Strength: Medium
Armour: Light
Speed: Above Average
Cost: 500
*Obtainable via capturing a Cabal Core*
*Requires Sides Tech Center to use*
Using technology 'procured' from GDI and Nod databases during the height of CABAL's plans, the CABAL tank was not completed until after most of CABAL's cores were shut down or destroyed. This was because they required a human brain and nervous system to function, and these were being processed for normal, humanoid cyborgs during the conflict.
However, after being defeated, CABAL began reprocessing cyborg remains into his new tank divisions.
Should you encounter CABAL in the field it is generally possible to capture the Core and begin constructing further cyborg tanks to aid your war effort.
[Staff (Especially Titan, Morpher), if there is any incorrect info here then feel free to change it.]