Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:43 am Post subject:
Feedback on v 1.3
Okay, tested it, and here's some feedback. Also, for all other, please use this topic as the main feedback topic :win:
-Cyborg Commando: I love the fact that it's back, but it's quite OP atm. It's projectiles are way faster then they where in TS, it has a faster RoF then the original, and I've seen it take down an Obelisk, an Avatar and several squads of Rocket Militia while being attacked by 2 Shredder Turrets, 4 Laser Turrets, an Obelisk, 2 Avatars (both with extra laser upgrade), and some Rocket Militia. I know it's supposed to be powerful, but taking down an Obelisk in 3 shots seems a bit too much
-Devil's Tongue Flame Tank: all I can say is that I love it, and I love the digging ability. It brings back that TS feeling. Good job on that.
-Sonic Tank/Disruptor: same as above. It ain't OP, nor is it too weak. I also like that you merged the old TS firing sound with the new one, and you tried to recreate the old sonic beam.
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:44 pm Post subject:
Re: Feedback on v 1.3
First round of feedback at last:
- Tib Core Missiles need to be added into the upgrade list for Tech Center's tooltip. Tiberium Shards need to be added into tech Assembler tooltip.
- Cyborg Commando is severely OP. 8 shots to kill a Mammoth, and around 2-3 for most structures... I'd really suggest cutting down its rate of fire. Also make it less powerful against buildings so that the main Commando's C4 still at least has some purpose.
- Just realised all cyborg units aren't affected by EMP. Intentional or not I dunno.
- Also just realised tunneling can be done on bridges. The unit will burrow and emerge beneath the bridge and then teleport to destination. Not sure if it can be coded to be non-usable on bridges.
- The issue with Banshee afterburners still on when landed still remains.
- the issue with Cobra treads still moving when it stops if issued an attack order while moving still remains.
- Medic is useless. Face it, he cannot resurrect dead squad members, meaning he is only limited to healing squad members who themselves have really little health anyway. With the Armoury able to restore entire squad, Medics are even more redundant.
- Did you change the projectiles for the GDI Commando? He now looks like he's firing autocannon rounds (look at the size of those tracers). If he's attacking a nearby target his weapon effect is essentially just a line appearing at the target, you don't really see stuff moving from the gun to the target. Might wanna cut the length of that tracer.
- Stalwart melee attack seems a little tedious to micro especially for such a close range unit. Perhaps it should simply be an alternate weapon mode (like firehawk missiles) and the rate of attack for the melee can be balanced accordingly. Being the only Scrin aliens who speak human words is also a little weird.
- Nice epic Catalyst cannon explosion. the initial burst kinds blocks out the beam though. Perhaps give the explosion and the radiating blue shockwave a 0.5 second time delay? In that split second at least people can see the beam.
list of suggestions or preferences:
- Remove the plasma blast from the Cyborg Commando's icon pic. IMO it'll look better without a green blob obscuring it.
- GDI riflemen now look too similar to Commando. My suggestion would be to give the Riflemen tan-coloured shoulder pads like the sniper.
- Might want to try changing some of the existing house colours for skirmish as a lot of the existing colours especially orange and purple don't look truly orange or purple on Nod/Scrin. For Stygs's TWA back then I suggested these:
Purple (R:101 G:58 B:175)
Orange (R:193 G:75 B:24)
Khaki (R:240 G:230 B:140) (good colour for GDI)
Green (R:44 G:149 B:44) (the default green is more closer to aquamarine)
- Drilling mechanism should move only when tunneling and come to a stop after tunneling is over.
- Suggest darken the white middles of the discs for the Disc Throwers, they are rather bright now and look a bit like Scrin plasma discs.
- Since the MK II and Cyborg Commando are purchased vis structures rather than summoned, I think the Mothership should be like that too, since it spawns from the Signal Transmitter anyway.
