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Progress on TE v1.4
Moderators: Carnius
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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:53 pm    Post subject:  Progress on TE v1.4
Subject description: news and media update
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It's time to tell you something new about next release of Tiberium Essence. My goal for v1.4 is increase overall quality which means rebuild some my old models and also add some new interesting units. Currently I have finished new vision of Nod buggy, Nod Beam Cannon, Gdi Apc and Mammoth MKII - yes he got new better model too. Also I'm introducing possible new Gdi hover unit - Falcon, I say possible because his presence and fetures in v 1.4 is not yet 100% sure, but I think is worth of show you anyway. So check out image section.

Now when will be v1.4 released. Well that will take some time, i can´t say nothing for sure, maybe another month, maybe even more.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Will the Mammoth MKII still leave unhappy face footprints? XD


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Why you consider mammoths footprints unhappy?

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

See! Unhappy! Make it happy with its new model! #Tongue

Yes the mammy is invulnerable #Tongue made a quick skirmish to show the footprint hehe.


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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:20 am    Post subject:  Titans Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey man for start let me say huge fan awesome job thus far. I have few ideas If its not to late and request.


1) Dude please leave titan way they are in v1.4 same as in you previous version size wise, I have the Tiberium Sun's original game manual were it clearly says titans are suppose to be big enough to be able to shoot over the walls, hats off on giving them their pride back. I hated Kane's wrath titans they felt like barney and Titans from TB were like Godzilla, so thank you so much.

2) I am not picking on you mate, but you forgot one of most important, unite from the Tiberium sun universe mobile sensory array. The unite that when deployed let you detect the stealth unite remember.


1) Hey man Mammoth Mk2 is your baby, West-wood studios gave it up so did EA, so why not record your voice for it. Also you forgot mutant hijacker. And I say why stop at Mammoth Mk2 you enjoy what your doing I can tell, so make Mammoth Mk3, Wink. But you might want to give nod epic unite counter part to Mmk2.

2) You could also give, volcan cannon upgrade which makes it so when they start to fire, like in Yuri's revenge they keep increasing in speed and attack power.

3) This is my favorite suggestion, you are super talented why not make Titan mk2 like scorpion mk2, make him duel wield but second hand should have machine-gun; or give him rocket pods anti air capable, but they don't hit ground target like they do with Mammoth mk2.

Man I have lots of ideas, for you. You are officially my favorite modder you gave Tiberium wars 3 pairs balls.You brought that game back from the dead for that you are a GOD! hehe little religious humor. Smile

Your biggest fan Titanawakend.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:41 am    Post subject: Re: Titans Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

titanawakend wrote:
why not make Titan mk2 like scorpion mk2, make him duel wield but second hand should have machine-gun; or give him rocket pods anti air capable, but they don't hit ground target like they do with Mammoth mk2.

Because... we already have the Mammoth Tank as a unit with a cannon and AA rockets. And we have the Essence Predator as a unit with a MG and cannon.

titanawakend wrote:
And I say why stop at Mammoth Mk2 you enjoy what your doing I can tell, so make Mammoth Mk3

lol it sounds like you're the one who wants the MK III... nah we don't need any more really. There comes a time when enough is enough and to simpyl throw in more units for the sake of having more units is stupid. Look at Nod their 12 icons for the war factory are already maxed out in Essence

titanawakend wrote:
I am not picking on you mate, but you forgot one of most important, unite from the Tiberium sun universe mobile sensory array. The unite that when deployed let you detect the stealth unite remember.

Utterly useless. In C&C 3 the stealth detectors all can move and don't need to deploy. Nobody would use a sensor vehicle when the Venom or Pitbull is so much more mobile and flexible (they've got weapons too)

Carnius may not say it outright but I believe he'd appreciate suggestions that are more well-thought out as opposed to simply declaring "I want this" or "I want that" without thinking of gameplay balance or the feasibility of implementing the suggestion (one guy suggested firestorm wall and I pointed out he may not even know if it was codeable in the CC 3 game)


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:00 pm    Post subject: Re,Re: Titans Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey Valdez guess your Right I may have been needy but, no need to be rude about it, if you weren't being rude I apologies it just seems bit rude the last paragraph you wrote.

Far as that mobile sensory array went, its not as useless as you would think when other side uses devils tongue, and if you recall it had secondary function in TBS it was detecting underground units like devils tongue, so would that not help in balance the game now that we have ability to drill you know.

Far as pit bull is considered, I am paying attention your right, but try it out online or missions or skirmish, they tend to die quick, and have small range but M.S.A had huge range and could stay safely behind your defenses.

