Today, I am announcing the change of Star Strike to a post Tiberian Sun sequel that will take full advantage of RA2's advanced engine. GDI, Nod and Cabal will be the primary factions. The premise of this new Star Strike will be portray a post FS world, where Mechs dominate the brown, depressing landscape scouring it for their enemies to stomp on or shoot with powerful lasers. GDI appears victorious after the events of Firestorm, destroying Cabal's supposed bunkers and smashing Nod whereever it pops up. The Messiah seems to be dead- or is he? Of course he isn't, in Tiberian Universe, you don't kill Kane, Kane kills you!
There will be 3 campaigns, each of equal length describing the stories of each side- How GDI's relaxing leads to disaster when Nod resurfaces and Cabal attacks, how Nod struggles to re-unite itself under one banner again, the help of the Messiah in doing this, how the rogue AI, CABAL continues its nefarious plans awhile suffering from the worst case of cockroach complex in all of the universe's history and lastly, how those nasty little Scrin figure into the whole equation.
But this doesn't mean that the new SS will neglect the multiplayer person. There are more than 20 new gamemodes that add RA2's fun factor to the Tiberian universe; something it seriously lacked in the past. Perhaps you want everything of yours exploding into chunks of Tiberium as in the "Kane's Fantasies" mode, or maybe you like it when the best counter to commandos is tanks thanks to their use of vehicle armors, as in "Tiberian Sun, Revisited" mode! Or maybe, you're the sort of person who likes having the 3rd enemy to fight on that 2 player map, like in "Super Tiberium Creatures: Frustration" mode! These three modes and all the others unlisted support AI and player to player combat, giving you countless ways to fight your new Tiberian war.
For nostalgic purposes, the mod will even make sure that the map "Grand Canyon Revisited (2-4)" is always your default map to play on!
To honor the memory of the old Star Strike and its missed birthday on February 18th, please follow these links to get to some new profiles.
>Cabal Advanced Harvester Walker
>GDI 'Juggernaut' Mammoth Walker Tank
>GDI Seeker Wheeled Hovercar
>Cabal Doomsday Walker
>Nod Warrior Walker Helicopter
>Nod Hellraiser ATGM Walker
>Cabal Walker Infantry Factory
>GDI ORCA VTOL Transport Walker
>Nod Hummer Hover Walker
>Cabal Eviscerator Cyborg Walker
Yes, you read those correctly! Maintaining Tiberian Sun's theme of mechs and rapid technological advances (30 years we go from Abrams Tanks to perfect 30ft 120mm cannon Walkers!) all three factions, including Nod and Cabal, have managed to perfect walker technology, allowing everything from Riflemen to ORCAs to use walker legs!
I hope you enjoyed these unit profiles, it is only the beginning of this new SS; expect more in the future.

CAUTION: The new SS is an attempt a true sequel to Tiberian Sun. Please talk to your doctor if you have had bouts of RAAGGGEEEE in the past, as this may be a sign of a serious over-reaction, that may result in lulz or death. If you continue to have such symptoms, please discontinue taking such posts seriously. Serious Business is not meant for everyone, including women who are pregnant, may become pregnant or are smoking. Men should not take serious business if they suffer from BAWWWWWitis or ED.