- Suggest widening the Disruptor's chassis. It looks sort of squeezed and compacted if you view it from the front or back. Also it might look better if the sonic projectile had a longer-lasting heat distortion effect which will trail backwards as the sonic blast travels, so you get a stream of heat distortion.
- If possible, remove the damage visual effects and SFX for tiberium exposure. Although the guys are getting poisoned, the blood spatter and SFX is clearly that of getting hit by gunfire. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Hallo, I'm a great fan of this mod, an her thanks to Carnius !!!
I have post already some comments on moddb, so after playing some party's, I will comment some things, and make my suggestions for possible 1.4:
+the blur Icon's are fixed, and you have made a nice Icon for the GDI-Wall
+the new Nod-Roller-Drills are great with there animations
+the new Nod Pyramid Building is very nice and fit really better in the concept of this mod
+short all the new Unites are great
+I was skeptic from removing some Unites for the Vanilla C&C but, the play-game become better
I here my suggestion for possible 1.4:
-make animation for the Rotors of the Orca-Bomber, some other Aircraft's have animation too, perhaps possible too use them?
-make a nicer NOD APC, in my eyes the only Unite that has not the quality of you other models
-I like the Orca-Bomber but I find it to powered with the rail guns, perhaps an other flying unite can get Rail guns and use the Orca-Bomber only as powerful bomber.
-the Textures of the Vanilla GDI Models has a more silver-Metallic color than your's
Possible bug in 1.3:
the Titan fire some time in a direction befor he was mooving in the direction
Ok for the moment that's all, it would be nice to hear the comments of other fan's, and the opinion of Carnius (are you F or M, i do not know what to use she or he) QUICK_EDIT
Cyborg Commando: I love the fact that it's back, but it's quite OP atm
Valdes wrote:
Cyborg Commando is severely OP. 8 shots to kill a Mammoth, and around 2-3 for most structures... I'd really suggest cutting down its rate of fire. Also make it less powerful against buildings so that the main Commando's C4 still at least has some purpose.
I agree CC needs to be rebalanced in more than firepower. He is also too vulnerable to sniper fire. I think that slower fire rate or less firepower and better armor vs sniper fire should fix that.
Valdes wrote:
Just realised all cyborg units aren't affected by EMP. Intentional or not I dunno.
Its not bug i just didn´t do that because they are infantry, but in second thought it might be reasonable, they are also half machine.
Valdes wrote:
Also just realised tunneling can be done on bridges. The unit will burrow and emerge beneath the bridge and then teleport to destination. Not sure if it can be coded to be non-usable on bridges.
I believe it is possible and really thought i did that, i have to check that part of code again.
Valdes wrote:
- The issue with Banshee afterburners still on when landed still remains.
- the issue with Cobra treads still moving when it stops if issued an attack order while moving still remains.
I´v got some problems with bashees afterburners, i keep working on it, but i forgot on cobra again! Have to put this in my to do list on top.
Valdes wrote:
- Medic is useless. Face it, he cannot resurrect dead squad members, meaning he is only limited to healing squad members who themselves have really little health anyway. With the Armoury able to restore entire squad, Medics are even more redundant.
Useless you say? I dont know. He provides support in front line. You do not need to get your troopers back to armory just when they got some damage. But he cant replenish lost soldiers that is probably impossible to code and i dont like that idea of reappearing troopers in the middle of battle.
But i was thinking about different use of medic before. How about make him squad member in way like nod confessor are? That you need upgrade which add medics to squads (except snipers and zone troopers). Just an idea.
Valdes wrote:
Did you change the projectiles for the GDI Commando? He now looks like he's firing autocannon rounds (look at the size of those tracers). If he's attacking a nearby target his weapon effect is essentially just a line appearing at the target, you don't really see stuff moving from the gun to the target. Might wanna cut the length of that tracer.
No, that is the TW original one I didnt put much care to commando because my changes on this unit do not affect commando in campaign. But i can cut the length of tracers, that is no problem.