And sorry Carnius didn't mean to sound needy I just got super excited after playing your mod, you turned TW3 into what it would have been if Westwood was still independent from EA.

I agree with you on firestorm wall thing, I don't think its possible besides it wasn't all that great in my eyes I always used regular wall duel layer on TBS

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Joined: 02 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Pitbulls were never made for frontline combat. #Tongue

Please, read the signature rules of the forum.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:46 am    Post subject: Re: Re,Re: Titans Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Apologies titanawakend if I sounded rude there, absolutely no offense intended.

Regarding the sensor array, it was useful in TS because it was the only thing in the game that could detect stealth, so of course you had to use it. In C&C 3, you have at least 3-4 stealth detectors in your arsenal, heck your base defenses themselves could detect stealth. The only way a Sensor vehicle could have use in Essence is probably if you stripped away the stealth detection from all other stuff except maybe the scouts (bike, seeker, pitbull)...

As for the detection of tunneling units, you may have to check with Carnius but I don't know if you can "detect" them in Essence because the tunneling mechanism in Essence is a bit like delayed teleportation


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:24 am    Post subject: re,re,re,re hehe Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey no worries Valdez, we are all tbs lovers here. I just got super excited after playing this mod v1.3 and I should have calmed down before posting my first post I did sound very greedy.

And I see your point with M.S.A, The drill option is bit off delayed teleportation but man is it fun.

I love how Carnius gave titans their pride back, I got pissed off at steel talon titans they were most pathetic things I ever saw.

would you consider cyborg commando to be epic unite of nod? Valdez. I ask because in TBS he was like counter part to either ghost stalker or MMk2.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Cyborg Commando is more of like a second hero unit in Essence. Carnius has no plans to give Nod an epic unit from what I know.


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:59 pm    Post subject: re valdez Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks for the info Valdez I am just happy to have this kick ass mod.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

in fact i have plan to create new model of Titan in v 1.5, just because i feel new model is needed ,current model is in fact third model i ever made and im not pleased anymore with his texture, animation and some detail. Im not sure if he got any new upgrade, but so far few things are certain, he got no anti air weapon and no anti- infantry weapon and he will resemble TS westwood Titan in all his might and glory.

titanawakend wrote:

I am not picking on you mate, but you forgot one of most important, unite from the Tiberium sun universe mobile sensory array. The unite that when deployed let you detect the stealth unite remember.

Valdes wrote:
Utterly useless. In C&C 3 the stealth detectors all can move and don't need to deploy. Nobody would use a sensor vehicle when the Venom or Pitbull is so much more mobile and flexible (they've got weapons too)

I dont think sensor array got to be useless, there is a way how to make it very useful, make it reveal shrouded area in very wide range together with stealth detection, no stealth unit can approach your base without be spotted, you can send counter units in time to prevent them to do your base any serious harm. But the problem is that it will ruin nod stealth tactic and for that reason it maybe should´t be implemented at first place.

You could also give, volcan cannon upgrade which makes it so when they start to fire, like in Yuri's revenge they keep increasing in speed and attack power.

Very hard to achieve, really. But in fact Yuris revenge is very inaccurate in this because real vulcan cannon (or minigun) made at full speed and attack power in a second.

Valdes wrote:
Cyborg Commando is more of like a second hero unit in Essence. Carnius has no plans to give Nod an epic unit from what I know.

That is correct, my goal is to balance nod different way than involving any epic unit.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:21 am    Post subject: Re Carnius Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hell ya, thanks so much Carnius for possibility of even cooler new titan model but letting him have his pride you rule, as you figured out I love titans there my favorite unite from TBS. Dude you brought Tw3 back to life your God haha. Please, please do not stop modding you are true modder, not only do you bring in units to current game but you implement balance, you don't just put in new skin on old unite and have same voices like most modder, you actually go the whole distance I played campaign mission with your mod and man your balance worked out great in mission were you would get unite escorted for gdi you get titans ans wolverine it worked fantastic and it was super balanced. on one mission were you invade temple prime as GDI , i thought i could rush it with mk2 and would win but i didn't and nod made cyborg commando to counter my mk2 it was great,you're truly the best.

Biggest fan

Titanawakend. Wink

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius wrote:

I dont think sensor array got to be useless, there is a way how to make it very useful, make it reveal shrouded area in very wide range together with stealth detection, no stealth unit can approach your base without be spotted, you can send counter units in time to prevent them to do your base any serious harm. But the problem is that it will ruin nod stealth tactic and for that reason it maybe should´t be implemented at first place.

