Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:06 am Post subject:
An Idea
Later on when everything on the priority list is done I have an idea for the mutants. Most MODs add them as a playable faction in their mods I had an idea that maybe you can just make a new mutant hovel (or replace existing Hovels) and just have a faction right there ready to work for the highest bidder (he who inserts engineer into coin slot wins). Doing this may give players more of a reason to B-Line for those Mutant Hovels because they give more than just 4 buildable units.
My thought is make this Hovel a universal Construction Yard/War Factory/Barracks, and then add some buildings you can build. The catch is you can only build 2 structures out the selection and here is why (some examples):
Mutant Tiberium Plant - Provides the power equivelent to 10 upgraded power plants.
Mutant Tiberium Silo - This refinery gives a pasive income (same income speed as a Tiberium Spike) of 1000
Mutant Tiberium Refinery - Provides a harvester that is twice as fast and carries double the load of normal harversters. (if destroyed replaceable at a build limit of one.)
Mutant Missile Silo - Provides different missile strike support option (you make them up)
Mutant Tiberium Sonar Station - Any tiberium powered building, tiberium field, harvester with tiberium, or enemy units using tiberium provide 10 yards of visibilty around themselves at all times to the player.
More units added to build for the Mutants would be awesome, giving them tanks and maybe an aircraft would be great, or maybe add the Floaters and the Fiends. I assume it wouldn't be possible to add the Tiberium Veins and the Vein Monster on this engine, other wise that would be pretty cool and you can bring back the weed plant from TS/FS.
SIDE NOTE - I found an exploit with the Scrin, if you are really quick with button mashing it is possible to build more than 1 Conqueror because you have it set so that you can build as many as you want but once the unit is built then the build limit is put into effect. I managed to get 3 out at once the other night so you may want to fix that on your next release.
REQUEST - I do hope you replace the Ghost Stalker's unit portrait, it is soooo terrible looking... QUICK_EDIT
Mutant Tiberium Plant - Provides the power equivelent to 10 upgraded power plants.
Mutant Tiberium Silo - This refinery gives a pasive income (same income speed as a Tiberium Spike) of 1000
Mutant Tiberium Sonar Station - Any tiberium powered building, tiberium field, harvester with tiberium, or enemy units using tiberium provide 10 yards of visibilty around themselves at all times to the player.
Hahaha, you're kidding.
On a sidenote the Assault Mothership also suffers from the same problem, theoretically. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I don´t know about more mutant stuff yet, I don´t plan any big expansion anymore, rather than that i will focus on improving main factions. Right now i plan only add one more unit to mutants - sniper commando like Umagon (i like to see umagon´s return).
Your ideas is good but means a lot of work for me and also I don´t want mutant hovel to be as significant help, but maybe I will change my mind in future. We´ll see.
Valherran wrote:
SIDE NOTE - I found an exploit with the Scrin, if you are really quick with button mashing it is possible to build more than 1 Conqueror because you have it set so that you can build as many as you want but once the unit is built then the build limit is put into effect. I managed to get 3 out at once the other night so you may want to fix that on your next release. Wink
I think i´v fixed that already, but I´ll better check this out once more just for sure
Valherran wrote:
REQUEST - I do hope you replace the Ghost Stalker's unit portrait, it is soooo terrible looking...
Well its sufficient, but ... yes, i agree, it could be better QUICK_EDIT
Yeah I know, I am throwing this idea out there in case you want to do more and it is available for when you finish all the priority material (as said above.)
How would Umagon work? She is only 1 sniper and infantry come in squads now, even sniper teams can barely 1 on 1 an anti-infantry squad. She must be fast with that trigger in order to survive (long range commando with a lil less RoF me thinks. ^^) QUICK_EDIT
I did some research on ways to add factions via Mutant Hovels. I played that wierd Gundam MOD for C&C3 and got a really good idea off of it.
In that MOD, when you built one of the command ships, it has a upgrade you can purchase, whatever upgrade you purchase defines your tech tree towards the end.
So my theory for the Mutant Hovels is, rename the Hovels to "Archive Center" or something and from there you can build whatever army from that hovel. Another idea would be to add all the units to the roster list for all factions and only make them buildable if you meet the Archive Center's building prerequisites? QUICK_EDIT
Interesting ideas but i have some problems with them. If you by controlling mutant hovel (or Archive Center's if you wish) gain control over another full faction like mutants, faction you started game with become less important. I dont know but it feels too complicated, over edge.
I like more you second idea, but the problem is that nod got no empty space in warfactory for more vehicles, also some maps do not contain mutant hovel so this units shall only bother you in your build list with no use.
In mutant hovel and mutants i see rather an opportunity to create units which normally can not be in ordinary faction build list like looted pitbull which is pretty much anti-everything unit, could be op in waste numbers. Maybe in future hijacker or more such units. QUICK_EDIT
the idea is very good imo, but instead of a full faction u can upgrade to mutant hovel or cabal cyborg facillity, each with its respective cost. they could also have ground control and some defenses. the mutants could have a tower similar to the ts gdi defense and cabal obelisk of darkness and cabal obelisk. anyway, with either this or some new mutant units i am ok. QUICK_EDIT
I dont know but it feels too complicated, over edge.
Umm it is not that complicated.
In RA3 Allied construction yard, there is an upgraded command set.
They change the Commandset each time you buy clearences. _________________ When something must be blown up:
Count on Aussie Bomber
Now throw agrenade out the window & see What happens QUICK_EDIT
RA3 doesn't upgrade the commandset, it makes a dummy prerequisit available to unlock technology just like structures would. Also, Carnius is talking about gameplay not coding. _________________ Off Duty. QUICK_EDIT
Wasn't the tech tabs able to scroll down a bit on the same section? If they did I was going to suggest putting all the extra stuff on the bottom.
You don't have to make a full faction out of the Archive Centers, you can make them as small as the existing mutant one, just able to choose a couple more other ones when you capture a building.
Oh that reminds me, can you program the Archive Center to follow the purchased Tech Tree of specific players? If someone got to the building before I did and bought lets say CABAL's Remnant Technology, would it be stuck like that for everyone? Or can it reset when someone steals it? QUICK_EDIT
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