Main colour: green
Camo colour: brown/grey

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No one is sure when the Revenant army was formed. Some say that they were formed while Legion was performing its takeover, while other sources say it wasn’t formed until Legion was victorious. What we do know is that they are from the remains of the armies defeated by Legion. Some may say that they are just another ordinary unorganized resistance group, like so many have been during previous wars. One thing is sure, they ain’t unorganized, nor are they your ordinary resistance group, that is sure. It is currently the only army that can fight back against Legion with decent success.
There have been many speculations why they call themselves ‘Revenant’. The most logical explanation comes from the various explanations for the Latin word Revenit, like ‘returning’ and ‘from the dead’ among others. Take the English version of this word, and you have the name of the army. The explanations of the Latin word fit the main goal of this army, as it has risen from the ashes of defeated armies, and has come back to take revenge on Legion, and make the world a safer place.
The Revenant army is known for its low-tech light units combined with high-tier heavier units. This makes direct contact with Legion units dangerous, because the light armor of most Revenant vehicles makes them not well protected against the heavy weapons Legion uses. On the other hand, most Revenant units are faster than their Legion counterparts, which makes them good for hit-and-run attacks.
Even though they are only a resistance group, the Revenant army got their hands on some impressive weapons and delivery systems. They overall prefer missiles over shells. This is seen in most of their arsenal: many units use missiles as weapons or delivery systems.
They also acquired some weapons that show a darker side of Revenant. When threatened, they aren’t afraid to use incendiary, chemical or even nuclear weapons against Legion. Luckily for Legion, only high-rank Revenant Commanders are allowed to use Nuclear weapons, but even without those, the incendiary and chemical weapons can cause large casualties under Legion ranks.
Note: faction explanation may change at any point during development.