The EDF 'Wilson' Class Missile Destroyer is the workhorse of the EDF Navy, equipped with a 155mm deck gun, rows of RIM-162 ESSM vertical launchers and 2 Phalanx CIWSs.
Destroyers since their conception were supposed to counter one thing- submarines. However, following the end of the Second Red War, the US deviated from this trend, with the unveiling of the Wilson Class Missile Destroyer. Unlike the previous Destroyers of former Allied nations, the Wilson Class had no anti-submarine abilities. Instead, the Wilson Class introduced the concept of the Fleet Support Destroyer (FSDD). The ship is well-suited for all situations. Using its 155mm deck gun, the Wilson class can protect capital ships from faster moving raider vessels and support ground troops. With its RIM-162 ESSMs, it can defend itself and the fleet from aircraft and helicopters, and with its dual Phalanx CIWSs can fire upon and destroy enemy ballistic missile threats before they can do damage.
Although the Wilson class lacks anti-submarine warfare capabilities, its sensor suite can detect hostile submarines, as to allow for Patrol Boats to dispatch them. It can also detect and attack invisible units, as well as help friendly units do the same. Last edited by EVA-251 on Tue May 25, 2010 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
I'm not a huge fan of this boat..
It looks somewhat too short, to my eye. The back looks cramped - an extension of even as little as three pixels would likely fix that effect
Unit description is good. I like to read through the profiles
Can it attack subs directly, or is that the task of another boat? QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:53 am Post subject:
Orac wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of this boat..
It looks somewhat too short, to my eye. The back looks cramped - an extension of even as little as three pixels would likely fix that effect
Unit description is good. I like to read through the profiles
Can it attack subs directly, or is that the task of another boat?
I agree with you. I'll fix this later tonight or early tomorrow.
It can't attack submarines directly, but it has a large detection radius, as to allow you to have maybe 1 Destroyer and 2 PT Boats if you really need to hunt down a Sub. (there is only 1 Sub in SS, mind you)
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_________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
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