather deadly...like the plague.
Hey that was pretty fun. Should do this more often. Please leave comments and feedback, I'm always willing to read what you have to say about the work being done!
Also, I'm looking for beta-testers. Just send me a PM if you're interested. Try to include:
- Modding experience (INI, SHP, Voxel, etc)
- Testing experience
- Timezone
- How often are you online-battle capable
- Willing to do tests related to Ares logic (see below)
- Why
Ares is in need of your assistance. See this thread for ways on how you can help the best hope for YR's modding future today!