Valdes wrote:
Stalwart melee attack seems a little tedious to micro especially for such a close range unit. Perhaps it should simply be an alternate weapon mode (like firehawk missiles) and the rate of attack for the melee can be balanced accordingly. Being the only Scrin aliens who speak human words is also a little weird.
This is merely desperate measure from my part because i was unable to make work that second option, it was still buggy so i did it this way.
Let me explain why they speak human words. My idea of Stalwarts is that they are something like alien special forces or guards with more independent thinking unlike other units which i consider as mindless bio-engineered creatures. We have seen some speaking aliens in cutscenes so there must be more brainy aliens behind who speak and not just squeak. So why not Stalwarts.
Valdes wrote:
Suggest darken the white middles of the discs for the Disc Throwers, they are rather bright now and look a bit like Scrin plasma discs.
I have them like you suggest, but they where hard to spot so i highlighted their mid section for better contrast.
And thank you Valdes for colors i will check them out and also i will consider your other suggestions, most of them sounds reasonable. QUICK_EDIT
make a nicer NOD APC, in my eyes the only Unite that has not the quality of you other models
I will reconsider my nod apc, its one of my oldest models, it really deserve some adjustments.
I like the Orca-Bomber but I find it to powered with the rail guns, perhaps an other flying unite can get Rail guns and use the Orca-Bomber only as powerful bomber.
You mean minigun? Becouse she got no railguns at all. But bombers this size usually carry some additional weaponry like miniguns for self defence (good example is A-10 thunderhawk)
the Textures of the Vanilla GDI Models has a more silver-Metallic color than your's
Im not sure what you mean can you be more specific?
Possible bug in 1.3: the Titan fire some time in a direction befor he was mooving in the direction
Its original TW bug, same thing does mammoth tank and others. I dont know how to fix that.
(are you F or M, i do not know what to use she or he)
You can use He, im man
BTW anyone know about mods made by girls? It appears to be man-only business. Im quite sure im wrong but curious too. QUICK_EDIT
Useless you say? I dont know. He provides support in front line. You do not need to get your troopers back to armory just when they got some damage. But he cant replenish lost soldiers that is probably impossible to code and i dont like that idea of reappearing troopers in the middle of battle.
But i was thinking about different use of medic before. How about make him squad member in way like nod confessor are? That you need upgrade which add medics to squads (except snipers and zone troopers). Just an idea.
Problem with medic is that in a RTS system with squad, he will not work, because he cannot restore a unit to proper full health..
if it's a game like Generals, one infantry unit only has 1 man, so you can heal that one man and the unit gets to full health.
however if you use squads, one infantry unit will contain many men, as long as you cannot replace the dead men, the whole unit itself cannot be healed to full health, medic can only heal single people and it will not make much difference because the squad still lacking in men, fewer men = less firepower.
Carnius wrote:
We have seen some speaking aliens in cutscenes
I may be wrong but I think in those cutscenes the aliens speaking English is representing you as an alien being able to understand their alien language.
Carnius wrote:
You mean minigun? Becouse she got no railguns at all. But bombers this size usually carry some additional weaponry like miniguns for self defence (good example is A-10 thunderhawk)
I think he was referring more towards gameplay balance than accuracy to realism. For example in real life tanks have at least 1 machine gun on their turrets and smoke grenades too, but you don't see those in C&C games. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Actually I'm sure he knows. Look at his mega cyborg infantry models!
Although he did stick a MG on the Pred so it's a tad more realistic, although maybe not because it's a gatling MG! _________________
The white lady~! Last edited by Valdez on Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:52 pm; edited 3 times in total QUICK_EDIT
You mean minigun? Becouse she got no railguns at all. But bombers this size usually carry some additional weaponry like miniguns for self defence (good example is A-10 thunderhawk)
Thunderhawk? You're daydreaming
Hmm...well. The Cyborg Commando is TOO overpowered.
That's all. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Useless you say? I dont know. He provides support in front line. You do not need to get your troopers back to armory just when they got some damage. But he cant replenish lost soldiers that is probably impossible to code and i dont like that idea of reappearing troopers in the middle of battle.