Frankly I don't think that's enough, simply because it's already hard enough for stealth units to penetrate a base anyway due to base defenses detecting stealth. Maybe if the vehicle were like the YR Psychic Sensor which indicates the movement paths of enemy vehicles...


The white lady~!

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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I see. You probably right. It was just an thought, i dont really mean to implement sensor array in to mod.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:50 am    Post subject: TE v1.4 Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey Carnius is there any way I can use your mod with Kane's wrath, from v1.3 and on, if not could you please make it so we could for version 1.4. I just want to bully steel talons titan with tbs titans hehe.#evil

And not being needy but could you please add upgrade power tungsten shells, like there is in Kane's wrath, so base defense do more damage, new rocket infantry are pain and volcan cannon go down fast. If you could make so it works just like in KW, with that cool animation ammo box things you get on side. If you want you could even implement these in 1.5.

thanks titanawaked

I cant wait so when is the release date, for 1.4? And it would be awesome if you could tell me how to use this mod with kw so I can bully those sorry excuse for kw titans, with true titan pride muahahaha #evil.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sorry to disappoint you, but there's no SDK for Kane's Wrath, which means no mods for it Confused.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:12 am    Post subject: re Machine Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks for info Machine, that sucks and i wanted to bully those sorry excuse for KW titans with tbs titans, oh well i guess ill spare them. Laughing Twisted Evil

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You know the KW Titan isn't all that different design-wise from the TS one. If the art department had emphasised more on model quality rather than on model suckiness, the KW titan would actually look better.

Look at it this way, even if EA had told their art department to do an exact copy of the TS titan for KW, the TS titan that we would get would probably be of the same quality (or perhaps lack thereof) as what you see in all the other C&C 3 models.


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:50 pm    Post subject: re Valdez Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No way Valdez, TS titan is like Godzilla and KW titan is like his gay cousin Barney. I mean look at them TS titan Carnius brought back via TE it actually feels and looks like gdi unite, compared to KW titan which I may add looks like, someone took broken TS titan scrap glued together a new titan. I admit they function same way, but TS titan has giant robot pride, and KW looks like sad and lazy attempt by EA.

Man I miss Westwood studio and their original staff of TS they kicked ass, I just watched cinematic between missions from TS and I realized something; the cinematic in TS had much bigger stage compared to KW,TW3 which was one small cubical size room, which was just plain sad. Ea just highers big ass celebrities and blows their, budget and ends up having to hirer weak ass story writers.

Valdez did you pick up biggest flaw in KW storyline, According to KW story line both GDI and Nod had their epic units prior to invasion of Temple prime yet, in TW3 they never make appearance which I find very entertaining. Because I don't know about you but I think if director Boyle was desperate enough to use Ion cannon, on place where liquid Tiberium was stored he most defiantly would have used MARV to win the war.

second flaw was that during uni-faction of nod act 1 in KW, nod already had TW3 tech Prior to TW3, I mean wtf, now I admit it Kane said that their tech failed them but, still their is higher chance for them to have low tech then high-tech because nod was shattered at this point, am I right.

What I am getting at is that EA is major screw up, biggest example is generals were they tired to copy Starcraft's build mechanics with bulldozer, and simply sold game do to events of 9/11 that took place prior to launch of the game. They did same thing in TW3 and took shortcuts messed up storyline and tried to fix it by bringing back titans but messed up and stole titan pride away, In conclusion EA sucks balls.

Give me A teacher haha Laughing Wink

Hope you liked my essay

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yeah the TS Titan would be Godzilla, if Godzilla were something that could stumble and fall over from one rocket attack to the leg. I've always felt that the mechs in TS were a sign of Westwood going sci-fi crazy on the C&C franchise, and by crazy I mean blowing the sci fi to insane proportions. TS which took place in 2030 makes BF2142's warfare look low-tech by comparison...

KW was always full of flaws. To actually list them out is only going to earn you one of them Captain Obvious nominations >_>

Plus this is the Tiberium Essence discussion thread. I don't think "discussion" includes using Essence as an excuse to bash EA. And no I don't like your essay, it's got funny things like accusing Generals of cashing in on 9/11 (what, and CoD modern warfare didn't?) and generally a lot of the same bashy crap I grown tired of seeing after 2 years on the C&C forums.


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:13 am    Post subject:  re Valdez Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I know your right it is getting bit annoying complaining, I was just answering to what you said about my post in regards to EA doing justice for unite design, truth is it not really EA simply takes way to may shortcuts and try to mimic games when they really don't need too, that is all I meant.

