Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:10 pm Post subject:
Questions to the Team.
I wanted to revive this thread as the old one was full of a lot of spam and unnecessary stuff, so rather than clean the entire thread I decided to make a new one. Feel free to ask us any questions you have regarding Tiberian Odyssey here and we'll try our best to answer your questions . _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Concerning gameplay, what are the major differences in gameplay that you guys have planned, or already have implemented? IE - AI tactics, layouts of maps, special objects in maps, etc.
Another question, how are the game-mode maps? Do they work pretty well?
Are there any new maps? I love seeing maps from you guys. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:44 pm Post subject:
There are loads of maps already - you shouldve noticed
Well, regarding the gamemodes Id have to ask myself, to be honest
But for the major changes I can tell you that there will be plenty. First off all TO is aimed to feel way more realistic than Vanilla TS did - we also strive to eliminate any non-use-units. Just think of the Wolverine in TS - who would even build that unit in Skirmish or later campaignmissions? It served well against infantry - but you nearly never got any infants to see
That leads us to just the next thing: Infantry will be different. On the one hand they will be kept cheap but gain more efficience. I didnt say "They get stronger" as we did not just raise their Dmg-points, no, instead wed like to apply something like the stone-paper-scissor-principle. So take care if you see some Bazooka-men - they could tear your darn expensive tanks apart, which, in turn, are quite helpfull against light vehicles that in turn shred those bazookamen with ease. You see - no spamfest anymore - if everything works as planned, youll actually have to use strategy.
Well - thats just a small change, compared to everything else that weve planned though _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Have you considered how much environment should affect gameplay? I'd like to see burning trees actually setting infantry on fire, different terrain affecting the speeds of units and that way forcing the player to adjust his/her tactics, and so forth? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
There are loads of maps already - you shouldve noticed
Aye, just hoping there were some new one's. (Yay maps!)
But for the major changes I can tell you that there will be plenty. First off all TO is aimed to feel way more realistic than Vanilla TS did - we also strive...
-Shortened for sake of the thread-
Very cool. I like the idea of actually adding some true strategy to the game. I like the roles how they are like rock, paper, scissors.
Well - thats just a small change, compared to everything else that weve planned though
I wanted to say something regarding the Nod powerplant, but I don't know if you guys have made a post about it. QUICK_EDIT
Some good questions there so I'll say a few things.
Game play will be different and improved from standard TS, as Audio said we want strategy to be encouraged over unit quantity, however we will not over-do this to the point certain units become instantly killable or over powered, some unrealisticness will have to remain to keep the game balanced and also fun.
When it comes to A.I. I plan to rebuild the A.I. from the ground up. No longer will you have spend half your time fending off a stray light infantry that trundles across the map towards you. The A.I. will use proper scout parties when searching for their enemies with A.P.C's and small platoons. We have tried to emphasize each individual units role in this game as much as possible, so units roles such as the hit and run Hyena RAB bikes will be targeting your harvesters whilst Orca Fighters target your heavy task forces. The A.I. can really make the game what it is, so I'll focus on it very strongly.
Environment is what TO really was meant to be about from the beginning. Expanding upon the Tiberian world and making it more interesting and interactive to the player. We've really gone into detail (You shall all see soon ) on how the world and universe of TO works, and we want to make this noticeable in gameplay. To be more specific, trees catch fire, and because the fire animations in TO deal damage, yes they can burn and in some cases set fire to your soldiers. A forest of burning trees is a massive area of damage being dealt, so you wouldn't send your troops through it.
Additionally, yes, units will be heavily affected by environment types. We already have made use of the Track, Wheel and etc logic that exists in TS. By default in TS all units shared a similar movement type, but now you will notice tanks can climb up slopes better than a wheeled unit and other similar things. Tracked vehicles will be noticeably better on rougher surfaces to. This can make the use of hover or flying units seem more attractive to the player. Also, for balancing and realism, the Subterranean units can only dig and surface on ground which is not rocky or rough like before. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Concerning gameplay, what are the major differences in gameplay that you guys have planned, or already have implemented? IE - AI tactics, layouts of maps, special objects in maps, etc.
Another question, how are the game-mode maps? Do they work pretty well?
Are there any new maps? I love seeing maps from you guys.
Cool, questions.
