-Post feedback if you wish. Do note that I don't care if the feedback is positive or negative, as long as it's constructive. Posts like "OMG THIS SUCKS" aren't that helpful and will only make other ppl (including me) pissed and more likely to ignore your other posts

-No flaming or trolling. The last thing I want to see here is ppl flaming each other, or ppl acting like a fool to start a flamewar (aka trolling or flamebaiting). If this kind of foolishness does happen, I won't be afraid to split and crap the affected posts, or in worse cases, lock the entire thread.
-Questions are always allowed, and I'll try to answer them. I do prefer if you posts your questions in the Frontline Chaos General Information forum.
-Bumping is allowed, if you have something constructive to add or have a question. Silly posts like "BUMP!" will be splitted and crapped.
-On the matter of off-topic posts: I don't mind if someone makes a joke once in a while, but don't go too far with it. I hate to see a entire thread derail because of a joke. In those cases the affected posts will be splitted and crapped.
-If possible, when you quote ppl, don't quote the images too. It only makes your posts unnecessary longer, and makes loadtimes on that thread longer (for ppl with a bad internet connection).
-Overall, act like a mature person, and you'll be treated as such. Act like a fool, and the world will treat you like a fool (and your posts will most likely be splitted and crapped)

That is all.