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Allied General

Joined: 19 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:05 pm    Post subject:  Feedback Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

1. Why so many factions?

To my knowledge NPatch only supported 4 and more importantly their is a distinct lack of 3d artists/modellers in the community who can make shp structures, yet alone multiple different architecture styles.

Its also pretty darn difficult to create a new faction which isn't a overlap of something else. Take for example YR

1. High tech
2. Brute force
3. Subversion/exotic

Your adding like a lot of extra coding with plenty of room for error for basically identical function wise factions.

My main arguement is basically - every unit should have a purpose and not just because it looks cool or because every other mod has it and that a faction has a consistent "theme"

Also these ra3 themes, I'm really unsure about because it makes this mod sound like a mash up modification.


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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:45 am    Post subject: Re: Feedback Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Allied General wrote:
To my knowledge NPatch only supported 4

To clarify a bit, this is indeed the case with older versions of NPatch up to the most recent revision of NPatch Special Edition, however, I think NPatch Autumn Edition extended the support up to seven sides. As for Ares, I think the amount of sides is only limited by maximum number of countries available.

Regardless of that, your point about making factions all unique still stands.

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freedom fighter

Joined: 14 May 2009

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

To my knowledge NPatch only supported 4 and more importantly their is a distinct lack of 3d artists/modellers in the community who can make shp structures, yet alone multiple different architecture styles.

Yar, buildings might be a problem...

Its also pretty darn difficult to create a new faction which isn't a overlap of something else. Take for example YR

1. High tech
2. Brute force
3. Subversion/exotic

Your adding like a lot of extra coding with plenty of room for error for basically identical function wise factions.

My main arguement is basically - every unit should have a purpose and not just because it looks cool or because every other mod has it and that a faction has a consistent "theme"

Well yeah, three of the new factions are high teched while the other one is low teched (think GLA or the Forgotten), but each faction's theme is mainly about play style. Just an idea of what I mean:

Allies: Aerial combat
Soviets: Frontal assault
Yuri: Supportive
Imperial: Naval combat
Orion Corps: Precise and accurate strikes
WoF: Cheapness and mobility
Shadow League: Amphibious assaults and stealth

Most of the basic stuff (tier 1) in each faction maybe identical in purposes but higher tier stuff are mainly different from one another (mainly tier 3 support units). Looking at some of the better mods, I see A LOT of their units being able to shoot anything. Just look at the new builds of Robot Storm. Way too many stuff can friggin' SHOOT (not bad-mouthing the mod). I had to spend much time trying to balance out certain units, cutting out units and deciding which unit should be in the mod and fulfilling what purpose.

An example from my mod is the Robot Tank. Its basically a hovering light tank that is available quite late in the game. It isn't tough, gets screwed up by the bigger vehicles, dies out when its control center is destroyed. Its a pretty basic unit that seems to be 'advanced'...not. I can just use artillery or aircrafts to kill the Yuris and Masterminds and free my troops. This is the Robot Tank's purpose - anti-psionics, but its simply too weak to fulfill the purpose. Heck, I can still use Grizzlies which are better than the Robot Tank to counter mind control. With scouting being a key aspect in this mod, I've since equipped the Robot Tank, now known as the Phalanx Drone, with sensors and an anti-infantry autocannon, allowing it to reveal hidden units on land and sea and attack them. And they no longer use the control center.

Also these ra3 themes, I'm really unsure about because it makes this mod sound like a mash up modification.

The mod's story is starting to bug me. I'm thinking of a new one right now. No, my mod would only be RA3 if it has SHRINK ray, man cannon half tracks, sexy girls as commandos for ALL factions, engineers running as if they are Flash, really cartoonish units, dear god the horrors (the transformer bit is the only thing I like; it has tactical usage). Just because I have the Imperial in my mod doesn't mean the mod is RA3 Mad The mod will have a rather dark, apocalyptic theme to it not the rainbow crap that is RA3 >_>

Thanks for the feedback anyways, pretty much needed it. I will look further into those points you've stated (I ain't gonna just keep churning in lots of unneeded stuff into the mod like what I did with my older mod) Wink

The future belongs to The Forgotten!

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Defense Minister

Joined: 17 Sep 2007

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


Imperial: Naval combat

Huh? IIRC YR has maps with no water too.

Also, regarding rainbow games/mods, YR is a rainbow game. Oops.

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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Deformat wrote:

Imperial: Naval combat

Huh? IIRC YR has maps with no water too.

Also, regarding rainbow games/mods, YR is a rainbow game. Oops.

RA3 is much more rainbow than YR ever was.

He can always change the fact that there are maps with no water, or make Imperial units amphibious etc. In other words - that's not really a problem, is it.


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freedom fighter

Joined: 14 May 2009

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Speeder wrote:
Deformat wrote:

Imperial: Naval combat

Huh? IIRC YR has maps with no water too.

Also, regarding rainbow games/mods, YR is a rainbow game. Oops.

RA3 is much more rainbow than YR ever was.

He can always change the fact that there are maps with no water, or make Imperial units amphibious etc. In other words - that's not really a problem, is it.

This. While RA2YR is pretty cartoonish, RA3 overdid it >.>

There are water maps in YR. Tsunami (the one with the four separate islands) is one of them. Also isn't this the reason why we have FA2 #Tongue

The future belongs to The Forgotten!

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Joined: 19 Nov 2003

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

freedom fighter wrote:

Well yeah, three of the new factions are high teched while the other one is low teched (think GLA or the Forgotten), but each faction's theme is mainly about play style. Just an idea of what I mean:

Allies: Aerial combat
Soviets: Frontal assault
Yuri: Supportive
Imperial: Naval combat
Orion Corps: Precise and accurate strikes
WoF: Cheapness and mobility
Shadow League: Amphibious assaults and stealth

Most of the basic stuff (tier 1) in each faction maybe identical in purposes but higher tier stuff are mainly different from one another (mainly tier 3 support units). Looking at some of the better mods, I see A LOT of their units being able to shoot anything. Just look at the new builds of Robot Storm. Way too many stuff can friggin' SHOOT (not bad-mouthing the mod). I had to spend much time trying to balance out certain units, cutting out units and deciding which unit should be in the mod and fulfilling what purpose.

Well, late notice for me but yes, most units can shoot about any target but this is not the point, I see it dumb to have mods where unit shoots strictly specific targets using 0% verses and when you are left such units against such targets, its total waste and I think its better to just have them do poor damage, like say tank destroyer does on buildings in RA2 than not shoot at all at the 'wrong' targets so instead total useless, it just is case of less potent choice against particular targets which likely result to defeat vs wiser player.

Otherwise there is different gameplay for each faction, admittedly your faction count is pushing this, just 4 is very difficult already from design viewpoint.

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