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Version 1.0 changes
Moderators: SuperJoe
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Joined: 03 Sep 2009

PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:48 am    Post subject:  Version 1.0 changes Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Balance changes:


- GDI receives 8 new units and 1 new superweapon.

- Ghost Stalker has been removed from GDI.

- Mammoth Mk.II has a much better anti-air weapon.
- Mammoth Mk.II requires both the Tech Center and Command Center as prerequisites.

- Wolverine armor increased (from 175 to 255).

- Disruptor cost increased (from 1300 to 1500).
- Disruptor speed decreased (from 5 to 4).
- Disruptor needs to accelerate to gain full speed.

- Juggernaut cost increased (from 950 to 1200).
- Juggernaut speed decreased (from 5 to 4).
- Juggernaut weapon maximum range decreased (from 18 to 15).
- Juggernaut weapon minimum range increased (from 5 to 6).

- Mobile EMP cost increased (from 1000 to 1300).
- Mobile EMP armor decreased (from 800 to 500).
- Mobile EMP EMP effect duration lowered (from 1200 to 1000).
- Mobile EMP reload process takes about double the time it used to.
- Mobile EMP tech level increased (by 2).

- Orca Bomber cost increased (from 1600 to 1900).
- Orca Bomber speed decreased (from 12 to 10).

- Orca Fighter missile range increased (from 6 to 7) and missile speed increased (from 30 to 70).

- Carryall armor decreased (from 175 to 145).
- Carryall speed decreased (from 16 to 15).
- Carryall cost increased (from 750 to 950).

- Jumpjet Infantry weapon range increased slightly against ground targets (from 5 to 6).
- Jumpjet Infantry weapon range and damage increased against air targets (from 5 to 7.5) and (from 15 to 20) respectively.
- Jumpjet Infantry speed reduced while on land (from 8 to 6) and increased while flying (from 14 to 17).
- Jumpjet Infantry sight increased (from 6 to 7).
- Jumpjet Infantry tech level lowered (by 1).
- Jumpjet Infantry can cross veins without being harmed.

- Disc Thrower cost increased (from 200 to 260).

- All railguns deal more damage against armor type concrete (deployed tick tanks and a few civilian structures use this armor type).

- All GDI base defences (Vulcan, RPG, SAM) stop working during low power.

- Ion Cannon damage increased (from 751 to 1101). Allows the Ion Cannon to destroy almost anything with one shot (exceptions are the construction yard / construction site, other superweapons and a few tougher units).
- Ion Cannon spread increased (from 40 to 512). Makes the Ion Cannon deal damage over a larger area (about 3x3).
- Ion Cannon reload time increased (from 8.5 to 13).
- Ion Cannon Uplink cost increased (from 1500 to 2500).

- Drop Pod superweapon reload time increased (from 7 to 8.75).
- Drop Pod Node cost increased (from 1000 to 1200).
- Added Tech Center as a prerequisite for the Drop Pod Node.

- Seeker Control Node removed since hunter-seeker superweapon has been removed.

- Command Center armor increased (from 1000 to 1400) so it can survive a direct Ion Cannon hit.

- GDI Tech Center tech level increased (by 1), since constructing it at lower tech level would be pointless as it doesn't give access to any new units or buildings at that tech level.


- Nod receives 9 new units and 1 new superweapon.

- Mutant Hijacker has been removed from Nod.

- Artillery cost decreased (from 975 to 950).
- Artillery shells are inaccurate, instead of always directly hitting the intended target (GDI Juggernaut shell are inaccurate too).

- Weed-Eater cost decreased (from 1400 to 1000).

- Subterranean APC cost increased (from 800 to 1000).

- Cyborg Reaper cost increased (from 1100 to 1200).
- Cyborg Reaper tech level increased (by 1).
- Cyborg Reaper "free experience upon death" bug removed.

- Stealth Tank has a new long range rapid-firing vulcan cannon against air targets. Against ground targets it uses the default missile launcher.
- Stealth Tank uses a turret so it doesn't have to turn to face the targets it's firing on.