And far as the whole 9/11 things go it's true other games did capitalize on it but, and truth be told I didn't play modern warfare but I trust you on that one so I will take your word on it Wink. I was not bashing EA using essence I was merely remarking that if modders like Carnius can take same engines they worked with and do awesome job why cant highly paid company do same.

Granted I was bitching but in reality I simply just wanted your thoughts on the matter.

And ya I never actually understood how tech wise from Tiberium dawn to sun, it went from tanks to battle walkers. My guess when they realized that tiberium crystal growing out of ground like plant is already unbelievable, so why not make it sci-fi crazy.

Far as TS titans being like Godzilla I meant their pride was that of a king of monster or tank/ battle walkers in our case, compared to KW titans which seem to lack personality of their predecessor.

Sorry if I got you upset Valdez Sad , I meant no disrespect just wanted your guys/gals insight. I am artist and I know Carnius is too, and understanding mentality of your creation inspires you as artist (What kind of vibe they give off), so I was simply trying to help Carnius get him inspired even further, to give his creation of 1.4/1.5 even more meaning ultimately making it, reaches deepest depth of Tiberium universe; And at same time I was trying to understand myself what could be the reason of lessening daunting look of already iconic unite such as titan, when GDI from my understanding is are all about power at cost of speed( and this is where Pride thing comes in).

And granted my last message was a rant, and for that I am apologies to this forum and specially you Valdez since my post did address you specifically, but rest assured I am no mediocre mind who is only into measly "bashy crap" towards EA, I simply just think they have great potential just need to take consideration of modders such as you and Carnius and learn from work you do so they may greatly increase their final product am I right?



I am sorry again I am simply answering you, my new post wont go off topic I promise.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Regarding the whole modders vs corporations thing it's not strictly an EA thing. There are so many cases out there of modders surpassing professional developers. Blizzard themselves testify to that when talking about SCII's sdk.

It's not all that difficult to imagine why a modder can be like that. Carnius and all the other modders out there have the same tools the industry is using to model and texture units or to edit code, etc.

The real difference is that Carnius and the other modders don't have to worry about schedules or deadlines, they can push schedules as far back as they want based on necessity. Developers DON'T have that luxury. Sometimes they manage to pull through, sometimes they only pull through to a certain percentage, but you get the idea: in the industry it's not just about doing things well but also doing things on schedule. EA's just one part of that big industry.

And as for the way EA does things, well you can either like it or not, and ultimately decide for yourself if it's worth remaining in a community of a franchise that you don't like. One of the most ironic things about some EA haters is how they seem to stubbornly cling on to C&C, almost like they wanna remain just so they can hate on EA even further. I mean, logically one would wash his hands of C&C if it gets to the point where he's lost hope in it or given up...

Everything I highlighted above I regard as basic common sense that anyone should have. That's why I get fed up when people make walls of text just to bash EA... I always tell them with all that time they spent they could have already been enjoying some other game aside from C&C. Ok sure it's fine to make slight comparisons between Carnius's units and the official EA stuff, but when each unit gets a wall of text laden with nitpicky comparisons and insults hurled at EA that looks like this:

No way Valdez, TS titan is like Godzilla and KW titan is like his gay cousin Barney. I mean look at them TS titan Carnius brought back via TE it actually feels and looks like gdi unite, compared to KW titan which I may add looks like, someone took broken TS titan scrap glued together a new titan. I admit they function same way, but TS titan has giant robot pride, and KW looks like sad and lazy attempt by EA.

Man I miss Westwood studio and their original staff of TS they kicked ass, I just watched cinematic between missions from TS and I realized something; the cinematic in TS had much bigger stage compared to KW,TW3 which was one small cubical size room, which was just plain sad. Ea just highers big ass celebrities and blows their, budget and ends up having to hirer weak ass story writers.

Valdez did you pick up biggest flaw in KW storyline, According to KW story line both GDI and Nod had their epic units prior to invasion of Temple prime yet, in TW3 they never make appearance which I find very entertaining. Because I don't know about you but I think if director Boyle was desperate enough to use Ion cannon, on place where liquid Tiberium was stored he most defiantly would have used MARV to win the war.

second flaw was that during uni-faction of nod act 1 in KW, nod already had TW3 tech Prior to TW3, I mean wtf, now I admit it Kane said that their tech failed them but, still their is higher chance for them to have low tech then high-tech because nod was shattered at this point, am I right.

