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New turrets in the game (old turrets)
Moderators: Carnius
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Aussie Bomber
Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:55 am    Post subject:  New turrets in the game (old turrets) Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hello. Cool Mod. But it needs turret remodelling weapon modification. I reckon Nod should have the old "turret" instead of laser turret. And also a Flame turret instead of shredder Turret Idea .

P.S. I don't have Tiberian Sun. But I would like to know of more turrets

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Er... "should"?

It was in Tiberian Sun that Nod started using laser turrets. And Nod has never ever used a flame turret so if you're talking about following up from an earlier game, you're wrong there too.

Besudes the current turrets are fine the way they are.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

TD:(Anti-Tank) Turret and Obelisk of Light
TS: (Pop-up) Laser Turret and Obelisk of Light
TW: Shredder Turret and Obelisk of Light
KW: (Particle/Laser/Whatever Cannon upgrade) Shredder Turret and Obelisk of Light
TT: Something and probably Obelisk of Light

I also think the current Turrets are fine. Three for the price of one.

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inzane krazy

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yea, but did you know Destiny?

that those 4 turrets are all worthless without each other?

They don't do crap alone, except the Shredder turret, that can do it's job on its own, but still.

3 turrets fail in comparison to TS's old 1 uber turret #Tongue

Please, I DON'T read the signature rules of the forum.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That's because the so-called 3 turrets are still equivalent to 1 defence unit, power-wise. It's the same rationale as how a C&C 3 squad of 5 riflemen has the same power as 1 rifleman from previous games, not 5 times the power (you can tell because of their similar cost). The only difference is that instead of one single target, the Nod defence is 3 targets, and the firepower decreases the more turrets are lost, unlike older versions where the firepower at 1% and 100% heath is identical.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well at least you can micro them enough to hit multiple targets at once (When massed...albeit not too much) instead of overkilling one thing. The main defense is the Obelisk of Light anyway, they're there to supplement it mid/late game since the recharge rate is horrendous.

If the hubs are properly shielded from enemy fire they got more targets to kill first, too. Plus you can squeeze them in places which otherwise might be impossible and such...etc.

(I wonder why I'm standing up for Nod when I'm an avid GDI/Scrin player #Tongue)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Aussie Bomber wrote:
Hello. Cool Mod. But it needs turret remodelling weapon modification. I reckon Nod should have the old "turret" instead of laser turret. And also a Flame turret instead of shredder Turret

As Valdes said nod is using laser turrets from TS so they should have them in future as well.

As for flame turrets, well actually I have tested flame turret just for fun, but they are completly useless, couple of missile soldiers get rid of them from safe distance any time.

inzane krazy wrote:
They don't do crap alone, except the Shredder turret, that can do it's job on its own, but still.

3 turrets fail in comparison to TS's old 1 uber turret

Valdes wrote:
That's because the so-called 3 turrets are still equivalent to 1 defence unit, power-wise. It's the same rationale as how a C&C 3 squad of 5 riflemen has the same power as 1 rifleman from previous games, not 5 times the power (you can tell because of their similar cost). The only difference is that instead of one single target, the Nod defence is 3 targets, and the firepower decreases the more turrets are lost, unlike older versions where the firepower at 1% and 100% heath is identical.

Yeah but that is actually problem i think. They are considered and balanced as normal defence structures, but they are not normal defence structure because of their unique nature. As you said firepower decreases with more turrets lost, which is quite easy and then is hub too easy to kill while does nothing. I must admit i never consider laser turrets as real threat, I dont want to abandon this 3-turret system because it makes nod unique, but i really feel some rebalancing is needed.

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Aussie Bomber
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It is just that I think nod should have old turrets as well Smile . I was thinking the 3 turret system with old base defenses would be awesome.

I am not an expert but you can decrease power for the 3 turret system.
Also you can remodel art. & change weapons on the old turrets

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Aussie Bomber wrote:
you can remodel art. & change weapons on the old turrets

There's a lot to change. Plus I personally don't consider cosmetic changes to be that high priority. Although yeah I do have art ideas too... I once had this obelisk redesign idea for Essence which I suggested to Carnius:

Ultimately though the gameplay stuff still takes precedence. I'm more concerned that he try to avoid another hyper imba unit like the cyborg commando in 1.3... there's quite several new Scrin additions and they need balancing... I dunno if Carnius has beta testers to help out...


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius wrote:
inzane krazy wrote:
They don't do crap alone, except the Shredder turret, that can do it's job on its own, but still.

3 turrets fail in comparison to TS's old 1 uber turret

Valdes wrote:
That's because the so-called 3 turrets are still equivalent to 1 defence unit, power-wise. It's the same rationale as how a C&C 3 squad of 5 riflemen has the same power as 1 rifleman from previous games, not 5 times the power (you can tell because of their similar cost). The only difference is that instead of one single target, the Nod defence is 3 targets, and the firepower decreases the more turrets are lost, unlike older versions where the firepower at 1% and 100% heath is identical.

Yeah but that is actually problem i think. They are considered and balanced as normal defence structures, but they are not normal defence structure because of their unique nature. As you said firepower decreases with more turrets lost, which is quite easy and then is hub too easy to kill while does nothing. I must admit i never consider laser turrets as real threat, I dont want to abandon this 3-turret system because it makes nod unique, but i really feel some rebalancing is needed.

You could add the fourth turret upgrade from KW if you want to make the hub more usefull.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

hm... nice Idea with the flame turret... the shredder turrets sucks.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

There's a lot to change. Plus I personally don't consider cosmetic changes to be that high priority. Although yeah I do have art ideas too... I once had this obelisk redesign idea for Essence which I suggested to Carnius:

The current obelisk looks fine the way it is. IMO the obelisk and HoN designs in TW were better than those of before them.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Valdez wrote:
Aussie Bomber wrote:
you can remodel art. & change weapons on the old turrets

There's a lot to change. Plus I personally don't consider cosmetic changes to be that high priority. Although yeah I do have art ideas too... I once had this obelisk redesign idea for Essence which I suggested to Carnius:

Ultimately though the gameplay stuff still takes precedence. I'm more concerned that he try to avoid another hyper imba unit like the cyborg commando in 1.3... there's quite several new Scrin additions and they need balancing... I dunno if Carnius has beta testers to help out...

hi em look at this thread... what about a bunker upgrade for your obelisk of light ?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Crimsonum wrote:
There's a lot to change. Plus I personally don't consider cosmetic changes to be that high priority. Although yeah I do have art ideas too... I once had this obelisk redesign idea for Essence which I suggested to Carnius:

The current obelisk looks fine the way it is. IMO the obelisk and HoN designs in TW were better than those of before them.

Gonna have to agree with you there, however the HoN could do with being a tad bigger.

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The classic turret system is better,the only advantage of hub system is to fire at 3 targets at same time with 1/3 firepower(also Damage per Second,also without a tank in front of dps'er he cant do anything by self)
An solution would be constructing 3 heads but as one body totalling the hp in one model.
another would to easy use the old turret system.
one radical solution would be:remove the hub,seperate its hp to the 3 heads.for theyll still have 1/3 firepower it would make only harder to destroy them.
The hub is an good trick but does this idea fit really in our C&C? That must be asked.


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Aussie Bomber
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

What I meant was the old turret with hub system. Laughing

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Isnt that overpowering base defenses ? And how to knack them ? Nod bases become unbesiegable until you get artillery in late game.
If you mean graphics,yeah would be great.


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