- Attack Cycle can fire at air targets.
- Attack Cycle fires 2 rockets at the same time. The damage of each individual rocket decreased (from 40 to 34) and ROF increased (from 60 to 90). The overall damage output of the unit increases a little by these changes.
- Attack Cycle missiles speed and range against ground targets increased (from 30 to 35) and (from 5 to 6) respectively. Speed and range against air targets increased even further (from 30 to 53) and (from 5 to 6.75) respectively.
- Attack Cycle sight increased (from 5 to 6).
- Attack Cycle can cross veins without being harmed.

- Attack Buggy sight increased (from 6 to 8).
- Attack Buggy has sensors (can detect nearby stealthed units and buildings).
- Attack Buggy weapon range increased (from 4 to 4.5).

- Mobile Stealth Generator is cloaked even while moving, but needs to be deployed to cloak other units.

- Tick Tank, when burrowed into the ground, becomes more resistant to Orca Bomber bombs. For whatever reason it used to make them more vulnerable.

- Banshee cost increased (from 1250 to 1500).
- Banshee tech level lowered (by 1). Now they have same tech level as Orca Bombers, which seems fair.

- Harpy weapon range increased (from 5 to 6).

- Cyborg cost decreased (from 650 to 600).
- Cyborg deals LESS damage when it loses its legs. It used to be other way around.
- Cyborgs are unaffected by Reaper webs.

- Laser Turret range increased (from 5.5 to 7.5), making it useful against vehicles.
- Laser Turret damage decreased (from 30 to 18), to balance the range boost.
- Laser Turret is less effective against infantry (deals 70% damage to them).
- Laser Turret cost increased (from 300 to 425).

- Cluster Missile is alot more powerful. It can destroy almost everything over a large area (about 8x8). Exceptions are the construction yard / construction site and a few tougher units.
- Cluster Missile reload time increased (from 10 to 19).

- Chemical Missile is more powerful. It will spread more gas over a larger area (about 7x7).
- The amount of veins needed for Chemical Missile increased (from 56 to 70).
- Chemical Missile reload time increased (from 0.3 to 2.3). This prevents players from firing two chemical missiles nearly at the same time.

- Missile Silo cost increased (from 1300 to 4000).
- Missile Silo armor increased (from 1000 to 1500) so it can survive a direct Ion Cannon hit.

- Temple of Nod cannot be disabled by the "turn power off" button.
- Temple of Nod armor increased (from 1000 to 1400) so it can survive a direct Ion Cannon hit.

Shared & other changes:

- Construction Yard armor increased (from 1000 to 2000). This allows them to survive direct superweapon hits.
- Construction Yard sight increased to maximum (from 6 to 11).
- Destroyed Construction Yards no longer spawn engineers.

- EMP Cannon cost increased (from 1000 to 1200).
- EMP Cannon tech level increased (by 2).
- EMP Cannon area of effect (area where all mechanical things shut down) reduced (from 11 to 8).
- EMP Cannon range decreased (from 40 to 28).
- EMP Cannon reload time increased (from 4.5 to 8).
- EMP Cannon is now capturable by engineers.

- Stealth detection of base buildings has been changed to make more sense. Only the following base buildings can detect nearby stealthed units: 1) Radar facilities, 2) All base defences (minus the EMP Cannon), 3) Light posts.

- Hunter-seekers (now called Seeker-Droids) can be purchased from the warfactory. They cost 800 and are available to all sides.
- Seeker-Droids deal only minor damage. Their role is to find hiding and escaping enemy units in end game situations.

- Limpet Drone cost decreased (from 550 to 350).
- Limpet Drone no longer slows down infected enemy vehicles. This makes it harder to notice when a unit has been infected.
- Limpet Drone is radar invisible and makes no sound when attaching to enemy vehicles.
- Other minor adjustments to Limpet Drones to make them better fit their new role.

- Light posts can be constructed by every faction. They cost 150 and take up 5 power. In addition to providing extra light, they can reveal stealthed units that come too close.

- Non-infantry units that are able to heal on tiberium fields (cyborg reapers, visceroids, floaters, etc) do so at half the original speed.

- A new infantry unit called Crew exits destroyed vehicles and buildings. They are similar to GDI & Nod light infantry, but are less effective in everything (firepower, health, speed, etc).