Well, the idea behind map objects is pretty simple, things for the players to fight over. The special objects on the map are as follows atm: Hospital, Cabal Core, Cabal PP, Pyramid of Nod, Forgotten HQ, Sensor Array and perhaps a few others I didn't think of. The hospital heals nearby infantry (perhaps it will allow a Nod player to build medics? I dunno). The Cabal Core gives you access to Cabal units and the Cabal PP is heavily armoured and works like a normal PP. The Pyramid of Nod gives you access to several Eclipse units of the Black Hand such as the Banshee Eclipse, Eclipse stealth tank, and the eclipse versions of the buggy/bike. The Forgotten HQ allows you to recruit the Mutant Hijacker, Ghost Stalker and perhaps some other mutant forces. The Sensor Array basically has a huge sensor and sight range. It's all pretty simple, really, but it works.
TO Gameplay differs from TS in that it works better with fog of war turned on for example. Units have specific speeds for different terrain types, so you may want to avoid using too many wheeled vehicles on desert maps (wheels get stuck in sand). Different sight and weapon ranges (or the difference between them on a single unit) will also be important. We've been thinking about throwing the TS balance around a bit to curb rushes and other gameplay issues. Suffice it to say that it's nothing like TS.
Naval units are a very big part of the game because they are practically the powerhouses of every side. You can only put so much firepower in a single tank, but a naval unit has far greater capibilities. The GDI navy will be slower than the Nod navy because GDI doesn't have as much knowledge about the Tiberium algae that now infest pretty much 80% of the world's open bodies of water and navigating them.
We haven't done much regarding the AI yet, afaik. The main idea is to make it less stupid and let it properly select its teams instead of just sending a group of 3 tanks every 5 minutes, but because TS AI scripting is very limited, you can only really tell the AI what to send, and when, not where or how. Also, the "when" part is restricted to a few events.
There's a freaking crapload of TO maps, you've only seen like a small percentage of them, so don't worry. I stopped mapping because I myself have already produced like 18 (Yes, 18) maps for TO, although not all have been put in yet I guess... The ever changing graphics make for difficulties when updating maps. I absolutely HATE taking screenshots of maps and I especially hate making those really big map-size previews... When you change something, it's not reflected in the map topic's pictures, meaning we'll have to do it all over again, guuuaaaaaarrrghhh... QUICK_EDIT
It's a shame the hospital logic don't work like the one in YR.
I like how the enviroment does play a large role in your units, and helping decide how you should attack an enemy. Also, the navy sounds like it plays a big role in TO!
And that many maps? Wow, impressive. Can't wait for more updates from you guys.
Are you planning on keeping the snow theatre? If so, what differences will be in the new snow theatre from the TS one? If not, what's it going to be?
Are other theatres planned possibly? It would require hacks, but yeah. Speaking of hacks, is 32 facings planned? QUICK_EDIT
Yeah we do have a snow theatre, in fact we have a brand new one we haven't shown yet, I'm not sure if it's 100% finished though I really liked it, we'll see. The snow theatre will differ in gameplay as Tiberium grows much slower there and is not as abundant as it is in the temperate zones, so you'll have to be guarding your resources much more carefully. Though don't worry you won't be drained of credits completely, just be careful with what you purchase, and remember, wheels might not be that useful in the snow , so it can affect gameplay quite a bit. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Wheeled units should not only have drawbacks. In fact, they should move faster downhill, pavement and on paved roads than tracked vehicles. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
They move faster on the pavement, because most wheeled units are generally lighter and faster than the tracked ones, Raven Buggy, Hyena R.A.B. for example. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Obviously I can see TO coming with its own exe... However, I was wondering if TO will also include its own language.dll file. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I'm wondering how many centuries it'll be til TO, you guys are starting to sound like the modding equivalent of jews "the messiah will come, the messiah will come, no jesus was not him, the messiah will come"
"A release will come, a release will come, no the leak was not the release, a release will come" _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
You, like many people Albrecht should know the amount of work required for a full release, it takes time sometimes it can take a longer time than what has been planned, unfortunately. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:54 pm Post subject:
Well, what else should I say then "Yup, takes helluvan time..."?
You see, albrecht, you just stated the obvious: TO is C&Cs Duke Nukem. TO relies on the TS community and that community isnt as vital as it has been when the game was still young. Everytime someone quits due to RL-stress like school, a new girl/boyfriend, a new job or moving, he leaves a hole that needs to be filled in order to get the whole thing moving again.