But i was thinking about different use of medic before. How about make him squad member in way like nod confessor are? That you need upgrade which add medics to squads (except snipers and zone troopers). Just an idea.
You know what would be better? A vehicle that can deploy in a small structure where the infantry can gain new troops like the armory. QUICK_EDIT
You know what would be better? A vehicle that can deploy in a small structure where the infantry can gain new troops like the armory.
I think there can be some way to make that work for outposts. Have a "Field Infirmary" upgrade, which, after purchased, allows squads to enter outposts to heal or replenish squad members. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
I hope you can see it on the screenshot:
It is more the Mammoth Tank that has a more Silver Texture than all the other GDI Unities. It would be nice to get there a Texture that fir more with the other Unites.
For the Orca-Bomber Mini-Gun, yes I think it is more for game play. If I play against the GDI I like to use Rocket-Troops to protect my base in the beginning of a game, against Aircrafts. Because they a cheap, and fast produced. But in that Situation the Orca-Bomber are to powerfull, because they kill the Rocket-trooper before they launch there Rockets. QUICK_EDIT
You sure that isn't just you with Kane Edition skins enabled? The GDI Kane Edition skins are that colour you know...
btw Carnius any plans to overhaul Obelisk design? With the GDI stuff done I was thinking the obelisk could be the next in line of meh stuff that gets redesigned.
One thing I personally didn't like about the Obelisk in C&C 3 was how it seemed to be nothing more than a spike coming out from the ground. The TS one which had a base around the obelisk looked nicer.
In fact I have a redesign concept here:
Maybe you can adapt stuff from it should you be redesigning the Obelisk. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
I think there can be some way to make that work for outposts. Have a "Field Infirmary" upgrade, which, after purchased, allows squads to enter outposts to heal or replenish squad members.
Good idea but this is not code able
The only option is make it as default ability. Maybe make outpost "Field Infirmary" and remove repair ability for balance, gdi got battle base.
Valdes wrote
btw Carnius any plans to overhaul Obelisk design? With the GDI stuff done I was thinking the obelisk could be the next in line of meh stuff that gets redesigned.
Not any time soon, but this is very nice concept, i will think about it.
What really bothers me right now is that horrible liquid tiberium core upgrade for nod power plant, i have to do about it something. QUICK_EDIT
Valdes wrote
Maybe make outpost "Field Infirmary" and remove repair ability for balance, gdi got battle base.
Sounds good. Scrin can use Corruptors or their Repair Drone power to field-repair so they won't be affected by lack of repair drones on outposts.. Nod is the issue... maybe a Technician unit (they did have something like that in Renegade) that can repair vehicles (and maybe civilian buildings too. Stygs did that for Engineers in TWA)
Carnius wrote:
Valdes wrote
What really bothers me right now is that horrible liquid tiberium core upgrade for nod power plant, i have to do about it something.
Can't really think of anything detailed for that I'm afraid, maybe something like a cylinder-shaped "reactor core" with glowing green vents perhaps... who knows... _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
First off all I want to say that this mod is awesome (special tanks for adding the disruptor)
but i have some questions/request:
Will scrin get more units? right now it feels like they have barely been touched. sure the 2 new units they got right now are awesome but I was just wondering
Are there any plans of changing the refinery, harvester and silo to make them look more tiberian sun like? I mean with new tiberium needs t come new resource structures right?
Could the predator tank's model be changed to look more like the medium tank from TD? same goes for mammoth it would look better between all the new GDI units.
Is the APC going to be replaced by a hover APC? just wondering if this will happen because it will look kinda silly if GDI only has 1 hover vehicle
I don't know if this is already in the mod because I haven't taken the time to test it but could infantry that dies in tiberium field spawn visceroids? and of course: will there be more tib lifeforms in future patches?
also when the disruptor firers you hear the sound from the TS disruptor and TW sonic tower. I was wondering if you could delete the sonic tower sound so that only the TS disruptor sound can be heard? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Is the APC going to be replaced by a hover APC? just wondering if this will happen because it will look kinda silly if GDI only has 1 hover vehicle
In Tiberian Sun they did only have 1 hover vehicle...