- Civilian hospitals, armories and arrays can be captured to provide special bonuses. The armory can be used to promote infantry units to elite (even commando units), the hospital to heal infantry units and the array provides you with a free radar and stealth detection over a large area.

- Ammo Crates deal alot more splash damage when they blow up, similar to how the exploding barrels in Red Alert used to work.

- Tiberium grows and spreads faster now. This change was made to ensure players won't run out of money as easily in late game situations.

- Veinhole Monsters deal damage to vehicles passing over the veins a little slower.
- Veinhole Monsters health increased (from 1000 to 2800) to allow Nod to defend them a little better.
- Veinhole Monsters armor type changed from "none" to "wood". This makes them more durable against light weapons, such as machineguns. In turn, they take more damage from heavy weapons like tank shells.
- When a Veinhole Monster is killed, the leftover veins disappear slower, allowing Nod to continue harvesting them for a longer time.

- Tiberian Fiends cannot be crushed by vehicles.
- Tiberian Fiends are unaffected by Reaper webs.

- Baby Visceroids can be crushed by heavier vehicles.

- You can no longer see which faction the other player(s) in multiplayer matches have chosen before the match begins. This makes early scouting even more important than before.

- Bonus crates don't give negative effects anymore, such as exploding on the unit that collected the crate. This makes it always safe to collect bonus crates.
- You cannot gain Cluster Missile superweapon or cloak ability from bonus crates anymore.
- The following bonus crate multipliers have been toned down: Armor bonus (from 2.0 to 1.5), Firepower bonus (from 2.0 to 1.5) and Speed bonus (from 1.7 to 1.2).
- Crate bonuses (armor, firepower, speed, veterancy) apply to a smaller area (lowered from 3.0 to 2.5). This means less units will be able to gain the bonus from a single crate.

- Units can gain veterancy slightly faster (XP requirement reduced from 5.0 to 4.0).
- Veterancy bonuses have been adjusted so that every unit gains something useful when promoted.

Other changes:

- Almost every unit in the game has updated or completely new graphics. Alot of other graphical improvements and fixes.

- Almost every unit has a new voice.

- Many new sound effects.

- All music tracks are now available in skirmish and multiplayer modes. 30 new tracks have been added.

- Multiplayer color Pink has been replaced with Dark Green. Color Purple has a different shade.

- Unit que up limit has been increased from 5 to 15. This means you can que up to 15 units in the sidebar at once.

- All tech levels have been lowered by one. This means tech level 1 is now tech level 2, etc. This was done so tech level 10 can be used solely to enable / disable superweapons. This change means the old tech level 1 is no longer available. It had very limited gameplay value anyway, as the only unit you could build was light infantry.

- The AI has been completely redone to make it play better. It builds alot stronger and more diverse attack and defence forces, makes use of special units like sensor arrays and mines, protects its harvesters better, builds more base defences and is generally more tactical and sneaky. All 3 difficulty levels are supported and the AI plays effectively at all tech levels.

- The AI used to cheat by having increased stats (armor, ROF, etc) for their units. This has been removed. All AI units are equal to human units now.

- AI players no longer ally with each other against human player(s) once one of the AI players has been defeated. This behavior can be re-enabled for comp stomp matches though. See the Comp Stomp setting in the Reform Launcher.

- All the AI players get alot of bonus cash at the start of the match. The values are 650% more money for easy AI, 1000% for medium AI and 2000% for hard AI. This is crucial to allow the AI to build up its base effectively. This early game bonus cash is the only major cheating the easy and medium AIs do.

- Hard AI cheats by having to pay only 25% of any unit / building cost. This was done to make the hard AI even more challenging. If you don't like cheating AI, play against the easy or medium AI instead.

- The scoring system has been completely changed. Destroying units and buildings now awards points more logically, taking into consideration the destroyed target's stats like price, armor, damage, speed, and overall effectiveness and usefulness. The old system for example used to award 5 points for destroying a Cyborg Commando, while giving 40 points for destroying a single Tick Tank.

- Bug fixes, graphical fixes, and many other smaller changes.

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