Tomahawk Cruise Missile TEL (Designation: AMX-64ME)
Armament: x2 Tomahawk cruise missiles
Armor: Medium
Cost: $1000
Prerequisites: War Factory, Airforce Command HQ
Roles: Missile-based artillery support, siege
Commander, this is our new artillery platform: the Tomahawk Launcher. The Tomahawk cruise missiles it fires can inflict a considerable amount of damage to small groups of enemies. The missiles have a rather long range, can home into it's target and are hard to shoot out from the skies - AA systems are worthless against these missiles. The missiles do have a limited fuel supply and won't be able to chase its target for long periods.
Don't worry about the truck chassis. Its pretty fast and durable although it is among the slowest vehicles, natural for a support artillery. They are available pretty early in the battle so make good use of them.
Fun fact: It's design was inspired by the Enforcer Corps AMX-50 Marksman artillery from Tom Clancy's Endwar. It is also the fourth replacement for a tier 2 artillery, the previous ones being the Javelin, Howitzer and Resonator.
I seem to have a problem with the voxel. The turret voxel seems to be visible through the barrel (missile pod) voxel. Any fix for this?