And in case you didn't know, Essence's hover units aren't amphibious anyway, so hovering would just be purely aesthetic.
Gwandi110 wrote:
Could the predator tank's model be changed to look more like the medium tank from TD?
Chronosheep's been there, done that.
You can see this Predator in TWA, aside from that I doubt anywhere else.
Besides I doubt redesigning the predator is a priority anyway since carnius removed it from the main units. I myself earlier posed a suggestion for an obelisk redesign and he confirmed there were no plans to redesign at the moment. Regarding your comment on the refinery I think carnius mentioned before on moddb that he doesn't intend to turn Essence into Tiberian Sun in 3D (that's the job of Tiberian Sun Rising mod anyway)
Gwandi110 wrote:
also when the disruptor firers you hear the sound from the TS disruptor and TW sonic tower. I was wondering if you could delete the sonic tower sound so that only the TS disruptor sound can be heard?
This is really up to Carnius's own preference. If someone else were to say he likes it the way it is (I could be that someone because I do like it the way it is ;p ) what's gonna happen? _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
well then let's hope carnius agrees with me I just prefer to have 1 firing sound instead of 2 also that predator looks awesome.
also the hover APC would be faster then the normal APC and in TS hover tech was experimental and since this isn't TS anymore it would make sense for GDI to have more hover vehicles
and I don't want to look refs and stuff like they did in TS it is just that I never really liked the ref/harv/silo design in TW. I was just asking if he was planning to change them since he also changed the nod tech center
I also have one question about the bloodhounds support power (the one that calls in 3 predator tanks) it says it gives you 3 veteran tanks but instead gives you normal tanks (without veterancy) or does the "veteran" part refer to the machine gun? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
also the hover APC would be faster then the normal APC and in TS hover tech was experimental and since this isn't TS anymore it would make sense for GDI to have more hover vehicles
Won't that affect gameplay balance? You do know this APC already packs a MG plus passenger fire capability... _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
also the hover APC would be faster then the normal APC and in TS hover tech was experimental and since this isn't TS anymore it would make sense for GDI to have more hover vehicles
Won't that affect gameplay balance? You do know this APC already packs a MG plus passenger fire capability...
Hover vehicles have less armour then thread vehicles and also I never said it should have a MG or passenger fire capability maybe it was traded in for a little extra armour _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Might need EXPERT OF TEH SOUNDZ to identify which tracks work for ambient and which for combat. For example, Slave to the System would work better as combat track while most TS tracks would be more for ambient... actually there's no need for an expert, anything that's loud and/or with a fast tempo = combat track. :p _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Will scrin get more units? right now it feels like they have barely been touched. sure the 2 new units they got right now are awesome but I was just wondering
I hope so, but create new scrin unit its more difficult and requires more thinking and time, so please be patient.
Gwandi110 wrote:
Are there any plans of changing the refinery, harvester and silo to make them look more tiberian sun like? I mean with new tiberium needs t come new resource structures right?
Absolutely no, if there is something i dont like on TS it is actually harvester, refinery and silo, IMHO they are worst than TD version which i prefer at most, but EA version is also good enough.
Gwandi110 wrote:
Could the predator tank's model be changed to look more like the medium tank from TD? same goes for mammoth it would look better between all the new GDI units.
I don't feel any need to change them, they both got interesting futuristic look and I personally prefer EA mammoth tank design above anything I'v seen so far.
