Machinegun Bunker (and sandbag wall):

Field Generator

Tiberium Refinery:

Logistic Center:

And as mentioned in the last update, I've been polishing up some other things as well. The Technical has been changed so it has a machinegun in mobile form and anti-air turret when deployed. Reinforcement Tunnels can now spawn both nomad tanks and technicals. The Humvee has probably gone through 10 different voxels, but it finally looks like something I am happy with.
Final version of the humvee:

I've also added a handful of new songs to the mod, mostly remixed C&C songs but also a few completely new ones.
If anyone has some free time on their hands and would be interested to help with some shp work, I could use some help finishing the snow versions of the Forgotten buildings. It's mostly copy pasting parts from the default civilian building snow versions. Send me a pm or write here if you are interested.