What I am getting at is that EA is major screw up, biggest example is generals were they tired to copy Starcraft's build mechanics with bulldozer, and simply sold game do to events of 9/11 that took place prior to launch of the game. They did same thing in TW3 and took shortcuts messed up storyline and tried to fix it by bringing back titans but messed up and stole titan pride away, In conclusion EA sucks balls.

Give me A teacher haha Laughing Wink

Hope you liked my essay

...I call that going overboard and worthy of being interrupted by Kanye West after the first 5 sentences.


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:39 am    Post subject: re re Valdez Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I know I understand what you saying and that's why I said sorry for that. So have you and Carnius ever worked together on any mods.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yo, KW titan imma really happy for you and imma let you finish but TS titan was the best non-nuclear equiped walking battle tank of all time. OF ALL TIME!


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ilic stefan

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:54 pm    Post subject: Titan model Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You should make titan's legs like juggernauts but without stabilizers. In tiberium wiki says that juggernaut was made by putting battleship guns on titan legs. You should do it also. There is also good bunc of units in kane's wrath which you can imoport. For example hammerhead, enlightened, specter artilery (there is cobra artillery but specter is better). Also I was pleasantly surprised that cloaking tower is no more visible. Also, your mod is far more better than others. I tried many and found none better.

OVERALL keep up the good work carnius.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Specter is better than cobra only in speed. Design wise the Specter is a joke. Plus you could always cloak a Cobra anyway.

As for the Titan legs, that information source must be wrong since Titans never had the reverse jointed legs of Juggernauts. carnius modelled his based on the TS design, go look it up.

As for KW designs, importing units isn't eacy because you can only rip the models meaning animations, etc have to be redone.


The white lady~!

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:19 am    Post subject:  Rest is good Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey Carnius make sure to take some rest man, stop and smell the roses you been at this thing for while now. And just wondering but can we not retro fit sdk from cnc3 to kw, granted I don't understand programing aspect but do you think its in realm of possibilities.To be honest I didn't like specter, i hated we kept having to use shadows to plant beacons, I like cobra much more.

But it is personal preference after all.

Remember Carnius take some time out man you need rest dude.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm pretty sure he isn't doing this 24/7 since if he were, we'd be getting frequent updates on even the smallest and most trivial of stuff.

The Shadow/specter beacon thing is a side-ability, Specters can still be used to directly attack, it's not like they need a beacon before they can execute a fire mission.

Reverse-engineering C&C 3 sdk to KW would probably be impossible or extremely tedious and not something that the average modder/programmer would want to spent/waste his time on especially if he's doing it for free. KW would very likely have some closed-source (it's how people protect copyright) stuff that are unmodifiable by the general public. It'd be easier to just import the models and terrain and stuff from KW to C&C 3


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:23 pm    Post subject: Re, Valdez Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I know specter can be used direct, its just I am main gdi player and kinda use to that whole juggernaut/sniper combo.

And your right It would be super tedious to retro fit sdk to kw. I wasn't implying Carnius was doing this 24/7 but you know the other site, this one dudes comment seemed really bossy, so I didn't want Carnius to think we don't appreciate his hard work. Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

24/7 - very unlikely Very Happy. But still, work on TE takes big part of my free time and i still keep working on it. I will take rest once is 1.4 released witch will be soon. Its almost complete just need to solve few small bugs and adjustments.

Custom made mod sdk for KW will be nice, but i bet we will see no one until EA releases at least source code for KW, which is very unlikely.

Ah, yeah, ripping models from KW is so hard and tedious that i prefer to create new one from scratch Smile

ilic stefan wrote:

There is also good bunc of units in kane's wrath which you can imoport. For example hammerhead, enlightened, specter artilery (there is cobra artillery but specter is better)

I dont want to create copy of KW, i prefer to create something new (i know TS units are old but they are not in kw nor tw so shall we say they are new in this game)

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White Wolf
Vehicle Drone

Joined: 20 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

the text document for 1.4 is complete, and has been sent to Commander Carnius.

good luck team

EA Apologizes

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ilic stefan

Joined: 01 Oct 2009

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:31 am    Post subject: Information Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Valdez wrote:
Specter is better than cobra only in speed. Design wise the Specter is a joke. Plus you could always cloak a Cobra anyway.

As for the Titan legs, that information source must be wrong since Titans never had the reverse jointed legs of Juggernauts. carnius modelled his based on the TS design, go look it up.

As for KW designs, importing units isn't eacy because you can only rip the models meaning animations, etc have to be redone.

There are vast informations on this is the site from where I got information about titan legs.

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