Hunter HoverTec Assault Platform
The Hunter gunship is a advanced weapons platform, armed with 4 anti-ground HE Cannons, and can be upgraded with an anti-air missile pod. It is powered by M-Tec-designed “Orca” engines, giving it the abilities and possibilities of an Helicopter, only allowing more weight and weapons. It’s speed is slower than an helicopter, but it has way more armor then an helicopter can ever support. The 4 HE Cannons give the Hunter a high rate of fire, and make it effective against most ground targets. While slow, the heavy armor and the rapid-firing cannons make Hunters feared by Revenant units.
It can be upgraded on the Battlefield with an anti-air missile pod, making it able to target air units as well.

Note: model and texture may change at any point during development.
Non-official comment: after having made various models, I finally found a design that fit. It's heavily based upon the various TS Orca units.
Skin is still WiP