Would you like to fill a hole? Youd be welcome to do so. _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
You, like many people Albrecht should know the amount of work required for a full release, it takes time sometimes it can take a longer time than what has been planned, unfortunately.
But the fact you guys have already got everything done once...
Unfortunately my services would be of little use to Oddesey, ATM I believe you are looking for infantry modellers and other 3d artists, not a YR voxeller/coder
Believe me when I say if I could whp you up some new infantry I would. Unfortunately for both of us, I can't. TBH I was hoping to invoke a response saying something like "in 2009 depending on X" or "we're waiting on Y and Z and will keep you guys posted".
I do know you're waiting on a certain luike for a certain _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Well, how about this:
later, depending on:
-Mapping for Campaign
-Last few voxels being completed
-Structures being completed
-Anything else, peripheral to these things being completed Last edited by Orac on Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:10 pm Post subject:
Main things are Buildings to be completed, afaik! _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 Location: I am GDI! I am multiple people!
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:35 pm Post subject:
Ok, call me a noob all you want, but wth is BuildConst? I've seen/heard it so many times here and aparently it's obsolete, which is seemingly killing your project.
Is it some .ini tag? _________________ The meaning to life is to be able to be an addict to 5 million games at once...
"But what about the Tiberium!?"
-Nod Tib Harv, Tib War III QUICK_EDIT
Ok, call me a noob all you want, but wth is BuildConst? I've seen/heard it so many times here and aparently it's obsolete, which is seemingly killing your project.
Is it some .ini tag?
It makes the AI deploy either ConYard, when Hyper fixes it.
AFAIK, BuildConst has one possible entry, BuildConst=something. What TO needs is BuildConst=something,something else. Meaning that the AI can use both CYs. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 Location: I am GDI! I am multiple people!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:15 am Post subject:
So a new question...
I know we don't get to hear too much of the storyline, yet... But could we still hear about what types of missions you have planned? I doubt every level you guys make will be a BLOW UP THE OTHER BASE map.
TBH, I don't like pure commando missions, but I can deal with them. =)
My favorites are the ones where you start out on a commando mission and eventually have to resurrect a base. 'Course, if I'm commando mode too long, I'd get sorta bored... =P _________________ The meaning to life is to be able to be an addict to 5 million games at once...
"But what about the Tiberium!?"
-Nod Tib Harv, Tib War III QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Location: in your closet... Post = true
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:18 pm Post subject:
Well, there are five "Collect x amount of Ore"-type missions in the beginning. After that, youll get to play a Commandotype-mission, stealing a refinery and collecting x amount of ore. The mission after that youll have to erect a base, destroy the enemies base defenses, steal his Refinery and gather x amount of Ore.
The remaining missions are pure commandotype-missions. _________________ audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size! QUICK_EDIT
Audio was having a joke jerry . The missions will be as varied as the TS engine allows us, we've worked on a lot of stuff into making campaign elements interesting. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 Location: I am GDI! I am multiple people!
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:15 am Post subject:
Thought as much. I stated that I hated commando missions and you guys conveniently have 90% Commando missions. xD
Make sure to have a mission where you have a nuke and you have to blow up strategic parts of your massive base that are being over-run by tib-doggies.
Or else I will eat you all. =)
Wif mah big tib mauf!
Anyways, yeah. Sounds like we'll be seeing much more than in the original TS. That was the point of TO, right? =D _________________ The meaning to life is to be able to be an addict to 5 million games at once...
"But what about the Tiberium!?"
-Nod Tib Harv, Tib War III QUICK_EDIT
There are plenty of interesting ideas for missions, with much more strategy planned than TS.
While in TS the enemy base was a simple thing, as in skirmish, in the campaign you will hopefully be able to effect the enemy without directly targeting their power/warfactory/radar/whatever. Buildings such as Power Transformers, civilian docks, bridges, and control towers may provide targets which cut off enemy supplies and reinforcements, to make defeating them easier.
As far as the current staff thinking seems to go... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 Location: I am GDI! I am multiple people!
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:32 am Post subject:
Through scripting/events/tags/etc?
Or are you making civillian assests part of campaign enemy bases?
Sounds like a lot of fun.
The 'New Posts' identifier isn't working for me for some reason... o.O _________________ The meaning to life is to be able to be an addict to 5 million games at once...
"But what about the Tiberium!?"
-Nod Tib Harv, Tib War III QUICK_EDIT
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