Hades Burrow Tank (Designation: Y-67)
Armament: 90mm auto-loading anti-tank gun
Equipment: Burrowing grinders
Armor: Medium
Cost: $750
Prerequisite: War Factory
Role: Main Battle Tank
Comrade, my Lashers have always been a feared tank. However, it seems that those fools have produced better MBTs that have since been turning "the fastest tank around" into scrap metal. There is room for improvements.
These are my new Hades Tanks. You might want to consider them as upgraded Lashers, nothing much. What's that? Those grinders on the front? Oh, these new tanks are able to burrow and travel underneath the earth. With clever use of them, even the most powerful tank can be at mercy of a successful ambush. Well, only you can choose to use these new weapons of mine properly or improperly. I know that they're the perfect tanks...