Gwandi110 wrote:
Is the APC going to be replaced by a hover APC? just wondering if this will happen because it will look kinda silly if GDI only has 1 hover vehicle
also the hover APC would be faster then the normal APC and in TS hover tech was experimental and since this isn't TS anymore it would make sense for GDI to have more hover vehicles
I totally agree, GDI should have more hover units than just MLRS. Hover APC is challenging idea and worth of try out. Also, most people complain that TW apc doesnt looks like real apc anyway and call for replacement so why not change its very essence and make it hover instead of another wheeled truck (like TS version).
Gwandi110 wrote:
I don't know if this is already in the mod because I haven't taken the time to test it but could infantry that dies in tiberium field spawn visceroids? and of course: will there be more tib lifeforms in future patches?
My experiments with viceroids was failure so i put it aside, but maybe i will return to this in future. More tib life forms is something i like to see too, so maybe yes.
Gwandi110 wrote:
also when the disruptor firers you hear the sound from the TS disruptor and TW sonic tower. I was wondering if you could delete the sonic tower sound so that only the TS disruptor sound can be heard?
I can´t comply, i prefer this way, even the shockwave should create some sound and sonic emitter sound fits quite well. QUICK_EDIT
I totally agree, GDI should have more hover units than just MLRS. Hover APC is challenging idea and worth of try out. Also, most people complain that TW apc doesnt looks like real apc anyway and call for replacement so why not change its very essence and make it hover instead of another wheeled truck (like TS version).
Heh I actually liked the wheeled truck from TS, at least it did have an APC look. I agree the APC in C&C 3 looks really weird and flimsy, would've preferred a sturdier-looking design like the TS version or even this
Ok... Here's what you do.
You model the TS APC.
Stick a dual MG turret on and basically make it a messed with TW APC, then you say coas it has an effing heavy turret on it it don't float anymore. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Ok... Here's what you do.
you say coas it has an effing heavy turret on it it don't float anymore.
There are tanks in real life which have actual effing heavy turrets and stuff and they have amphibious capability (eg. Type 63A)
Besides there isn't a need to explain why stuff can't float. Recall hover units in this game don't float on water either.
That APC I posted is a Groundhog from the BF2142 game which has a lot of pretty sweet futuristic unit designs. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 26 Dec 2008 Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:24 am Post subject:
Valdez wrote:
That APC I posted is a Groundhog from the BF2142 game which has a lot of pretty sweet futuristic unit designs.
That reminds me on something what happened long time ago (when was BF2142 released) some C&C fans coined new name for BF2142, and that name was BF Tiberian Sun QUICK_EDIT
For the more hover vehicles subject; why don't you make an upgrade to the disruptor allowing it to hover like the shatterer in Kanes Wrath?
"Due to time constraints, the vehicle the turret was mounted upon was a simple treaded vehicle, similar to the ones used for the Mobile Construction Vehicles making it slow."
Taking into account that quote it would make sence time line wise aswell, by the 3rd Tib War they probably would have made a hovering version, even if it is only available as an upgrade. QUICK_EDIT
what i never understood is when they released TW first and said "oh noe gdi abandoned hover technology because it was unstable and had flaws especially in ion storms".....then they put the "advanced Zocom" into KW wich fought tiberium and was the most straight forward subfaction of gdi in terms of technology, they used disruptor tech specially in red zones...uhm...with hover red zones...okay because specially in red zones the chance of ion storms hitting is it doesn't make any sense _________________ Hydraw Art on Facebook QUICK_EDIT
what i never understood is when they released TW first and said "oh noe gdi abandoned hover technology because it was unstable and had flaws especially in ion storms".....then they put the "advanced Zocom" into KW wich fought tiberium and was the most straight forward subfaction of gdi in terms of technology, they used disruptor tech specially in red zones...uhm...with hover red zones...okay because specially in red zones the chance of ion storms hitting is it doesn't make any sense
Yeah, and to my knowledge in the entire game there aren’t any natural ion storms, only the Scrins. Also those huge Tib glaciers, I believe they're called, aren't toxic. How the hell does that work?
But anywho, since the time of posting that, I thought; that you could also do the same thing for the APC (as in an upgrade) so you can have 1 upgrade for both the APC and disrupter that increases speed by making them hover. (Calling the upgrade HoverTech of course)
Useless you say? I dont know. He provides support in front line. You do not need to get your troopers back to armory just when they got some damage. But he cant replenish lost soldiers that is probably impossible to code and i dont like that idea of reappearing troopers in the middle of battle.
But i was thinking about different use of medic before. How about make him squad member in way like nod confessor are? That you need upgrade which add medics to squads (except snipers and zone troopers). Just an idea.
those huge Tib glaciers, I believe they're called, aren't toxic. How the hell does that work?
The whole mechanism behind EA's Tiberium is wonky inside-out.
It's supposedly self-replicating, but a patch of Tiberium (eg. from Tib Seeding) never expands in size.
It's supposed to slowly break down any matter within physical contact, yet Tiberium does no harm to even the most lightly-armoured vehicles and can somehow be safely stored in liquid form inside exposed vats on refineries. And somehow Nod can infuse it into humans and they won't start breaking down at the atomic level...
It's supposed to be stoppable by sonic resonance but logically all that would do is break crystals into smaller pieces which can still individually continue to transmutate anything within contact. The new Tiberium is sort of like antimatter, as long as it touches anything, shit will start to fly, the only difference is perhaps human flesh transmutates faster than zone trooper armour, etc.
IMO, the decision to change the Tiberium has irreversibly screwed with the continuity. I doubt anyone out there can explain how and why the change occurred within 4 years (KW's first mission in 2034 already showed the Tiberium had changed)
EA's Sam Bass has mentioned (in a fan video during KW community summit) that no official explanation has been made yet...
...basically it's a dead end, can't go back to the old Tiberium or it's become even crazier (everything magically changes back after several years in the new form) and trying to explain the change would most likely result in some semi-lame description of how Tiberium evolved even though it stayed pretty much the same for over 30 years before C&C 3.
Essentially what EA is doing to the Tiberium would be like Ensemble doing Halo Wars and revamping the Sangheili (Elites) while only keeping a few key stuff (yeah like maybe 2 arms and 2 legs) similar to how EA only preserved the fact that Tiberium has green and blue crystals while everything else is practically different:
what i never understood is when they released TW first and said "oh noe gdi abandoned hover technology because it was unstable and had flaws especially in ion storms".....then they put the "advanced Zocom" into KW wich fought tiberium and was the most straight forward subfaction of gdi in terms of technology, they used disruptor tech specially in red zones...uhm...with hover red zones...okay because specially in red zones the chance of ion storms hitting is it doesn't make any sense
Yeah that's another stupid thing, kinda shows the indecisiveness of EA in general. I mean c'mon you lay down the fact that mechs and hover tech got phased out for certain reasons, least you can do is stick to your own established concepts. Instead EA caved in to fan whining and brought back stuff which was removed, creating a contradiction.
There's no turning back from this, C&C 3 with all its flaws and errors is still considered canon. EA could redo the third tiberium war in a brand new RTS that could be a proper sequel to TS, but they won't. Only way to go for them is forward. they will make a sequel to C&C 3 instead, you can be sure of it. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:44 pm Post subject:
I like the blood sprays, My CNC3 to my knowledge didnt so much as give a spray of blood when my men got shot at. I suppose it has to do with the LOD. But kickass work btw keep it up QUICK_EDIT
EA's Sam Bass has mentioned (in a fan video during KW community summit) that no official explanation has been made yet...
...basically it's a dead end, can't go back to the old Tiberium or it's become even crazier (everything magically changes back after several years in the new form) and trying to explain the change would most likely result in some semi-lame description of how Tiberium evolved even though it stayed pretty much the same for over 30 years before C&C 3.
Yeah, and the worst result after this "evolution" is that blue tiberium looks like starcraft minerals, im starcraft fan but i dont need them in cnc game, it feels seriously wrong.
But it doesnt matter anymore, thanks to mod SDK you can change EA tiberium to tiberium true to canon.
Vancer2 wrote:
I like the blood sprays, My CNC3 to my knowledge didnt so much as give a spray of blood when my men got shot at. I suppose it has to do with the LOD. But kickass work btw keep it up
There is no red blood in vanilla cnc3, not because LOD i believe (aliens bleeding normally), but because violence issue. You know how society reacts on violent games and there are countries on this world when violent games cant be sold out. They really believe that violent games turn innocent people in to psycho killers and their prohibition fix that problem, but as we all know it will not. I add blood and gore because it is more realistic and because it is more fun too but despite that i dont enjoy violence in real world, i believe that violence belongs in computer games and movies where nobody gets hurt. QUICK_EDIT
Yeah, and the worst result after this "evolution" is that blue tiberium looks like starcraft minerals, im starcraft fan but i dont need them in cnc game, it feels seriously wrong.
But it doesnt matter anymore, thanks to mod SDK you can change EA tiberium to tiberium true to canon.
Actually it does matter. The changes have left their mark on the canon, and it's now permanently affected. EA wouldn't attempt to reboot the series or even make another alternate sequel to TS (think something like the new Star Trek movie which has links to older series due to time travel but is essentially fresh start). Modders can do their own stuff but it's not official. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Actually it does matter. The changes have left their mark on the canon, and it's now permanently affected. EA wouldn't attempt to reboot the series or even make another alternate sequel to TS (think something like the new Star Trek movie which has links to older series due to time travel but is essentially fresh start). Modders can do their own stuff but it's not official.
I just want to be optimistic, like with mods its not yet everything lost. Of course you right, no mod can fix damage EA caused on tiberium series. QUICK_EDIT
I've been playing it all evening, and I've been thinking. How about a Orca Command Craft (known as the Kodiak in Tib Sun), built from the Dropship Command same as the Mammoth Mark 2. Arm it with the same anti infantry cannon as the mammy and 3 garison slots. Obviously it can fly, so think of it as a heavy flying infantry transport. I know it's highly unlikely that you'd have time, or probably even want to do it, but I do love the Kodiak.
To those who can't remember here's an image:
How about having it as a mobile superweapon? Let it call in orca strikes every X minutes, better than putting it in combat IMO. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
There were more mobile command centers than the kodiak. They're whole class of vessel, "kodiak" is the name of one, like destroyers and B2 bombers have names. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Indeed, McNeil even got a replacement in the third Tib War. Called the Huron.
As for balance, they would both be very expensive and have a very long build time. Also it isn't so much of a combat vehicle than a armed transport craft. (However as units can fire out, if you put Zone Troopers in it'd be very powerfull.) QUICK_EDIT
As for balance, they would both be very expensive and have a very long build time. Also it isn't so much of a combat vehicle than a armed transport craft. (However as units can fire out, if you put Zone Troopers in it'd be very powerfull.)
Ugh, bad idea. It's a command craft... not a combat transport. to be honest it'd be best used as some sort of mobile sw/production hub. That'd be a better use, allow it to purchase airstrikes and drp pod/ship reinforcements. That'd be a better use of it than a combat transport. It'd need weaknesses, it's been shown how they're vulnerable to ion storms, and IIRC banshees caused it problems, there you go, fighters are its counter. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
As for balance, they would both be very expensive and have a very long build time. Also it isn't so much of a combat vehicle than a armed transport craft. (However as units can fire out, if you put Zone Troopers in it'd be very powerfull.)
Ugh, bad idea. It's a command craft... not a combat transport. to be honest it'd be best used as some sort of mobile sw/production hub. That'd be a better use, allow it to purchase airstrikes and drp pod/ship reinforcements. That'd be a better use of it than a combat transport. It'd need weaknesses, it's been shown how they're vulnerable to ion storms, and IIRC banshees caused it problems, there you go, fighters are its counter.
You're suggesting something like a mobile barracks, very good idea actually, but would it be codeable? QUICK_EDIT
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